It can be considered a hybrid between mod and scenario. There have been many changes made to the core
game, and each integrates with the static map in order to make a better overall experience. This mod is tied
in deeply with the map it's played on, and cannot be played without this unique world map.
A brief account of the features of Rhye's and Fall of Civilization:
- A 124x68 world map with enlarged Europe for better gameplay
- Dynamic rise and fall of civilizations
- Players can control more than one civilization in a single game
- Dynamic spread of resources
- Reprogrammed AI that adapts its behaviour to the Earth map and founds cities in their historical
place, with their historical name
- Python events that reproduce historical barbarian attacks
- Unique powers and victory conditions for each civilization
- World Congresses where cities are traded
- New flags and new terrain graphics, including a new terrain: marshes
- Rule changes that will give this mod the feel of the original Rhye’s of Civilization
This mod requires Civilization IV patched to 1.61. It is also currently not compatible with the
Warlords expansion (coming soon).
If any custom assets are installed, they may interfere with the mod and not allow it to run properly.

Read me :

To install the mod, unzip the file in ...your Civ4 folder...\Mods\
Then, start Civilization, go to ADVANCED, then LOAD A MOD, select Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization.
After the mod loads, SINGLE PLAYER, PLAY A SCENARIO, and then load Rhye’s and Fall of
In Rhye's and Fall of Civilization, each civilization has its own starting date. When starting a new game,
keep in mind that the AI will play through the game until the point when the civilization you chose is born.
If you want to start a game immediately, choose Egypt, India, or China.
All the rest of the civilizations will be born later on, so if you choose them you’ll have to await their
starting year (which you can see in the selection screen when starting the game). It will take a few minutes
for the game to start if you select an early civilization, like Greece or Rome, and can take as long as an hour
for America on some computers, starting in 1605.
If you did not choose one of the first three civilizations, you will find the world around you is already welldeveloped
and very much alive, as the AI has played through the game so far. Every time your civilization
is born you will find a new world, unlike the ones you've played in before, even if you play the same
civilization again and again. Every civilization starts with technology and units appropriate to its historical
If you want to play a later civilization but don't want the world to unfold without you, Rhye's and Fall of
Civilization has just the option for you: the dynamic switch. Once in every game, when a new civilization
is born, you are allowed to relinquish your control of the civilization you started with, and take control of
the newly-born civilization. Whenever a new civilization is born you will see a popup like this:
If you answer YES, your civilization will be taken over by the AI and you’ll get control of the newly born
empire. Once you've agreed to do this once, you won't be given the choice again in that game, so plan
You have yet another option if you want to avoid waiting through long startup times, made especially for
America: on this page: you will find the link to a
collection of savegames, updated to the latest version, provided by other users. This way you get a game
that has already been generated, instead of waiting for a new game to be generated! The more savegames
available, the more variability you get.

There are only three levels (Viceroy, Monarch, Emperor), but they are adaptive to each civilization. In
other words, India on Monarch level has very different handicaps from Germany on the Monarch level. The
handicaps have been tuned based on AI performance in order to balance the advantage / disadvantage of
starting on particular terrain, in a particular year.
However, differences still remain, and you should also remember that choosing a Native American or
African civ usually means a bigger challenge than choosing a European civ. In this mod the choice of civ is
still more important than the choice of difficulty level.
You can get an idea about strengths and weaknesses of each civilization on the selection screen: each
aspect of the civilization's strength is rated 1 to 5 stars. You will find strategy guides useful as well, to
familiarize yourself with a civilization's situation before jumping in to control it.
Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization is officially follow-up to “Rhye’s Civilization – the fastest loading mod”,
which was widely known as one of the most popular modpacks for Civilization III, with more than 25,000
downloads, available in two versions: “basic” and “expanded”.
The basic version
aimed at making a
realistic and
historically correct
Civilization III based
on an Earth map,
without pre-placed
cities. The expanded version expanded the game in every sense, correcting any inaccuracy and making a
sort of “Civ 3 ½” out of it.
So, Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization is the sequel to the basic Rhye’s of Civ, and this means that its aim is
not a whole remake of Civilization IV, but just an adjustment to follow closely the development of
civilizations on the Earth. This mod, thanks to the great flexibility of Civ4, is really what we wished Rhye’s
of Civilization would be, given a decent editor.
And the stuff added in the “expanded” version? Fortunately Civ4 is a much better game than Civ3, so it
won't need as much rebalancing. But as it offers amazing modability, it would be a shame not to take
advantage of it to add new aspects to the game. As a result, some "expanded" features are always in the
works at any given time, but they normally have rather low priority.
Rhye’s Civilization was also known as “the fastest loading mod”…is this mod that fast?
The answer is yes, in comparison to other Earth maps. Generally Earth maps are insanely big to achieve a
decent level of detail, and an increment in map size leads to great a increase of area, with a huge increase in
loading times and allocated memory; some world maps are smaller, but can’t handle many civs because so
many of them are concentrated in a small area such as Europe.
So, this map, with (as you will see below) an enlarged Europe, offers the best compromise. Loading times
are further reduced by limiting the number of civilizations around at the same time through the dynamic
rise and fall mechanisms (detailed in a later section of this readme).

