HEYO, MATES! I've been thinking, why the fuck has nobody made a mod to change Vic2's shortcuts or implement new ones yet? Welp, since nobody did it, Here I am!


  1. "ENTER" Has no use for now, it's all "c" to procceed with diplomacy actions, or to any other type of event/decision/message that pops up where you're required to press ENTER as a shortcut.
  2. Press "v" to load/unload units to transports, and when you are with a bunch of transports selected, you can press "v" again to select the attached units in it... basically press v to load in, take the boats, lead it to where ya want and press v to select the troops in it and click in a province so that the the units may move, if the transports are docked you can just press v again and the troops jump off!

The mod changes:
"Victoria 2/interface/

Don't use a mod which changes the files above, it will obviously have incompatibilities.

And yes, I plan to integrate/change more shortcuts in the future! And if ya want me to make a compatible version with a mod that changes the interface, then making this mod incompatible, I shall provide another compatible version as well... Anyway, give me suggestions, other mod versions and such.

(I never tried some huge mods for Vic 2, so idk if they already did something about changing the shortcuts, so for e, I'm the first one who did a standalone mod for the shortcuts... so nope, I'm not copying anyone's idea , if there is someone who made this before me... cheers!)

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The Ideal ShortCuts 1.6

The Ideal ShortCuts 1.6

Patch 2 comments

fixing my own stupidty lmao, anyway, just some minimal changes that were required...

The Ideal ShortCuts 1.5

The Ideal ShortCuts 1.5

Patch 1 comment

Yay, LOTS of new shortcuts to us!.................

The Ideal ShortCuts

The Ideal ShortCuts

Full Version 7 comments

The 1.0 version of the mod! Works totally fine and shit.

Guest - - 706,074 comments

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Guest - - 706,074 comments

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zionifl - - 22 comments

Is there a Build Railroad shortcut? Nice mod, by the way :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
YashaCarry07 - - 115 comments

Oh finally, something that makes Victoria 2's shortcuts more comparable with the modern games.

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JesusFreakk Creator
JesusFreakk - - 38 comments

YEAH RIGHT? I'm playing this game for years now... But never thought of changing the shortcuts but I was always complaining about these damn bad shortcuts! xD
Anyway, take the updated version! IT adds lots of more shortcuts!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BagofMilk07 - - 25 comments

Cheers for the Mod

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JesusFreakk Creator
JesusFreakk - - 38 comments

Feel free to recommend new shortcuts!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 706,074 comments

hola quisiera decirte que porque no cambias los botones para abrir la consola ya que estoy en una laptop y aqui no se puede abrir la consola

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JesusFreakk Creator
JesusFreakk - - 38 comments

¡Hola amigo! Entonces, todo lo relacionado con la "consola" se llama "hardcoded", algo que es básicamente imposible de cambiar sin las herramientas de los desarrolladores del juego ... En lo que te puedo ayudar es en recomendarte la aplicación: "autohotkey"
En él, después de la instalación, "establecería" la clave en "~" (la tecla que abre la consola) en algo diferente ... Digamos como, le dice a la aplicación que siempre que presione "ENTER" en realidad ser un "~", ¿entendido?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
JesusFreakk Creator
JesusFreakk - - 38 comments

Você poderia tentar pressionar "Shift + ´" e em seguida "Shift + ^"
Eu também uso notebook, e como o botão de "~" é "secundário", você precisa primeirar fazer um shift click em outra tecla pra dps fzr o msm shift click na tecla que tem o "~".

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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