After playing this mod for quite a time, i just can't bare anymore with how unbalanced it is. The CIS has better and more powerful units in every tier the only competitive unit the Republic has is the venator Also, the amount of fighters that capital ships launch to battle is ridiculous. It reaches a point where there are so many fighters they become irrelevant. While this may be a more accurate depiction of real battles, I rather enjoy the micromanagement of fighters. Not just that, but the amount of fighters the CIS release is much higher than the republic (which is indeed accurate), but if you add to those CIS fighters the buzz-droids, there is no point at all for the republic to release fighters, they are destroyed almost instantly in battles. In this mod i will upload modified XML files that will be able to be downloaded individually, so each can choose what to download I will begin with space units, which are easier to balance, and then move to land units

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Vulture droids and capital ships

Vulture droids and capital ships


more vulture droids per squadron plus lock s foils ability, less droidekas per team, and capital ship restrictions?