This is a single player adventure taking place not too far in the future, it combines 1st person action with some puzzle challenges. It is meant to be hard in the beginning as it is quite fast playthrough. I would not want to spoil the plot, so not gonna make any big salespitch.

You will need to master the crowbar to beat it, have fun and let me know what you think.

Requires Half-Life 2 and the free steam tool "Source SDK base 2006" to play. No episodes required or anything else.

Now updated to ver 1.1.

Found a bug.
- Enemy models changes to wrong model. The only fix I found was to restart the map in console.

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Fixed some issues with the previous beta, and made a new full ver download (version 1.1) also added a 1080 high res wallpaper.

Issues fixed:
Harder to chrash it, game used to chrash pretty easy before.
Balanced the game, acctually made it harder, it was way too easy. It is still pretty easy once you master the crowbar and figgure out the enemies.
+ other minor issues

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Full vertion beta release ver1.1

Full vertion beta release ver1.1

Full Version 1 comment

Fixed a bunch of stuff that did not work. Also balanced the game a bit better.

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UkraLife - - 207 comments

This is bloody!

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SalmanTheMan - - 1 comments

Bloody brilliant that is!

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Xazid - - 15 comments

*Review Expanded*
I really like it. It's a nice little mod and was a fun experience. I also enjoy the way you combined Half-Life 2 default maps unlike OJJ. The only problems I had with it was the amount of zombies and a few other minor things which I will expand upon. Maybe the amount of zombies isn't the problem but the amount of firepower you are given. The amount of weapons you are given (and ammo for that matter) are very limited. I MEAN very limited. It was basically a struggle to survive some parts of the map, my recommendation here is more ammo and weapons and zombies. Now, onto the keypad. I agree with OJJ here that a bit more information is needed than, "smudged buttons". I couldn't figure it out and eventually had to noclip the door. I retrieved the magnum and magazine but the next map didn't load properly, I backtracked and it still didn't load as it should and had to load it manually. Everything else was perfect and I would of gave it a perfect 10 if it wasn't for everything else. Nice mod.

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ebov Creator
ebov - - 8 comments

Unless you open that door using the keypad, it will screw up the map :)
The idea with limiting the ammo is to make the player struggle a bit, im oldschool like that, its still a cakewalk compared to retro games. I didn't balance the keypad puzzle very good though, that one is a bit too hard. It is however possible to figgure out the code from the smudge.
Appreciate the feedback.

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Guest - - 699,934 comments

worst addon!?

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ebov Creator
ebov - - 8 comments

I see that OJJ0874 did a review, where he is complaining about stuff after cheating on the map. I have added some countermeasures so you will ruin the map if you cheat. So don't cheat and then have the audacity to complain.

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OJJ0874 - - 314 comments

None of the ways I cheated caused any of my complaints as far as i'm aware, in fact they solved most of my complaints. So I don't see what this is gonna do to improve the mod.

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ebov Creator
ebov - - 8 comments

"as far as i'm aware"
That's right.

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OJJ0874 - - 314 comments

So what did cause any of my complaints? Without any examples it is hard to believe you.
Now in regards to your other comment, yes at first I tried to run past the hundreds of zombies, but there were so many of them it slowed down my computer and made it damn annoying to navigate with so many enemies chasing you and as the mod description says "you have to master the crowbar to beat it". Also I don't see how you're trying to be different, the maps sure aren't new and the combat is the same it's just that there are added zombies which only serve to extend the game time.

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OJJ0874 - - 314 comments

(review continued)
Onto the next map and it's a driving section, you're faced against so many zombies that it's almost physically impossible for you to get the car through it without getting stopped, surrounded and absolutely destroyed by zombies in seconds, after exiting the tunnel you're faced with the coastline map with the crane, I saw the bridge with a thin walkplank first so I naturally went there first, the plank is so thin to get across that you can fall off, managed to fall off, survive and walk around the sandy beach, it took me a while to realize that this wasn't supposed to be a place the player was supposed to reach when I went into the water and there were no leaches to kill me so I could get out of the map and see missing geometry what do you have against death barriers? They're easy and stop the player getting out of your maps. It was lucky that I also noticed that there was a car battery receiver when I was breaking the map because I would've been lost without it a few maps on.
The next map is a mix of two trainstation maps and it gets into the uncanny valley of weird to see so many environments in the same place. It was at this point I had low health due to lack of medkits throughout the mod so I died so many times on this map, it was lucky I had a gravity gun or else I would've died more than I already was, it was then at this point that I realized that there were pratically no checkpoints throughout the mod, only at the starts of maps. So much so that I started to quicksave, but quicksaving on this map crashes the game so it's pretty much useless.

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ebov Creator
ebov - - 8 comments

Im replying to both your posts here.
It's a beta vertion. So there will be some bugs especially the first vertion. I think the chrashing issues with grenades works much better now. The saving seems messed up but works with the automatic level saves for me, so dunno whats up with that. There is a warning at the beginning to drive carefully. But the maps are small so no biggie if you screw up.

It is meant to be hard since it is so short, otherwise you can play through in like 10 min. So you have to replay this one, kinda like the old retro games. Im not trying to spoon feed you like they do in todays games, that's not my style. And ripping maps/parts was nesessary, otherwise no mod would have been released as it is too time-consuming to create it from scratch. I dont think ppl realize the 10000 things needed to be tweaked, learned and created to make even a small mod like this. You won't unless you try yourself.

Still thanks for reviewing.

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OJJ0874 - - 314 comments

Now there is a difference between difficult and downright frustratingly dull, a good example of a difficult game would be Jak 2 or dark souls, rarely does any game send 50 enemies after you that can't be easily dispatched, and for good reason. Most of the fights in this mod consist of a long as slog of hitting an enemy twice with the crowbar, backing off, returning to crowbarring that is tedious and monotonous and like I said, why use a mod that implements improved combat if you're not gonna use it?

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ebov Creator
ebov - - 8 comments

There are other ways to advance in the game, than to beat down every enemy. And yes im making the player work for the other weapons.
"rarely does any game send 50 enemies after you that can't be easily dispatched"
Thats right im trying to do something different, not the same old they keep regurgitating at you. You sound very conservative.

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ebov Creator
ebov - - 8 comments

Also annoying situations makes for joyous situations once the player figgure out what to do. It is however a balance act and quite risky.

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OJJ0874 - - 314 comments

At the top of the apartments you're met with a room with a car battery in the corner, if I hadn't broken the previous map I would never have given it a second's notice because its receiver is LITERALLY 2 WHOLE MAPS AWAY, next thing you know is the floor falls beneath your feet and you're thrown into a room which is pitch-black, small and full of zombies (that you'd be facing your back to if you're playing blind). Meaning that there's nowhere to run, grenades will either blow you up or crash the game and you can't properly see your enemies because they're so close to you your flashlight won't illuminate them properly. Now I don't know what happens after this because of no checkpoints and the game sending me back 5 minutes of "gameplay" I said "**** this" and quit, judging by the fact that there aren't any chapters after this point I assume i'm not missing much if anything at all.

TL;DR: Ripping HL2 maps, adding basic brushwork, spamming zombies and not giving a clear example of what to do does not make it fun, more like frustratingly annoying.
My advice would be to scrap the ripped maps and make something original out of this.

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