MMH5.5 is an unofficial expansion pack for HOMM5 Tribes of the East (standalone) or HOMM5 Complete. The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 'visualized' Templates. The AI is much more intelligent and calculated much faster. Balance is also greatly improved both for small competitive multiplayer maps as well as crazy XXXL maps with countless epic battles vs Neutrals and AI.

Report RSS MMH5.5: FAQ - Troubleshooting

This article will help solving most frequently reported issues by new users of the Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 modification.

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If you can't solve your issue with these guidelines, then please include in your bugreport the map and gamemode (SP,Hotseat,LAN) you were playing. Before reporting sync issues in LAN, please read the article about preventing multiplayer issues first.

GAME DOESN'T LOAD or AI 'ponders'

If the game doesn't load or claims a .dll file is missing or says 'empty pointer to creature...' then likely the game wasn't patched to 3.1 before installation and/or mod isn't installed in right directory, uninstall and reinstall the mod.

It is also possible the exe file is blocked by a windows security feature such as the user doesn't have permission to run the file (run as admin) or exploit protection (windows 10, 1709 or later) or windows DEP needs to be disabled (Data Execution Protection). Furthermore a 3rd party security application (Antivirus/Anti-malware) may be blocking the .exe file as well, although mostly they should give you a warning. The reason these applications are triggered is the MMH55 .exe files contains a lot of reverse engineering to make unique modifications to the game which are falsely flagged as malware.

Rare cases have been reported with steam installation of application load error 5:0000065434, if this happens try any of the following:
- right click on EXE -> properties -> Select "Disable fullscreen optimizations"
- Set the program to run in compatibility mode with Windows XP Service Pack 3.

How to Uninstall MMH5.5? (100% removal)

Use the uninstaller located in the start menu, if the shortcut cannot be found it is in the game folder.


Rare issue on some specific VGAs. Try one of the following:
- Enable VSYNC - Open C:\Users(Your_Username_Folder)\Documents\My Games\Heroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East\Profiles\(Your_Username)\user_a2.cfg. Open the file with notepad, locate this line: Locate and change "gfx_vsync = 0" to "gfx_vsync = 1" and save the file. Now the game FPS will be capped at 60.
- you can use Guru3D RTSS application to control the game FPS.


A frequently encountered issue by new players because they don't use the right exe file (do not use steam launcher). restart the mission with the proper exe.


This is mostly discovered by encountering one of the following issues:

Various Custom Game options are grayed out.
Hero is only receiving defense skill with every level up.
New heroes are not receiving the Town Management ability.
Witch huts are not asking questions.
The player doesn't receive creatures or resources from new artifacts, skills or specializations.

There are multiple possible causes:

-Game wasn't patched to 3.1 before installation and/or mod isn't installed in right directory, uninstall and reinstall the mod.
-You are loading the game from the wrong exe file. (do not use steam launcher or Ubisoft launcher, also watch out for old vanilla shortcuts)
-You are playing on a newly generated map in Hotseat or LAN, but forgot to activate scripts. Patch the map with reanimation patcher or mapmixer in start menu
-You are playing a map downloaded from the internet in Hotseat or LAN, but it doesn't have scripts activated. Patch the map with reanimation patcher or mapmixer in start menu.
-A conflicting mod or map is installed, try removing temporarily all custom maps and other mods downloaded from the internet and restart a clean RMG map, check if everything is now working properly.
-You are trying to play an incompatible custom map downloaded from the internet that includes conflicting game modifications or scripts or adds unrecognized new heroes.

To fully resolve the issues you often will have to restart your map.


Crashes can also be caused by issues listed under 'multiple possible causes' above, here are some more likely causes:

...during saving/loading?

This is a memory issue from original game, 64bit exe fixes this (if you can use it).

(fixed in RC18) ...when entering or besieging towns? ...or randomly?

Also an issue with the original H5 software on windows 10. Disable DEP, Windows Data Execution prevention. Google 'disable DEP' and type also your windows version to easily find a guide how to switch this off.

(fixed in RC18) when visiting tavern

Can be caused by issues listed under GAME LOADS BUT MOD FEATURES ARE NOT WORKING, otherwise if on windows 10 try Disable DEP. LAN vs AI?