You will see many traits in common with old Rhye’s of Civilization: barbarian placement, city distribution,
alignment of the tech race with the timeline, the general feel…
Rhye's Earth map , the map that ships with Civilization IV, is the starting point of the one used in this mod.
It is similar in some ways to the Civ3 one, except for being more detailed in some areas (such as the
Pacific) but being smaller. Civilization IV maps are in fact usually smaller (due to the transition to 3D).
This map is no exception, being 124x68, that is 8432 squares (compared to Rhye's of Civilization Earth,
that was 170x170 diamonds, that is an area of 14450 diamonds).
During the creation of this map, the key goals were:
 an adequate level of detail
 an adequate speed
 an adequate playability
This heavily depends on the projection used.
No projection is “good” or “bad”. They're just different representations of a sphere on a plane.
But one can be more suitable than another for the purpose of a Civ map that suffers from enormous sizes
and has a lot of civs in a small area (Europe and the Middle East).
So, like RoC's Earth, this map is based on Robinson's projection.

As it isn't a rectangle, it must be cut. The parts left out are just a slice of ocean (there's plenty of ocean
anyway), parts of Alaska and Greenland, and the poles (CIV maps feature ice caps that will cover the
regions anyway). New Zealand was re-added later.

It fulfills the goals much better than the well known Miller's projection:

Further improvements include connecting Alaska with the eastern tip of Asia (obtained by stretching the 4
corners), shrinking the size of oceans, and enlarging Japan and England for gameplay.
Resource placement, as well as terrain, is 100% accurate.
So, at the end of the day, making a map better than that is a very hard task.
However this mod required an adaptation from the original World Map by Rhye, which shipped with the
game. The things that have changed are the shape of Europe (a bit larger to allow a better development for
so many civs in a small area), improved resource placement and the placement of marshes all around the

Like the name suggests, the central theme to Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization is the simulation of historical
civilizations’ roller coaster ride of power shifts. Although Civilization 4 is generally set up so that civs
simply grow more powerful over time (unless conquered), RFC has a new mechanism that allows
civilizations to collapse into barbarian cities, and even rebirth from uncivilized ruins or foreign domination,
given the right circumstances.
This means that in one game multiple civilizations can fail before they all even spawn, and in another every
single civilization can survive through the entire game. Thus in a given game, both China and Rome can
succumb to outside invasion and cease to be civilizations at all (possibly coming back later), or they may
survive and thrive into the late game. Triggering these breakdowns can be a key strategy for human players,
since only AI civs can collapse.
There’s a variety of events that can trigger a collapse. Those conditions include the case when a civilization
loses more than one third of its cities to barbarians, or more than half to any civilization in a short period,
and when it is completely kicked out of its motherland and its surroundings.
There’s an additional condition regarding capitals: if a city lying on a civilization’s starting plot is
conquered, the surrounding cities in a 3x3 area will surrender and flip to the new owner.
A dead civilization has a chance to come back into the game around the time when the world discovers
Nationalism, Liberalism or the Constitution. The sentiments of freedom abound in that era can trigger
revolts of fallen civilizations: if there are enough dead civs already, and if the occupying civilization is big
enough, some cities in the dead civ’s area will declare independence and push out the garrisons. The
occupier (either if it’s AI or human player) can decide to repress the revolt or leave.
As already mentioned, only AI civs can collapse. However the human player is in danger under similar
circumstances. The danger is to be exiled! When you lose much territory or your capital, the invader will
consider exiling you to a different (weaker) civilization. If you want to come back like Napoleon did, you
must retake your old capital within a limited number of turns. If that happens, your old rival will declare
war on you again!
Yes, those pesky barbarians are back again, and with a vengeance! Barbarians have been scripted to appear
in strategic locations at historically accurate times with only one goal in mind: destruction. Barbarian
spawns are common and semi-random, so you’ll have to be careful and on your guard for the arrival of the
hordes aiming to take down your civilization! AI civs have this worry as well; unprepared ones may face
destruction and even collapse.
In particular, you can expect hordes of swordsmen, axemen and mounted archers from the late Ancient age
until the end of Middle Ages.
Another new feature of Rhye’s and Fall of Civilization is the addition of territorial wars. This encourages
AI-controlled civs to strive for control of certain places on the map, by military force if necessary. Going
along with the theme of RFC, this is to induce historical expansion and clashing of certain civilizations that
may be in each other’s way. Rome will lean towards conquest of the Mediterranean, Mongolia will cast an
eye over much of Asia, and Spain may viciously defend her colonial rights around the world.
So, don’t be surprised if you are attacked out of the blue!

