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d4d maps


More information in a few weeks :D

Mas información en algunas semanas :D

Doom 4 Maps For Doom 2

This first part is in spanish but below this is the part in English(Sorry if my english is bad)

Hola perras

La campaña...

Estara disponible tras varios meses de testeo y desarrollo asique esperen estúpidos demonios.
este mod esta echo en colaboración con Ledaro aqui les dejo su perfil:

No pretendo que la campaña tenga tanto mapeado y que las situaciones que ocurren en el mod sean exactamente iguales a doom 4
Cuando este terminado el wad en un futuro posiblemente haga una version para las pcs mas antiguas.
Quien dice que no? posiblemente sea lanzada una beta en los proximos dias asique esten atentos marines.
Cualquier consejo,bug o critica constructiva sera aceptada con gusto :D

De antemano agradezco a Sergeant Mark IV a Realm667 y a DBThanatos.
Aqui sus redes:

Sin mas que comentar, saludos hasta la próxima actualización...

Here is the part in English:

Hi bitches

The campaign...

Im doing doom4 maps for doom 2 :D

The campaign will be available after several months of testing and development so wait stupid demons.

This mod is made in collaboration with Ledaro,here is the link to his profile:

-I dont pretend that the campaign has perfectly mapped,so the situations that happen in the mod will not be exactly the same that in doom 4.
-When the mod is finished,im going to do a version renderized for the old pcs.
-Possibly a demo will be released in the coming days so stay alert marines.
-Any advice, bug or constructive criticism gladly accept it :D

Thanks to Sargeant Mark IV, DBThanatos and Realm667(for the textures and things).
Here their websites:

Nothing more to say,thanks for your time and until the next update...

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D4D Campaign Beta 1

D4D Campaign Beta 1

Demo 11 comments

This file contains d4d campaign beta 1 Este archivo contiene d4d campaign beta 1

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CaptainSnake123 - - 1 comments

es increible

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Ledaro - - 5 comments


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