The new AI doesn't work in LAN (unfixable), LAN games vs AI are only possible with old AI from MMH55_utility.exe.

...during AI turns?

This crash happens because the AI is trying to use an artifact merchant. Normally this is prevented by a script, therefore in 99% of cases if this happens it is an installation issue and the cause is one of the issues above under 'multiple possible causes'. Since RC10 Beta the issue can also be fixed during a game using console command that need to be entered before the turn it happens:


However likely, trying to use the command may reveal a much bigger underlying problem with your installation. The issue has also been reported in LAN with AI but I have never been able to test this in LAN with AI players (I simply don't have the hardware). For this reason I have branded the mod not suitable for LAN+AI (also because the new AI doesn't work in LAN at all) and consider using utility.exe for this experimental. Furthermore I cannot verify with 100% certainty the validity of these reports.

Since you cannot use the console to fix the issue in LAN, a possible solution is not using any Dungeon or Academy AI players, or alternatively set artifact merchants in all Academy and Dungeon towns as forbidden in the map editor. I'm only recommending this for LAN, if this happens in singleplayer it is an installation issue. If however the installation issue cannot be found or there is reason to think the script engine malfunctions because of performance issues with your PC or operating system, you could try banning artifacts merchants also (since RC10 Beta, there is a user setting for this). Artifact merchant objects that are placed on the map are not affected by this issue.

(fixed in RC11) MOUSE CURSOR IS FLICKERING ENDLESSLY (and game cannot continue)

Old saves will still have the issue. This is not to be confused with the flickering hardware cursor issue that exists in the original TOE software, to fix that one simply switch to software cursor.

The cause of this issue is unknown. For some reason some people don't have this issue or extremely rarely. The script engine gives no errors. Likely something with AI and memory. To fix it, set AI Lookahead depth to lowest setting, this doesn't matter much for difficulty, especially if cheats are enabled. If it doesn't work try playing maps smaller than Huge+Underground. SOLUTION: Only one fix has been found sofar, open a savegame before the AI turn in which it happens with utility.exe and pass the turn with the old AI, then save and switch back to the regular exe.


All ingame textures are very washed out and changing graphics settings only fixes it temporarily?

A well known issue with H5TOE engine and older Nvidia graphics cards & drivers and Intel HD graphics. Never reported on 32bit, only 64bit. Switch to your best graphics card (on laptop) and always update your videocard drivers to latest available. There is now a .dll fix for this available in our downloads section.

I cannot save my game because it says there is not enough space on the disk

This happens if you run the game under windows 10 OS and the game is installed on the system disk . (Likely because the current user account doesn't have full control permissions over the location of the save folder). Close the game and right click the icon -> Run as administrator. If this does not fix it install the game in another location or google how to check and modify folder permissions.

I downloaded a custom map, but new heroes are not available?

open map in editor, go to map properties => heroes tab => uncheck all => save map.

Can I play the campaigns in MMH5.5?

All campaigns H5/HOF are included and some people have played them all the way through, but still some anomalies have been reported. This is because the new AI was written for multiplayer and does not understand all original campaign scripts. If you encounter issues you can use the MMH55_Utility.exe to play missions with the old AI, you can basically switch AIs between missions. There are still reports in a few missions of heroes standing still that were supposed to move, this makes these missions easier than original. I currently recommend playing Wulfstan Campaign with MMH5.5_Utility, but the Findan campaign with the default exe since I made some code adjustments for new AI. I also recommend playing some Raelag missions with new AI because it is extremely slow otherwise.

Set artifacts are not working?

Yes they are, but the effects only update after closing the hero screen, if not then observe issues above. Please note the set artifacts were heavily bugged in original game the effects would last on the heroes after unequipping, that's why the system had to be replaced with limited modding possibilities.

The AI progress bar looks weird?

You are using the right exe file, everything is fine.

The AI is still too slow?

The AI makes a scan in the first turn, therefore it is longer. Lower the lookahead depth and/or cut down on the amount of players. Buy CPU with highest clockspeed you can afford, multicore doesn't help.

The AI is too hard?

Activate casual game mode, the setting is located among the starting bonus options, do not use 'restart mission' after loading the map or it will revert to default (unfixable hidden bug). Set AI to defensive. If it is still too hard switch on AI handicap in settings file (see tutorial town management) and if you use RMG don't set neutrals below strong, since that will make AI harder.

