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Patch 1.1 Bugs (Games : Return To Castle Wolfenstein : Mods : The Dark Army: Uprising : Forum : Report : Patch 1.1 Bugs) Locked
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Dec 25 2016 Anchor

I found more bugs in today's patch release.

1. Most interactive doors don't stay open for long before shutting. In the case of the screenshot below, a soldier was camping in a doorway, which made the door repeatedly try to close without success. It made a nasty racket too.

In order to fix this, you must place the trigger_aidoor entity on all interactive doors that use the func_door_rotating entity. Look at the escape1 and escape2 maps in Radiant to see how this is done. It's really easy, and I utilized it on my more recent releases.


2. Sometimes the lopers walk or run in place while the Nazis or the player can freely kill them. Try adjusting the AI script for the lopers.


3. If the player is standing in this room, it's possible for him to become trapped if the switch on the wall is activated from a certain angle. The glass door and green metal door are both locked and the player is trapped on the screenshot below.


4. What is the point of this room here? A switch opens a door to this room, but it's completely empty. In the previous version of TDA, there was a venom soldier here. Perhaps you should add another enemy, or an item here (health, ammo, armor, etc...).


5. The Proto Soldiers on the final level (during the Super Soldier fight) just appear out of nowhere. Add a door or something to make their appearance believable.

6. The enemy soldiers are still using a dialogue in the French language for their "attack sound". I can email you a replacement that is in English if you want.

7. The final level appears to have the shader overflow bug. Strange images appear on the screen when the player is shot, instead of the usual blood splatters.

That's the more important bugs that I could find, but I know that there are plenty of small bugs as well.

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