This is a concept inspired by famous congresses in history, such as the Congress of Vienna in 1815 or the
Congress of Versailles of 1919.
It works in this way: from the moment Nationalism has been discovered by any 3 civilizations, then every
25 turns there's a World Congress hosted in a random city. About half of the civs are invited, usually the
most important ones.
Every civ may ask for a city, and the others invited to the Congress vote YES, NO or ABSTAIN on each
The AI judges its choice of city to ask
for based on factors like if it has ever
owned the city, if it's in the are it favors
for settling, or if it is close to its
The same factors are used to present
the player with a choice of up to 5 cities
to ask for.
AI will vote depending on factors like
attitude and previous wars with both of
the civs (the asker and the owner of the
city), their balance of power (will help
smaller civs and be against the world
leader or very large civs) or reasons of
neighbourhood relations (China won't
like a big Mongolia, for instance).
You can also bribe your opponents in
order to make them vote in your favour
(only beware, this may make them so
angry they vote against anything you
Human player can refuse to leave a city that's being asked from it. Of course, the asker will declare war,
together with some of the civs that voted yes (the ones that were most convinced of voting yes, usually 1 or
2 civs).
A little revolution was necessary here.
As earlier civs have a clear growth advantage, a lot of modifiers were added to rebalance things like
cultural growth, Great Persons birth rate, wonders productions speed and many more aspects.
The civ selection screen 5-stars rating system is just a synthesis of all the modifiers stored in the DLL.
Unfortunately, some of these adjustments have rendered useless many of the leader traits.
A clear example is how health bonus for expansive civs was meaningless as some modifiers could have
given +3 or -1.
In any case, the full set of modifiers is a better representation of the strengths and weaknesses of each
civilization than the traits.