The AI is too easy?

Ally them all against you using console command: @H55_ChallengeMe(x) ..where x is your player number, if that still doesn't cut it use instead: @H55_KillMe(x). You can also make this effect permanent in the settings file. (see tutorial town management)

I conquered a Dungeon/Academy town and cannot build a trade guild/artifact merchant?

Human players are limited to 1. This was needed to circumvent an unsolvable gamebreaking CTD issue, also this makes these faction more balanced from a multiplayer perspective and keeps exploration interesting, so I like it.

Why can't I get ultimate (mastery) level skills?

The pendant of mastery system could not be implemented with triple class system (hardcoded), the only real interesting effect (gating devils) is however still available. All the others were mostly boosts of already existing parameters, some of those have been added to the expert level (combat) other overpowered ones not. In the end you can gain much more unique abilities from the 2 extra skillslots.

Where is Nature Luck/Howl of terror etc?

These skills were tremendously overpowered and I have not found a way yet to modify them into a weaker variant. I also strongly believe that any skill that is so powerful that the player feels it must be taken ruins the game, because it breaks the variation and excitement of trying a new build every time.

Why can some non-necropolis heroes get necromancy?

H5.5 has no 'racial skills', it has only 'skills'! I don't know why this gets asked so often since this was totally normal in H3/4. The classes in question can also use it very well, for unique gameplay. 'bad' factions and academy elemental creatures get much less penalty. You don't need to use it of course, it comes very rarely (4%). It is not unrealistic either since as an highly intelligent mage you can learn anything if you set your mind to it.

Why is one of the Titan Upgrades not a shooter?

First of all it is still a shooter, but it shoots with 'call lightning', which is stronger than it was in TOE, but mostly weaker than the regular shot (not always). From a mathematical standpoint there was no reason for titans to be in the TOE at all, since storm titans were exactly the same, but better since their ability was tactically more flexible. So now you have to tactical choice between a strong titan with a weak shot or a relatively weak titan with a strong shot. On a side note: both titans were overpowered in TOE because of the initiative artifacts.

Is there a limit to the amount of creatures you can summon with dragonblood crystals?

There was no proper space in game to tell the math story so I put this here. There is a limit to dragonblood crystals, which for the purpose of balancing any amount of heroes works as follows:

H1 = level of your first hero
C1 = amount of crystals this hero has
The sum of ((H1*C1)+(H2*C2)+(H3*C3)+....)) cannot exceed 800

So at some point you can only get more creatures by getting more towns.

Is MMH5.5 Compatible with NCF?

There is currently an experimental NCF implementation available (RC8b), be aware RMG is not supported and hotseat/LAN might crash, if so try using the utility NCF exe.

Is MMH5.5 Compatible with Sanctuary mod?

No, the class/skill system is too different, among many other issues.

My RMG map doesn't contain any mixed neutral stacks?

You used the wrong exe file for generating the map, use the MMH55-Editor or MMH55-Utility.exe

My RMG maps are messed up, heroes can walk through adventure objects and neutral stacks are colliding with them?

Remove conflicting RTMG.pak from Simonaks RTMG tool from /data folder and regenerate your maps.

I cannot disable Windows 10 DEP

You may need to disable BIOS secure boot from BIOS before you can disable DEP.


All these issues are hardcoded limitations of 31j source code and will probably never be fixed. Superfluous to say, these issues don't need to be reported.

-You cannot play in LAN with AI players (unless MMH5.5 utility.exe is used).
-(fixed in RC14)The hotseat 8 skills etc. buttons look weird, but they work.
-(fixed in RC15)Witch huts cannot fill the 8th slot with a basic skill but can improve the 8th skill to advanced or expert. This issue does not apply to the 7th slot.
-(fixed in RC15)Witch huts sometimes offer a new skill even if you already have a full load, if you accept just nothing happens.
-Some of the scripted effects on artifacts are not immediately visible when placing the artifact in the slot, but they should be after closing the heroscreen and right-clicking on the hero or reopening the heroscreen.
-Set artifact indication serve to show you which artifacts are part of which set, but don't update.
-(fixed in RC15)Barbarians cannot learn both town management and town portal.
-(fixed in RC18f)Gold income from artifacts is not shown in kingdom overview, but it does add to your stock.
-(fixed in RC14)8 skills is not available in campaigns.
-Neutral heroes option is poorly balanced and if hidden artifacts is activated they cannot be switched off 100%. It is recommended only to use these features on old maps with too weak neutrals (so not h55 maps).
(fixed in RC13)-Paladins cannot use the training building, extra knights are in the pool to neutralize the issue.
-Some heroes in campaign won't follow a scripted move command, because of issue with source code and this script function. example: necro mission 1

