Call of The Zone is a standalone modification for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Call of Pripyat that allows you to explore the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone – a desolate and highly contaminated region of Ukraine that has been abandoned and closed off for decades ever since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. What has been going on in this irradiated wasteland since then? There are no shortage of rumors and conspiracy theories, each more fantastic than the last. Rumors of mutated wildlife, brainwashed cults, secret experiments, and unexplainable paranormal events abound, as do promises of great riches and wildest dreams coming true for those who are daring or desperate enough to try to break through the cordon. You are about to find out for yourself what is true and what is yet undiscovered, and experience for yourself all the Zone has to offer... or to take from you.

Forum Thread
Unstashed stashes suck. Gotta stash em all. Please help. (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : DoctorX Call of The Zone : Forum : Support and Troubleshooting : Unstashed stashes suck. Gotta stash em all. Please help. ) Locked
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Jan 30 2022 Anchor

You know that awful feeling when you find a container in the world that is not a stash but should be, like the backpack in the room in the Miracle Machine lab, near the end? The developer photo room's supply chest? The unopenable small and large lockboxes that you sometimes can't interact with in one area but often contain stashes in other areas? Those things.

In the same vein, old stash locations in CoP areas are often just empty now because CoP often didn't use containers for stashes. There should be backpack or toolbox stashes at every single one of those locations, in my opinion. The CoP areas feel so empty. I don't feel the need to explore there much, because I know there's not much to find. Same for the end-game areas.

I'm going to fix all those, but I've looked at how stash locations are set up and it looks like an annoying, tedious task to perform. That's never stopped me before and it won't stop me now, but I would like to go through them as few times as possible and get as many as I can every pass, because stashes are filled at the start of a new game and every patch for this I release will likely break save games.

So, it would be really helpful if players would report unstashed:

  • backpacks
  • pipes
  • fuse-boxes
  • supply chests
  • small lockboxes
  • large lockboxes

The name of the map and a screenshot of the container would be enough for me to find it and fill it with goodies.

This is a long-term project, so don't expect a release of this patch in the immediate future. I'll do one pass on the reported containers above and do CoP's legacy stashes for the first release. After that it's just a matter of maintenance, adding some when I've received enough new reports of unstashed stashes to make an update worth possibly breaking existing saves.

Thanks very much in advance!

Edited by: Mahzra


It's not stupid. It's advanced.

Mar 9 2022 Anchor

It looks like we're working on basically the same thing, I've been messing around with all.spawn to add more inventory_box objects that are properly commented into Doctor X's code. My goal was to add stashes to darkscape and dead city, though.

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