Presenting the CornCobMod or the CornCobMan's FunMod (I'm really creative and original with names you see).

Forum Thread
Space Marines AI and Chaos AI tend to slack off (Games : Dawn of War : Mods : CornCobMan's Fun Mod for Soulstorm : Forum : Feedback and bug reporting : Space Marines AI and Chaos AI tend to slack off) Locked
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Sep 20 2018 Anchor

Sometimes, usually when at least both races (or 2x Chaos/Space Marines AI players or player using Chaos/Space Marines along with 1 Chaos/Space Marines AI player) are present on the battlefield, it often (but not always) leads to at least one of them putting much less effort into the game. Such affected race usually limits their progress to Barracks, Armory, a generator and units to a Chaos Lord/Force Commander and at least one team of Cultists/Scouts and Raptors/Assault Space Marines squad.

The issue is even more prevalent with reduced army size "win condition" enabled. Haven't gotten the time to test this in v1.81 but if nothing was done about regarding these two races, then the problem very likely still persists

Oct 13 2018 Anchor

I've made some tweaks to the general AI, hopefully it will perform better overall.

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