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 213)
Guest - - 700,055 comments

Great itteration once again. Cudos to the maker(s) and person(s) running the communication around here, facebook and heroes community. Hope bug reports from here will reach the dev guy(s): banner of the legion doesnt bring t7 creatures into army, but it makes them recruitable from the town instead or so it seems (though it gives more than it should in regard with formula knowledge/12... my (governor) knight doesn't have that much knowledge to merit so much reinforcements... unless it is a cosmettic bug and it is not showing knowledge bonsues that i actually have and that i'm not aware off...) also,i get additional t6 to recruit pool when there shouldn't be one...

spell cost tends to show to be reduced on world map (and it costs normal in combat...)

I just won as haven vs necropolis on toughest mod (highest dificulty, lookahead depth and aggressive ai)... though i used dougal and trained archers only

mm55 64bit, random map created and script activated, clean install of h5+3.1 patch+rc4... i can upload save game to facebook if needed again, together with map.
Greets and best of luck (A.B.)

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

This is not a bug, governor heroes get +5 K bonus on these types of artifacts and creatures are added to town instead (was mentioned in governance contract)

T6 creature was added by dwelling or regular governance recruits?

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

So again i wasn't reading good. T6 has no dwellings on map and recruitment is supposed to work T1-3 as far as I know...

And I'm really surprised that I won as haven over necro, I didn't become that good... streak of luck or, more likly, as if something was off balance, but i just can't put my finger onto what is it...

ETA: Yup, you are correct - gets additional 1 t6 and 1 t7 beside the banner of the legion... I'm starting to think this might be OP

Battle sites though could use some adjustment, they have WAY too many (high) stacks... I can't beat them, I managed once, but the casulties were devastating

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

OP, depends on how high the level of your governor was and how long it took to get there, also the resistance scales up automatically if governance is enabled, hence the tough battle sites. You can set battle site resistance to anything you want in settings file (read my article about customizing town management)

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

It will definitelly need tweaking/reduction... 11k hydras and 5k grim riders guarding a pile of mercury and a treasure chest is way too much. Thanks again, best of luck.

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

I don't know where you get these numbers, are you making RMG maps with 'impossible' monster setting?

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Very strong; another odd thing that kept happening from all RC versions - summon elementals from shatter (dark in my case) magic seems to stop at some point (town management says everything is allright though) and then all out of sudden at the beginning of some other (usually not next) week - it resumes summoning... same happened with garrison bonuses - all out of sudden, they resumed again in some other week... I'll keep poking some more, though I'm really surprised I've managed to beat the map... I still have it, i can send it along the save to the facebook page

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

If functionality stops and then recovers, it was most likely a script engine crash during AI turn (performance issue).

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

And i've managed to jinx it - after exchanging governor paladin to become conquest and conquest knight to become governor - no more recruitment bonuses (and when i launch town conversion window, stats say that the new governor has 0 recruitement per tier, while the old governor, now paladin, has retained the old governance bonuses - but they don't work, since i don't see additional units for requiretement... btw, i've gave the backpack artifacts to the new governor from the old one... could be related to problem as the one mentioned on the forums - dead governor does not get removed as town governor... for some reason i believe that exper dark magic broke too - it won't summon air elementals for some reason. atH55_WTF() doesn't report anything out of place (commenting here doesn't allow using actual at sign)... please tell me it is a bug, because if it is some feature, i'll need to to eye and attention check lol

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Also, lvl 3 Ellaine stays in place when using town management -> teleport to friendly town. All movements points get lost in the process, but she does'nt teleport to town (and the animation 'lands' in center of town, not in front of its enterance...

