This game (hate to say it,) but it leaves Excessive in the dust, it's faster and the weapons are far more devastating. Introducing, PowerweaponsPro v12. It is designed for regular multiplayer and CTF. My main changes (since taking ownership of Powerweapons v8 years ago,) were, finishing the game and re-balancing all the weapons, as well as adding a turret gun. The weapons, including the rapid burst cluster-rail machinegun, the railgun shotgun, cluster plasma, and conflagration lightning gun, are nothing like what's been seen before. The BFG is a room clearing device, and will take out an entire room full of enemies, you only get one shot each life. You can hold off an army with these weapons of mass destruction. I play tested it till I think that no one weapon used by any one person, can pwn any level. Comments are welcome, there are no Powerweapons servers up at the time of this release, but hopefully there will be soon. Enjoy!

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Server crash... *On my own build.

Server crash... *On my own build.


After quite a bit of testing, we're sure there isn't a problem on regular quake3.exe or ioquake3.x86.exe. Looks like my custom build has the problem...

Epic Changes to Bot AI

Epic Changes to Bot AI


The AI has been very difficult for me to grasp. Although the documenting in the Brainworks mod was very good, it was left to me to figure out what to...

Pwrguns v4

Pwrguns v4

News 3 comments

Little update. Ran into some amazing stuff recently. Added quaternion rotations... which in plain english means that the brass, the shotgun shells, and...

Old CVAR found!

Old CVAR found!


An Archiver for the old Fileplanet hosting, dug up the old CVARs for us. I have posted it on Sourceforge under the regular files section.

Powerweapons Resurrection

Powerweapons Resurrection

News 1 comment

New take on an old school game. Back in 2006 two clubs had sprung from the chaos that was Powerweapons v8. Two warring factions who's fight would never...