These modifiers, together with the starting situation, are summarized in the civ selection screen, at the
beginning of the game, with some parameters rated 1 to 5 stars.
Leader traits were removed and replaced with a system of Unique Powers. Each civilization has one unique
ability according to its historical role:
Unique Power Effect
Egypt Pharaoh Hereditary Rule and Slavery enabled at start
At the start of the history, the Hereditary Rule and Slavery Civics are already available and enabled,
without the technology requirements they are normally associated with
India Spirituality No anarchy in revolutions
India can switch Civics immediately, without causing a revolution
China Myriads 1.5X Melee and Gunpowder units train speed
China can train myriad units thanks to their faster train speed
Greece Philosophy +200% Great People birth rate until the end of the Renaissance
The power of Philosophy allows a huge boost to Great People birth rate, cumulative with other wonders
and Civics, for a limited period
Persia Satrapy Any conquered city makes small nearby enemy cities surrender
When any city is taken, one enemy city (smaller or equal to the city taken, and maximum sized 6) per turn
in a 2x2 area (a satrapy) flips to Persia. If the city was a historical capital, the area is 3x3. All other
civilizations only get this effect from historical capitals.
Rome Infrastructure Roads within Roman borders allow 4X unit movement instead of 2X
All units (including not Roman units) can move 4 times faster instead of just twice as fast when travelling
on roads within Roman territory
Japan Honor All military land units have a bonus in city defence
All Japanese military land units will defend their cities with Honor thanks to their City Garrison promotion
Arabia Faith State religion spreads with temples and cathedrals to conquered cities
In case Arabia has a state religion set, it automatically spreads to conquered cities, where a temple and a
cathedral are automatically built
Spain Discovery Naval units receive +2 movement points
All Spanish naval units receive Navigation I + II promotions. As movement costs are halved on oceans,
Spanish ships will reach new lands much faster than the other civilizations.
France Entente Other civilizations have a friendlier attitude
Non-European civilizations have a friendlier attitude towards France; European civilizations instead are
more likely to vote for French interests in a Congress
England Royal Navy Naval units have 2 extra first strike chances
English Royal Navy will have an advantage for dominating the seas, thanks to naval units receiving Drill I +
II promotions
Germany Technique Free unit upgrades after the discovery of Industialism
Vorsprung durch Technik: After the discovery of Industialism, all units can upgrade with cost 0
Russia General Winter Enemy units in Russia take damage every turn
Enemy units within Russian borders in Russia (not abroad in colonies) suffer 10 points of damage every
Mali Wealth +1 trade in plots with 1 trade
Plots with 1 trade produce 2 trade (but plots with 2 trade will still produce 2 trade)
Inca Terraces Mountains produce 2 food and 1 hammer
The Incan civilization can take advantage of the Andes and other mountain ranges thanks to their terrace
farming. Peaks produce 2 food and 1 hammer but are still impassable and thus cannot be improved
Mongolia Horde Any razed city makes nearby enemy cities surrender if approached
When a city is razed, any old owner’s city (smaller or equal to the city razed) in a 4x4 area fears the same
fate and surrenders if approached within the following turn by a Mongol unit.
Aztecs Sacrifice Military units can enslave defeated enemy units
Aztec military units have a 50% chance to make a slave worker out of a defeated enemy military unit
America American Dream Population migrates from other civilizations to American cities
In random periods, population migrates from cities from the most unhappy and unhealthy civs of the world
to random American cities, maintaining their foreign culture

Each Civilization can achieve a “Historical Victory” fulfilling 3 goals that differ from civ to civ and match
their own historical background or just what they were trying to achieve.
This way even a civilization with a weaker starting situation such as Aztecs has a chance of success.
When 2 goals out of 3 are achieved, a “Triumphal Arch” is automatically built in player’s capital,
triggering a Golden Age.
Have more than 500 Culture in 700 BC
Have more than 5000 Culture in 450 AD Egypt
Build the Pyramid, the Great Library, and the Great Lighthouse by 450 AD
Found buddhism and Hinduism
Found at least 5 religions India
Be 1st in population in 1200 AD
Build 2 Confucian Academies and 2 Taoist Pagodas by 1000 AD
No city lost to barbarians or to Mongols before 1400 AD China
Control an army of 120 units in 1600 AD
Be the first to discover Literature, Drama and Philosophy
Build the Oracle, the Parthenon and the Colossus by 600 AD Greece
Be the first to circumnavigate
Control 20% of world territory by 600 AD
Control 7 world wonders by 700 AD Persia
Control 2 holy city shrines in 700 AD
Each city controlled in 450 AD which size is >=5 is connected to the capital and has got
Barracks, an Aqueduct and a Colosseum
Control all the area under Roman rule in their maximum extent in 450 AD
Never lost a single city to barbarians before 1400 AD
Be 1st in score in 1500 AD
No foreign culture in Japanese islands in 1700 AD Japan
Never lost a single city until 1850 AD
Control 3 Holy city shrines in 1200 AD
Control (or make vassal states of) Spain, France and Rome by 1300 AD Arabia
Spread Islam to 40%
Be the first to found a city in America
No English or French cities in the Americas in 1700 AD Spain
Control Aztec and Incan territory in 1750 AD
Make Paris the #1 cultural city in 1700 AD
Colonize Quebec, the Hudson Bay and Louisiana by 1760 AD France
Build Notre Dame, the Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower by 1900 AD
Be the first to circumnavigate
Colonize American East Coast, South Africa and Australia by 1700 AD England
First to enter Industrial and Modern era
Control France, England and Scandinavia in 1900 AD
Control Russia, Greece and Rome in 1940 AD Germany
Be the first to complete the tech tree
Colonize Siberia by 1700 AD
Build the Apollo Program by 1950 AD Russia
Never lost a single city until 1950 AD