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

I apologize for yet another false alaram - town management teleport works differently from town portal - town management teleport to town requieres no hero in town cus this one then teleports directly into garrison...

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

correct, garrison must be empty or teleport might fail.

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

Some of the info from the town management skill, updates only the next day or at the start of next week, so it could be nothing, but i will try to repeat your procedure and check if I can find anything out of the ordinary

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Why on earth is Lethos not a warlock?
He's hero skill is clearly ment for it.
Now he is severely underpowered solely for that reason. At least compared to the base version of the game.
Can you change him?

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Not only champion doesn't damage enemy stack behind the attacked stack after crossing 2+tiles, it is also imune to regeneration (and i think the bug occured like this - seraph casts regenration on champion, then hero casts vampirism then when i try regeneration again - says can't do it... though I must admint i'm not 100% sure have i managed to cast regeneration at all before the vampirism or not... that is, maybe vampirism is blocking regeneration or maybe it is really champion 'immunity' that blocks it)

Mod rocks still ofc, tons of fun, excellent work

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

EDIT: yup, regeneration wont stack after vampirism...

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

I will investigate the champion issue,

I believe regeneration is not a bug, any creature under vampirism spell receives all 'undead' properties.

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Witch hut offers leadership to barbarians, yet for some reason can't learn it at all... can't remember if some additionall bug slipped my mind... overall playable regardless of bugs (champions ofc won't work with their ability to damage units behind target... dark renewal description on level up seems a bit odd and unclear...)

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

So, custom built map again using armg, scripts enabled, script error attempting go call nill once i try to convert elemental's dwelling into faction's one (and fail ofc, but pay resources on process)...

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

It was not my intention to make confluxes convertable, I will look if something can be done about the txt message

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Greets again. Since we reported champion charge not working (alternate upgrade), I must report (somewhat opposite?) issue with paladins (haven regular upgrade) - they caused more damage after just two tiles than they would have caused by walking arround target some 8 tiles... Though it didn't happened in the following battle... or is there a dwarf unit that for some reason takes extra damage from close attacks?

ETA: prolly shield wall on fortress shield guard, false alarm, sorry

Also, could something be done regarding grave/barrells/carts? Often they are difficult to notice on maps due to their size and similarity with other objects (graves especially looks like a tree log)

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

They are supposed to be difficult to spot, a bonus for the keen explorer

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

For some reason Nymus, lvl 30 Gatekeeper has 150 points of necromancy purple bar... no item or skill on him to merit that from what i can gather (and no building right?)... btw, any tip how to fight with paladin vs daemons (i have 25% initiative perk from enlighment yet i never get fast enough to knock out imps from stealing my whole mana thus rendering paladin usless on the field). Thx

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Also, holding alt helps noticing interactable objects, it causes them to glow :)

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Good to see, that H5 modding still alive, and there are some awesome projects like this. I have question to author.. Since it's already mentioned that this mod does not work with NCF's and with Sanctuary mod, could be there any posibillity to see sanctuary as additional town? This mod greatly improves some gameplay aspects and it think would be cool to have additional town, like HOF, TOTE dlc's have. This mod isnt ordinary fix or small update, its whole new experience and hd textures and additional town would fit too.

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

i cant pick up any of new artifacts. anybody knows, why?

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Why I cant pick new items or get from the quests? I have some mods, but they didnt changed any of artifacts. Im instal H5.5 on a clear v.3.1 HOMM 5 and nothing cganged.

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

Those mods or any custom maps are still very likely the cause

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

I click the MMH5.5 on my desktop and get a program cannot start because of zlib1.dll, granny2.dll, Ubistats.dll, libcurl.dll are missing, my game is patched to 3.1 and i tried reinstalling. also i have windows 10 if that makes a difference.

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

hey,i just got the mod. When i enter the game,the screen is so narrow,for example,the menu is in the middle of the screen when it should be all the way right. And it's the same in game. Before the mod i didn't have this issue,i hope you respond

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Hi can anyone please tell me, where I can find original Heroes V to download on which one I will be able to apply this mod ? :-)

And another issue with widescreen monitor, that the menu is showing in the middle , the bar with the resources more to the left and the same the bar with the options, castle and so on ...

