This is a mod that I've been working on to make the alien's sounds and movements quieter or silent.

This mod is inspired from Walter Valerie's "Silent Alien Mod":

The original mod created another empty ALIEN.BNK file with Wwise and replaced the original to get the effect of a silent alien. The problem I had with this is it made the alien completely silent to the point it didn't match within the game and felt too unrealistic so jumping in and out of vents in front of you the alien made absolutely no sounds and when hit with flame thrower, it also removed certain key scripted/environmental sounds produced by the Alien (distant screeches, in vents, etc) from the game that add to the atmosphere and immersion of the game. My method I edited the original BNK files and removed individual sounds as well as replacing additional related WEM files in the SOUND folder. All snarls, growls, grunts, and screams while the alien is roaming or spots the player have been completely removed. The alien still screeches in pain when hit with fire and makes vent noises and some movement sounds can be heard when it is very close by the player. The one drawback from my method and original mod is the Alien seems to be mostly quiet while also killing NPCs, though when editing I had not removed any of the unpacked WEM files that were remotely indicative of the alien attacking (screams/screeches/death encounters/etc), my only guess it has something to do with some code present in the original BNK.
Foot steps/running is currently completely silent as I have yet to figure out how to replace the sounds with edited versions, but I do have the ability to replace sounds with other original WEM files. I also have identified other sounds that I would like to add as optionally removed/replaced such as facehugger screeches and sounds made by the alien while up in the vents.
My hope is to repack a new Alien soundbank with muffled footstep and vent audio files. I was very thorough while going through all the WEM files listening to each individually and have played extensively and tested player/alien encounters and have not run into any weird issues or out of place sounds so far.

Feel free to message here if you'd like to help with development!

Images credit: de:mo

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Stalker Alien Version 1

Stalker Alien Version 1

Audio Pack 1 comment

This is a mod that makes the alien's sounds and movements quieter or silent. This mod requires you to rely more heavily on the Motion Tracker to avoid...

Comments  (0 - 10 of 15)
StillCollating - - 3 comments

Since this is an older post, you probably won't see this message, but if you do, I sent you a private message asking you about this mod.

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Guest - - 705,818 comments

Is it possible to remove the sound the alien makes when jumps down from a vent or jumps up into a vent?

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yuiru Creator
yuiru - - 4 comments

YES, I have been away from this site a long while but I can check and try to update this to include the option.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Noise - - 4 comments

Really cool mod thank you! I am going to replay the game now. I hope you keep working to make the mod perfect.

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StillCollating - - 3 comments

Great mod! I've been looking for something like this. I only installed the ALIEN.BNK file so only the footsteps are silent and I love how the game feels now. I've played the game so many times and now I'll have a new fresh experience because of this mod. Thanks a lot!

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Guest - - 705,818 comments

Hello there,

may i ask if this mod is compatible with the Unpredictable Alien mod? It looks like the perfect couple for me

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yuiru Creator
yuiru - - 4 comments

Yes, I have tested it with it!

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Guest - - 705,818 comments


First of all thank you for creating this mod. I really love the idea behind it - a 'silent' alien is too unrealistic but I also think the loud footsteps are even more unrealistic.

I like how you left in the certain noises the alien makes. HOWEVER, please could you reinstate the snarls, growls, grunts and screams the alien makes?

It is possible to have ONLY the silent/quieter footsteps without any other alien sounds removed?

Thanks again, great work.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
yuiru Creator
yuiru - - 4 comments

Thanks for your comment.
Yes it is possible to keep the original alien sounds, during my progress I did catalog many of the sound file names associated. But actually for what I think you are asking for all you will have to do is just only replace the ALIEN.BNK file with the one I provide and not replace any of the .wem files found in DATA/SOUND, as all steps and stomping are encoded only in ALIEN.BNK.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 705,818 comments

Thank you soooo much.

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