Call of The Zone is a standalone modification for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Call of Pripyat that allows you to explore the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone – a desolate and highly contaminated region of Ukraine that has been abandoned and closed off for decades ever since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. What has been going on in this irradiated wasteland since then? There are no shortage of rumors and conspiracy theories, each more fantastic than the last. Rumors of mutated wildlife, brainwashed cults, secret experiments, and unexplainable paranormal events abound, as do promises of great riches and wildest dreams coming true for those who are daring or desperate enough to try to break through the cordon. You are about to find out for yourself what is true and what is yet undiscovered, and experience for yourself all the Zone has to offer... or to take from you.

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DX9 performance boost launch options (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : DoctorX Call of The Zone : Forum : Support and Troubleshooting : DX9 performance boost launch options) Locked
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May 10 2021 Anchor

So if you're like me and your sad pathetic video card can't quite run CotZ in DX9 at a decent framerate (I'm talking 40's) with any kind of nice settings, maybe try these command line options I found on an Anomaly page. Can't remember where, sadly. But I meant to share them here and keep forgetting.


No distort removes the distortion effect in things like heat haze and some anomalies. Switching distortion off makes a huge difference if you tend to lose frames when whirlygigs or campfires are on screen. Careful though, because after this tweak you will have to train your brain to look for whirling leaves instead of distortions, but trust me: you learn quickly. :)


Reduces the depth of shadows to 16-bit, I believe. I've not actually tried this one, because I just nixed shadows altogether.


BAM. The big one, at least for me. The biggest downside of using DX8, you see, is the lighting. DX8 lighting sucks the big one. In comparison, DX9 lighting is an effing gorgous thing to behold. But it ran like ass because of the shadows, that I thought you couldn't disable. And honestly, I don't miss the shadows at all. No shadows is much better than low quality shadows anyway.

So yeah, highly recommended if you're in the same boat. For reference, I use a GT730.

All default options, running a simple reshade to bring out details and color. You could probably run Sanctuary's Colder Atmosphere reshade, too. Still runs at 60fps, mostly. The Red Forest and the Great Swamps can drop fps a bit, though.

xrEngine 2021 05 10 19 33 10

Edited by: Mahzra

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