Thx for answers
Have a good night

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

This mod must be installed on tribes of the east or h5 complete from gog, not the original H5.

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

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bullratis - - 3 comments

> H5.5 has no 'racial skills', it has only 'skills'! I don't know why this gets asked so often since this was totally normal in H3/4. The classes in question can also use it very well, for unique gameplay. 'bad' factions and academy elemental creatures get much less penalty. You don't need to use it of course, it comes very rarely (4%). It is not unrealistic either since as an highly intelligent mage you can learn anything if you set your mind to it.

That's not true. Every class in HOMM3 has a forbidden skill. For example, Rangers cannot learn Fire Magic, all heroes except necromants cannot learn Necromancery etc. The only way to violate this limitation is Witch hut or academy. And that's funny, that in academy you can learn this Fire Magic for a Ranger, but you still unable to learn Necromancery on non-necromant hero. So, this reference to HOMM3/4 is completely wrong. And I'd really like to not be asked for Necromancery on knight :) It sounds really strange and unneeded. If you are referencing HOMM3, let's take best from it, for example make Necromancery impossible skill way for non-Necropolis heroes.

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

knights cannot learn necromancy in h5.5, most classes in h5.5 cannot learn necromancy, only a few dark themed magic classes with minimum morale penalty. Also there were no alternatives left for the skilltree position.

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bullratis - - 3 comments

Ok, I see. However, I guess it's solvably by setting 0% probability for this shill. Anyway, now it doesn't hurt me :) There is some sense.

However, I'd like to report a bug that on several maps (by ogo1, for example) players can't change dwellings. However, AI can. And I encountered with a situation when AI converted all dwellings into nercropolis ones, and I was unable to revert them back to normal. Can provide a save if required. I didn't find this issue in known ones, so I write this post :)

I'd also like to know if source code of this mode is stored somewhere like github. I assume that it's quite possible for me (and community, of course) to help you with this work.

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

read tutorial 'customizing town management' to increase the limit for converting dwellings, if the problem is caused by being unable to open the conversion menu it is possible the user-made map has a conflicting script that overrides the trigger.

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

I have an issue, i installed the game from a disc and patched it with a built in update tool to 3,1.

Then i downloaded the..patch? from this site and i tried to update the older maps using the mapmixer tools and whatnot however i ran into a slight issue.

My maps folder is empty and i can't find them anywhere, which kinda makes it hard to update them or change them.

What could have caused this?

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

h5 default maps have never been in maps folder but are deeply buried in game files, I already fixed them for LAN and hotseat.

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bullratis - - 3 comments

There is also an issue that now heroes have maximum 8 skills, each skill require 6 slots to be fullfilled, so we need 48 levels to fill them all. But currently game limits us to lvl 40 and we are unable to get all skills on almost all maps: you have to successfully up at least 8 skills via Witch Hut and it's really rare. Is it possible to set max level to 50 via this mode? We can easily extrapolate the formula for exp calculating if it breaks after level 40.

Another question I was already asking: do yo have some public accessible source codes for this mode? I think you can get some help from the community.

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

everything that can be modified by the public can already be extracted from the files, but at this point most things I would require help for are technically impossible to do.

Translators are always welcome tho and don't require a 'source code'.

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

Also H5 is generally so hard to mod, the people who can do it will spend more time explaining others how to do something than do it themselves.

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Guest - - 700,055 comments


I was wondering if the maps added by 5,5 are all "fixed" for lan play or if i have to locate them somewhere and fix them myself with the added tools?

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

everything included in installer is already fixed.

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Thank you for earlier help i somehow got things working^^

But i was wondering what the supposed map updating tools are for and how i use them? Or do i have to make maps myself to use them?

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

For improving and updating RMG maps and pre-55 user maps

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Guest - - 700,055 comments

Hi i have a question.

I read somewhere that bots were supposed to work on lan play if you used utility mode however when my friends and i attempted to start one of the custom maps that came along with the the patch it always seemed to crash right after starting the game.

However, normal maps work quite fine with bots too.

Did i miss something or is this normal? Or is it a bug?

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mmh55 Author
mmh55 - - 489 comments

Since it is almost impossible for me to verify what caused this issue try generating a new RMG map, add LAN compatibility with mapmixer and use that one.

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