Be the 1st in gold in 1300 AD
Have 5000 gold in 1500 AD Mali
Have 20000 gold in 1700 AD
No European colonies in South America in 1600 AD
Have 5000 gold in 1700 AD Inca
No European colonies in South America in 1800 AD
Control China by 1300 AD
Raze at least 7 cities Mongolia
Control 25% of world territory by 1500 AD
Enslave 5 European units
No European colonies in Central America and Southern United States in 1700 AD Aztecs
Make Tenochtitlan the most populous city in the world in 1820 AD
No European colonies in the whole American continent in 1900 AD
Build the UN, the Statue of Liberty and the Pentagon by 2000 AD America
Control (or make vassal states of) at least 4 other civs in 2000 AD
You will realize that you’re playing on Earth when you’ll see Spanish presence in South America, or
English settlements in North America and Australia.
Every civilization has some areas of preference hardcoded for where to send their settlers. Although every
game will develop differently from any other due to many other factors, thanks to this AI tweak they will
always be somehow similar to the real world.
This hidden mechanism comprehends “forbidden areas”: for instance, China will avoid sending settlers to
the north, leaving room for Mongolia.
The city founding
system is integrated
with a system of
city naming.
Names aren’t taken
from the random
list anymore: now,
when a civilization
found a city, it is
named according to
its location.
In simpler words, if
Spain founds a city
in Argentina, it will
be called Buenos
Aires, while the
Greeks will name a
city founded in the
Egyptian northern
coast Alexandria.
It goes without saying that its impossible to compile a complete and all-encompassing city names map. For
instance, there’s no name to give an Egyptian or Persian city in America. In that case, random lists are still
used, but this case occurs seldom, as city names mapping usually coincides with settler preference
mapping, and AI will preferred founding cities elsewhere, where it does know how to call them.

In the featured city mappings, every civilization will preserve its language: city names are written in the
native language, rather than in English. So you’ll see Roma, Korinthos, Makkah, München, Moskva rather
than Rome, Corinth, Mecca, Munich and Moscow.
In addition to this, there is an automatic system of city renaming that will avoid any duplicates. On city
conquest, the city may change its name depending on its owner.
Roman and Greek cities offer many cases of city renaming: Byzantion will become Constantinopolis
passing from Greece to Rome, Londinium will become London when the English are born, and so on.
The most famous debate between Civ mapmakers is: “Should horses be placed in America?”
We all know that horses began spreading in the Americas only a few centuries ago. So allowing Aztecs to
go around with horsemen is a huge inaccuracy. On the other hand, cavalry was very important during the
American Civil War. The solution is making horses appear at the right time.
So, as in Rhye’s of Civilization, you’ll see the spread of resources like cows, horses, wine and sugar in the
Americas from a certain date on, while corn arrives in the Old World in the same time.
But unlike in Civ3, this system needs no complicated implementations such as duplicate resources or
landmark terrains. Just expect new resources to pop up around certain dates.
This mod includes new terrain graphics, which are very similar to those featured in Rhye’s of Civilization
for Civ3 and in the Ultima Online scenario for Civ2:

The common purpose has always been the satellite view of the landscape.
Back, right out of civ3, there are the new
marshes (picture on the right hand side)
Furthermore, some flags have been
replaced with finest-quality decals that
are part of this flag pack:

