Description:This mod is just a combination of Diplomacy mod and .97 Companions mod adding a ton of new companions to diplomacy mod.
suggestions can be sent trough PM.

For a full list of added companions or features please check the forum topics of the original mods, this is just a merge. Links below.

Thanks to the diplomacy mod team, and 0.97 Companion mod team.

If anybody wants to use this mod as a base for his own project, feel free to do so
module system is available for download below, if link is broken pm me.
Just let me know if you put a mod for download based on this code, i'm curious what people would make of it.

I do not claim ownership of this merger, i'd like to return it to the community, without it this would never be possible. i just wanted to play this mod myself.

Main features. Rule your kingdom!rename your vassal's title (diplomacy mod)
rename your kingdom
select a faction culture and with this force your vassals to recruit only that culture (eg:nords only!)(diplomacy mod)
select a kingdom policy, effecting economy/vassal troops/relations(diplomacy mod)
send messengers with orders to your vassals(diplomacy mod)
send recruiters to gather peasants for you(diplomacy mod)
assign trainers to train these peasants into mid-tier troops(diplomacy mod)
Exchange fiefs with your vassals/peers (diplomacy mod)
Make demands when enemy kingdoms ask for peace (diplomacy mod)
convince your king to declare war (diplomacy mod)
Mary a female vassal (ex companion, eg: matheld, yes your wife will be holding a fief and an army) (diplomacy mod)
Set tax rater for your fiefs, affecting income and relations (diplomacy mod)
Release prisoners trough your court. (diplomacy mod)
Negotiate prisoner exchange (eg: your vassal for an enemy vassal) (diplomacy mod)
Thanks to the new companions the freedom to refuse/denounce vassals you don't like, there's more where that came from!
allows you to select the skills when leveling a companion after you give them a fief. (diplomacy mod)
Many many more!

New battlefield orders and formationsThis merge contains the troop order mod that diplomacy has build in so for most veterans it will just be business as usual,
none the less a great improvement and worth mentioning. Visit diplomacy mod website for more information (link below)
Some examples are: Volley fire, Shield wall, Pikewall, Ranks (1, 2, 3 deep)

Train a proper personal army that can't die!If you hate losing troops and just play the game for funs anyway, this is perfect for you.
Build yourself a personal immortal army and just ignore having to recruit new troops.
You will need a huge treasury of course but just think of the possibility's!

Companion list in game (youtube)
Diplomacy mod court features.

Download.Due to massive filesize the file has been split in 5 parts.
part 1-4 = 200MB
part 5 = 109MB

All parts

More mirrors soon.

installjust extract the map into your m&b warband module system.
then select the mod in your game launcher.

Compatibility:This mod is NOT compatible with other mod savegames due to new units, starting a new game is advised.
If you want to merge this mod with another one, pm me and i will send you the module system.

This mod does not require WBSE to run properly, at least not during tests.
Tested on a Steam version of m&b and on a standalone version Latest update (01/03/2013)
Tested on 2 Machines by 2 people.(01/03/2013)
Only Single player has been tested, Multiplayer may or may not work and will most likely behave much like vanilla server.
It only runs on WARBAND, not on WFAS or origional, v1.143 or higher.

Companion BalanceSome of the companions might be seen as overpowered, note that these companions have a hire cost related to their skills. to get all of the companions (not counting changing their gear) would cost you well over 200.000 denars.
Allso, you can only send the ORIGIONAL companions out for raising your right to rule, the added companions do not do this to prevent overuse.

Sources:Diplomacy mod -
.97 Companions -
Module System -

call to players: post your findings and let me know if something is wrong, but stay friendly.

Bad example of bug report: "I hate it, played for 6 days and error script.. deleted all ... i just have 22 troops and that's all, i can't even talk with anyone everyone almost hate me.. " (most likely this guy has a cracked/outdated version causing him script errors)

Good example of bug report: "crash in reyvadin after doing action X or Y, OS (version), Gameversion, script errors (not just mention they exist but tell us what they say...)

Any bad bug report or all caps comment will be removed..
Allso, this mod is NOT compatible with cracked versions of warband so dont even try, and dont sent bad all caps crash comments when you use a cracked version of the game...

There is allso a 1700-1800 era version of this mod, it is exactly the same but with added muskets/uniforms.

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I am currently busy on another mod and there are already so many great mods around that I won't work on this one anymore. if anyone wants to use this mod the module system is for download and you have my permission to use the parts I changed. But be sure to ask the original developers to, they did all the hard work.

If you have any questions then feel free to pm me.

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Diplomacy+Companions merged

Diplomacy+Companions merged

Full Version 1 comment

M&B Warband mods Diplomacy + Companions .97 merged. See website for more information.

Comments  (0 - 10 of 32)
dfg1r - - 6 comments


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jh27031992 - - 8 comments

Whenever the Kingdom you are sworn to starts a 'Campaign', most of the lords just stand around a city and don't fight off or retaliate to enemies in siege. But when another Kingdom's Marshall starts a campaign- he has no problem, his gathers most of their kingdoms lords and starts besieging castles and cities.
As a result of this, your Kingdom (or the one you are sworn to) loses regions pretty fast. I noticed that most of my lords didn't turn up for me when I 'Started a Campaign', but I thought nothing of it, since I was unpopular with them anyway.
I lost ground when I was with the Swadians, the Khergits, and now the Vaegirs. And it was only recently I saw the armies just standing around doing nothing to protect the cities. I noticed this most with the Custom Troop Tree submod for Diplomacy
I have heard that, if a lord or king is captured, he might remain 'indisposed' even when and/or after he is released, is this a problem? I could change the indisposed value in the SaveGameEditor, but I can't find it the SaveGameEditor menu.

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Guest - - 706,531 comments

can we create own troops ?

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jh27031992 - - 8 comments

There is a sub mod called Custom Troop Trees, you can create your own troops there.

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gulfishan - - 11 comments

u still work on this ?

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DenioCarneiro - - 10 comments

does it work in the new version?

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Winter-Wolf132 - - 3 comments

Both Diplomacy and the Companion mod needs serious updating, as does TweakMB editor in order to work with the most popular mods out there now.

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zarger - - 1 comments

Hello pls Shorun Can you give me the Link to add For another Mod like "Fire Of War" in order to the module system thanks

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Guest - - 706,531 comments

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