GoldenEye: Source is a Multiplayer only total conversion modification of Half-Life 2. It is a fan made recreation, released for free, with only one goal in mind; to bring the memories and experiences from the original GoldenEye64 back to life using Source Technology. We want you to look at this mod and remember the first best multiplayer first-person shooter ever made. We are doing our best to bring in the opinions of the community to create a game that everyone is going to enjoy. But, we are not here to recreate the game exactly how it was in GE64, a lot of things have changed since they first designed that game, mainly in technology and gamers experiences. We are here to take the game even further but at the same time provide a lot of those fun elements that hardcore GE64 fans will enjoy. We've got experienced team members all across the board, from professional level, to amateurs looking to make it into the business working hard to make this dream a reality.

RSS GoldenEye: Source 5.0 Media Day 4 - 5.0 Trailer

It’s time to show more than still images. Here is our official trailer for the new version of GoldenEye: Source!

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Now we’re only 24 hours away from releasing 5.0, and it’s time to show more than still images. Here is our official trailer for the new version of GoldenEye: Source!

Special thanks goes to our Lead Musician GoldenZen for his incredible music track used in the trailer, and also to our Beta Tester Graslu for producing this amazing trailer for us, as well as everybody on the team involved in the making of it.


Dam is one of the most iconic levels from GoldenEye 007 and has been among our most anticipated maps for years. For 5.0 one of our beta testers, Torn, stepped up and took on bringing it from a pipe dream to a playable and fully arted up multiplayer level, swiftly becoming a part of our development team as a Level Designer.


“Dam has always been one of my favorite levels from GoldenEye 007, and I was excited about the idea of it becoming a playable multiplayer map in GE:S. It was definitely a challenge that I initially underestimated. In the original game the map was very, very linear. Run from point A to point B. Not a lot to work with as far as multiplayer gameplay is concerned. Originally blocked out using the classic layout as a reference, it took far too long to traverse from one end of the map to the other. This design resulted in some rather boring multiplayer matches, with a lot of time spent simply trying to find an opponent.

The layout of the map had to be altered to allow for more interesting and engaging gameplay, while also staying true to the original. One example of how this was achieved was by creating an entirely new sewer system that creates a path between the front and back sides of the map. It was important to give people a choice on where to go, and not force them to go in any one specific direction.


Creating Dam was both a challenging and rewarding experience, and I couldn’t have accomplished it without support of all the talented people on our development team. After almost 2 years in the making, and a few hundred cups of coffee later, I’m proud to say it has made its debut in GoldenEye: Source. I hope everyone enjoys playing it as much as I enjoyed creating it.”

-Torn, Level Designer

New Achievements

In addition to all of 5.0’s other enhancements, we’ve expanded our achievement roster from 80 to 120! If you’ve previously played GE:S, you will have the option of keeping your previously unlocked achievements when you install 5.0.

Here’s a sneak-peek at a handful of the new achievements in store for everyone:


Reimagining Weapons

Whilst most of the weapons in GoldenEye were based on real world counterparts, some of them were a little more ambiguous or generic. These weapons required some re-imagining to fully realize a design faithful to the original game. Two such weapons are the Automatic Shotgun and Sniper Rifle.

Auto Shotgun
Sniper Rifle

In 5.0 the Automatic Shotgun has been reimagined to be a shotgun kitted out with after-market parts to be more like a knock-off imitation of the real life SPAS-12. Whilst the Sniper Rifle takes on the appearance of a fictional soviet winter rifle equipped with a high magnification scope and suppressor.

Auto Shotgun
Sniper Rifle

Here you can see the finalized Automatic Shotgun model in all its glory:

Attention All Server Owners

If you currently run a 4.2 server, please email us at with the name of the server you run. We want to make sure you have enough time to properly set up your server for the release, and will give you everything you need to get started. We will also answer any questions you may have about what needs to be updated/changed.


-Team GoldenEye: Source

notaclevername - - 522 comments

That Dam map! All this is so great!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
CyborgParrot - - 1,732 comments

Some really Good Stuff you've got there.

Tho you probably should've made the Grips and Pump on the Automatic Shotgun/SPAS-12 to Differentiate it from the Pump Shotgun/Remington 870.

Just my Opinion, I'm Excited for 5.0's Release.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
deadlife101 - - 77 comments

Will the community map pack still be compatible?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 705,728 comments

Damn cool! Does this have singleplayer too?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
mechachap - - 163 comments

This looks sweet!

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Guest - - 705,728 comments

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