• New timeline: 460 turns, from 3000 BC to 2050 AD, with more emphasis on the Ancient Era and
a shorter Modern Era. There is only one game speed (scripted events have to be related to certain
• Tech costs are tuned to flow in constant match with the timeline. During late game, civs that are
behind in the tech race get some discounts depending on how much the technology is widespread.
• Game year is hidden until the discovery of Calendar - earlier only the era is shown (Stone Age,
Bronze Age, Iron Age, Medieval Era, Renaissance).
• City founding is not allowed in tundra, ice or desert if far from water. This is for realism as well as
for speed.
• Jungles don't grow, don’t allow cities and can't be removed until the discovery of Biology (unless
on a resource that requires an improvement available earlier).
• Jungles and Marshes are impassable to all land units except for animals, settlers, workers, scouts,
explorers, spies, missionaries, jaguars, quechua, conquistadors, marines and navy seals
• Flood plains can’t be farmed until the late game
• Oasis tiles now produce 2/0/1 instead of 3/0/2 in order to balance civs like Egypt and Arabia with
starting locations that would let them grow too much
• Tundra offers 0 food. No more rich cities way, way up north.
• There are only 3 difficulty levels, but they are customized for each civ. This was necessary as
starting locations are unequal.
• Movement through ocean tiles costs ½ a movement point (similar as it was in Rhye’s of
Civilization); in addition to this, naval units movement is increased to better fit the large map size.
Now it’s really possible to cross an ocean in one or two turns.
• AI parameters of distance in founding cities are altered: on a crowded Earth it founded cities too
far apart, so it has been reduced in order to fit at least 4 cities in regions like Iberia and Britain.
• Domination victory conditions have been tuned according to the map size and to the number of
players (that dynamically changes)
• Mongolian keshiks replace knights instead of horse archers (as Mongolia appears later on, when
horse archers are already obsolete). Their stats were changed accordingly.
• Tweaked AI weights for training units and building wonders. Now Spain is more likely to build
Caravels, while Egypt is more likely to build Pyramids, and so on.
• Tweaked AI weights for research will lead to a very realistic religion distribution: you’ll see
Hinduism founded in India, Confucianism and Taoism in China and so on, without using any
scripts. The only scripted thing is that Judaism and Christianity if not founded by a civilization
early enough, will be automatically founded in Jerusalem or in a city nearby. Eventually, religions
will spread in a very realistic way thanks to different spread rates from civ to civ, from religion to
• Open borders refusal threshold raised in order to make it realistically more difficult to move
military units and especially settlers through enemy territory.
• AI workers no longer build roads in useless (empty) plots, only where necessary
• AI are more likely to trade cities in diplomacy screen
• More spies allowed per player (6)
• Nukes do much more damage. They are now a deadly weapon, as they should be.
• Qin Shi Huang and Kublai Khan leaderheads swapped, as the former was representing the real
latter and vice versa.
• A few wonders have been replaced. See ingame Civilopedia for details
• In order to keep a homogeneous style, wonder movies have been replaced by static pictures.
However they can be restored deleting the corresponding .BIK file in
Rhye's and Fall of Civilization\Assets\Art\Movies\Wonders
• Sevopedia mod component is included
• Mercenaries mod is included. Inner settings have been tweaked for a less time-consuming
computing. Mercenaries are enabled until the discovery of Nationalism.
• Exotic Foreign Advisor mod is included

 Sometimes a crash to desktop occurs, for reasons unknown as of yet.
If you experience one of the above, please send a savegame prior to the date of the issue to, and possibly the log file (which you have to save somewhere else immediately after
the error, or it will be overwritten) stored in "C:\Documents and Settings\...\My Documents\My
Games\Civilization IV\Logs\PythonDbg.log".
 Mountains and tundra graphics are taken from Coldfever’s Blue Marble terrain graphics
 The Aztec Unique Power is a modified version of Sevo’s Real Slavery
 Sevopedia by Sevo
 Mercenaries mod by TheLopez
 Exotic Foreign Advisor by Requies
 Qin - Kublai Leaderhead Swap by Amra
 Leaning Tower by Chamaedrys
 Static wonders movies by NeverMind
 Inn by C.Roland
 Station by Chamaedrys
 Stadium by Hadrean and Chamaedrys
 Most of Civilopedia entries taken from Wikipedia
 V. Soma and RedThreat for the city names mapping
 Locutus, TheGreatApple and Enen for so many hints about python and C++
 Blasphemous, V. Soma, SilverKnight and Gunner for contribution to this readme
 PW90 for the German localization
 Nevermind for Russian localization
 NeoT for Russian localization
 Habee for the website
 All those who believed in this project since the beginning, remembering past glory and days gone
 Special thanks to everybody who spent their time in posting continuous feedback in the forum; in
particular V. Soma, Aeon221, Blasphemous, Barak, Gunner, Arkaeyn, Vishaing, SilverKnight and
so many others. Sorry, this time I can’t list you all.
 Rhye (ICQ: 77282794 – MSN: – YIM: kingofrhye20)
 Official site:
 Strategy guide:
 Any question? Check the FAQ page:

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Rhye's and Fall of Civilization 1.38

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Rhye's and Fall of Civilization is the sequel to Rhye's of Civilization - the fastest loading mod one of the

Rhye's and Fall of Civilization 1.53

Rhye's and Fall of Civilization 1.53

Multiplayer Map

Rhye's and Fall of Civilization 1.53 mod brings a 124x68 world map with enlarged Europe for better gameplay and much more.

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