Join the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on their first adventure in this mod for the greatest superhero game of all time, Freedom Force. These adventures are based on the classic cartoon and comics. Meet a whole passel of TMNT characters, including fan favorites Bebop and Rocksteady, and also including April, Casey Jones, Shredder, Krang, and the Fly!

So, what are you waiting for? Take a walk down memory lane, and see if you can keep from smiling when you load this mod and hear a familiar song on the main menu. Take some time to remember why you loved the Turtles way back when, and why you should still love them today!

This mod has 9 missions which will take our half-shelled-heroes from their first encounter with the Foot Clan up to their discovery of a strange and sinister secret hidden below the streets of New York! Along the way you’ll take command of the green teens as they battle the deadly Foot Clan, face the mechanical menace of Baxter Stockman’s Mousers, struggle against the mutated might of Bebop and Rocksteady, and even cross blades with the mysterious Shredder!

This is a mod for Freedom Force Vs. The Third Reich, and thus is something of an exciting but strange animal in terms of gameplay. You might call it a small tactical rpg, but that wouldn't quite cover it. You'll command a squad of up to four characters who will have an array of powers that they can use in a destructible 3D environment. In this case, you'll be using the Ninja Turtles in most of the missions. However, you'll also earn experience as you progress, allowing you to level your heroes up, making them more powerful. You earn "prestige" as well, which you can use to recruit other heroes to your cause. In this mod you'll be able to recruit Casey Jones, but in ensuing chapters you'll be able to recruit Splinter and others as well.

Coming Soon:
Look for more Ninja Turtles action coming soon! The next installment will take the Turtles into the Technodrome to face the cruel alien warlord Krang! With any luck (and with YOUR help!), it will also see the introduction of a host of new characters, including the Punk Frogs, the Rat King, Metalhead, Leatherhead, and others!

If you've got any questions or comments, please feel free to visit my homepage, the Greylands, or the home for the Freedom Force Community, Freedom Reborn:

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New Characters on the way!


The Freedom Force community has some of the greatest people to be found on this vast wasteland that is the internet, and several of them have contributed to this mod. We have two newcomers to TMNT whose work I want to show off today, although they are both old hands in the community. One of our artists, Cyber Burn, was recently kind enough to create a passle of Krang's rock soldier skopes for us, and now all these fellows need is a skin!

New TMNT: Turtle Power! Characters

What do you think? Is he ready to take on the Turtles for the glory of Krang?

I've also had the extreme good fortune of having one of our community's best artists create a Rat King skin for the mod. Podmark, who was extremely kind in taking my request, as he usually doesn't skin requests, whipped this up in no-time flat:

New TMNT: Turtle Power! Characters New TMNT: Turtle Power! Characters New TMNT: Turtle Power! Characters

You can find more details about these artists and see more upcoming content here:

Episode One Released!

Episode One Released!


The full release of my Ninja Turtles mod has finally been finished, but there is more to come!

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PulpAdventures 1.1 Download

PulpAdventures 1.1 Download

Full Version 1 comment

This is the full version of the Pulp Adventures mod, version 1.1 It is a new, updated version with a number of fixes. This one addresses a number of bugs...

Ninja Turtles: Turtle Power!

Ninja Turtles: Turtle Power!

Full Version

Join the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on their first adventure in this mod for the greatest superhero game of all time, Freedom Force. These adventures...

Comments  (0 - 10 of 13)
Guest - - 706,013 comments

So cool

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BentonGrey Creator
BentonGrey - - 49 comments

Thanks! I'm slowly but surely working on the second volume!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BalkanLuka - - 228 comments

Just accidentaly founD this mod while loking nostalgicly in google for things about FF, immediatly instaled it, man this mod is great!!!

I have just several questions, is this mod dead or still growing? I mean will there be more updates because its just plain awesome!!! I mean its a TMNT brawler! Pls somebody reply and tell me this mod isnt dead!!

If this gem is still beign worked on, it has a nice potential for more characters like Razar and Tokka and many others and maybe as the ultimate boss-SUPER SHREDERR!!

This game is great for having a big amount of colorful combatants, maybe you can use some characters from the TMNT 3 Manhatan Project game for the NES, they are unoficial but would fit nicely with the turtles.

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BentonGrey Creator
BentonGrey - - 49 comments

Howdy BalkanLuka, I'm sorry for the big delay in my answer! The short answer is 'no' the mod is definitely not dead. I'm still around, and I intend to keep modding for FF for as long as I have a computer that will run it!

The trouble is, I've got a ton of projects, and I tend to jump from one to another. Plus, it's just me making these mods, so I'm afraid I'm rather slow, having to do everything but artwork myself. Right now I'm working on my Marvel Universe mod, but I definitely will get back to the TMNT mod eventually. The next installment, whenever I get back to it, will include a rang of characters from different TMNT iterations, but it will primarily focus on the toys and 'toon, with characters like Rat King, the Rock Soldiers, Leatherhead, the Punk Frogs, and more!

Thanks so much for your feedback and ideas! I'm always happy to hear what folks want, and if I can accommodate them, I will.

Please feel free to ask any other questions you like, and if you want to get ahold of me, I'm generally easiest to reach at the FF community's home,

Take care!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
OctoberGames_Drake - - 87 comments

sweet mod dude!

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BentonGrey Creator
BentonGrey - - 49 comments

Thanks Drake!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
JohnnyTheWolf - - 1,080 comments

By the way, is this mod noob-friendly, or do I need to play the original game in order to understand the mechanics? Don't get me wrong: I own the game (bought it ultra-cheap on Steam), but I didn't go very far as I didn't like the setting and characters very much.

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BentonGrey Creator
BentonGrey - - 49 comments

Well Johnny, I'm not 100% sure, but a friend of mine, who played this as his first experience with the game, didn't have too much trouble with it. If you were completely new to the game I'd recommend that you play the tutorial or read the manual, but if you've played a mission or two you should be alright. There are objectives to tell you what you need to do in almost every mission, and it seems to me that the actual game mechanics are pretty simple. Then again, I've had the game for years and years. If you get stuck, please feel free to ask for help here or at the home of the FF community, Freedom Reborn, where a lot of really nice people would be happy to help you out:

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TheHolyPilgrim - - 213 comments

Fantastic mod!

I had lots of fun fighting the Shredder and Krang in the Rumble Room. I'll definitely try the story mode when I get the chance. :D

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BentonGrey Creator
BentonGrey - - 49 comments

Thanks HP! I'm glad that you're enjoying it. I hope that you like the campaign too! I really enjoy letting a giant Krang loose on the city, though I still need to tweak his entry so that he behaves a bit better as a giant.

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TheHolyPilgrim - - 213 comments

If it's anything like your other work, I'm sure I will.

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