Archon ---> Quake. You heard right, elements of the 80's micro game archon extrapolated into the Quake universe. Get ready for a wild ride.                               (free stuff | no warranty | see disclaimer.txt | blah blah blah.)

Forum Thread
Code update: (2.0.0b) (Games : Quake : Mods : Chaos Archon : Forum : feature_report() : Code update: (2.0.0b)) Locked
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May 20 2018 Anchor

2.0.0 (beta) ** no release ** [ 5.20.018 ] - catch up on record of fixed bugs / items complete

So it seems while I was doing maphack alpha and pk3 beta releases I lost track of this update log.

This is most related .plan entries for Archon. It does cover some maphack and pk3 stuff but that is the build code base for Archon.


DONE: BlastProof -- implementing as .dmg_boom -- assigned mostly in .cfg files
DONE: LMS may need a bot tweak if 2 bots are left, slightly more favorable than botfixer -- idea: if human players are all dead, kill bots with bot_fixed
FIXED: did a map pk_cube create a respawning item -- yes it did, and it did not respawn --- is this correct behave ?
FIXED: map spawn pk_cube were not respawning in DM


DONE: port  trigger_stat_relay / SUB_Stat_UseTargets to mk3
DONE: now handle func_m_illusionary / m_func_illusionary, func_detail
DONE: put in rest of score_rel & player_count code -- where is this = calling this done, saw nothing else to put in
DONE: q gauntlet code + vmodel


DONE: particle_burst port to mk3
FIXED: lavabomb, chaos ejecta not appearing -- was fire_touch
DONE: lava puddles, large lava balls


FIXED: chaos tele-sphere map cfg options fix	-- movetarget is cleared after 1st teleport - why?
FIXED: obit issue - "_-=*[Six]                        " -- one issue was HIP re-use of .deathtype to send a message thru


FIXED: movetype = 0 chaos tele-sphere teleports itself around !
FIXED: looping walk sound for scourge morph & monster not cancelled by null.wav on same channel
FIXED: seems like scourge walk sound plays when dead -- by the above hack / tweak
FIXED: touch a cube, and frame bork happens - sometimes


DONE: compile.qc setup to output messages for bash script to config game distro
DONE: compiler SWITCH testing - some few #ifdef updates
FIXED: wraith skin not acc. in gremlin mdl -- was extra mdl not in pak file
FIXED: bound_other_ammo will kerbob other ammo limits in x_ents	 -- backpack test case, q1 weps have no limit issue some how
FIXED: \_ changed to light_lev
DONE: ? human sounds so far -- no non human morph has human sounds now
DONE: rogue _ when ogre drops multi rock pack, it will have to work same as boxes
FIXED: chaos tele-sphere spawn issue - was set		__func_chaos_teleport		"1" override bits -- this ent cant be overrode


DONE: gremlin port - x_monster update -- ish
TWEAK: hip grem code in x_grem code set - gorging --  disabled by previous return - needs adjusted
FIXED: gremlin spawn from player -- monsters are not currently tested in watermove so monster gremlins dont spawn
FIXED: moving sphere up / down with wheel has no stop -- wasnt clearing impulse
FIXED: mega health - grabbed one as hk and no rot occured	-- ops_rot starts but drops out on 1st think - one test didnt use .health_modifier


DONE: wraith skin vars solid forms -- all morphs designated wraithable so far


DONE: SOA testing -- for now
DONE: wraith icon for hud
FIXED: SOA crushed runes need to respawn elsewhere
FIXED: SOA - make sure map spawn items come back as well
FIXED: some pk_cube dont touch - mask not set -- how does this even happen?
FIXED: SOA touch issues -- backpacks - lavaball shooter trap - 


TWEAK: wraith - power drain slows down as archon builds
DONE: stronger wraith does more damage?
DONE: no health show for wraith
DONE: envirosuit, wetsuit skin ops
FIXED: Archon / demi -> poly, then poly dies -> Archon form
DONE: wraith solid from energy drains
DONE: wraith solid protect from suit .skin chgs
FIXED: Archons / demi were not dropping runes when shifting back


DONE: q1 flamer w/custom model
FIXED: casting in morph selection broke cube dialog -- wanted archon_magic


DONE: chaos mod mk_I items in entities.def, added to test map
FIXED: HUD had wrong test for art haste
DONE: art_vamp new icon for HUD
DONE: human sounds so far	-- believe all morph sounds are seperate from human ones
DONE: positron add


FIXED: m-ogre cluster bomb, all cluster go one direction	-- used W_FireGrenade, was going thru ogre shot
FIXED: some morph melee attacks dont open damage-open-doors -- also added blood
DONE: alpha speed / vampire artifact
DONE: dynamo, positron ents on test map


DONE: compile switch upd
DONE: build expire into chaos_tele
FIXED: chaos has .volume issue	-- must be chaos_level code - MAX_CHAOS_LVL not set
FIXED: poly magic using morphic_impulse -- maybe, still has cost update issue, exit screen clear deal
DONE: rest of rogue items -- belt, shield, sphere


DONE: convert enhance to cfg method -- only morphs left - have to finish out adapt code cfgs
DONE: set already melded code to compile when good -- all current instance complete
DONE: morph - frame ops, attacks -- wip item list set notes
DONE: morph chaos
FIXED: no reticle -- 1 - reticle.spr not present, 2 - 
DONE: spell takeover vars #define as unique ids
FIXED: bouncy laser brightfield when fired by scourge / chaos


DONE: updated touch mask - altar, nodules, ppp, runes -- now altar, runes are no wraith + no arc, nodules are just no wraith
FIXED: runes ignored mask	-- Archons should not get runes
FIXED: cube_touch ignored mask as well
FIXED: bug in bframe, bframe 5 -- did not contain if (self.bfr==2) self.frame=bb;


DONE: morph order, spells		-- ish, some spell code tweak may be needed
DONE: fade remove code here -- .lip == -0.06


FIXED: mega health max no work with morphs
FIXED: x_touch mega health does not handle morphs correct


DONE: compiler SWITCH testing - buku #ifdef updates	-- mostly		removing some modules breaks others and the switch control flow is not protected
FIXED: when m-scourge gets bombs, they have no prox trigger -- had prox trigger, boom timer was messed, not giving warn sound
FIXED: scourge now not tossing proxs


DONE: rogue power shield
DONE: ego improved code


DONE: some human pain sounds for enforcer, knights, soldiers -- sounds given are:	teledth, lava burn, drown, axe hit
DONE:archon models should prob have .effects | 512			--- test
DONE: find a way to protect morph fire by frames from movement frame hijack -- set .th_run / .th_walk to SUB_Null, block setting .think in move code
FIXED: cthon bombs too fast, put normalize back in  -- newmis.velocity = normalize(newmis.velocity) * velmul * rvel;			maybe test with other code that uses fire_missile
FIXED: monster respawn test fail -- t_length not set, so SUB_regen was not correct ops
DONE: m-cthon port


FIXED: phone boink sounds dont seem to play -- used .noise1 .noise3 from holdable tele


DONE: gremlin spawning in water
DONE: sphere_annihilation_reverse_touch in all touch fn -- this is a pain, a single touch interface would be a lot easier
DONE: empathy, wetsuit touch ops


DONE: lava bomb port


FIXED: lavabomb occasionally gets stuck running frame via tarbaby
DONE: lavabomb move check code


FIXED: lavabomb skin 1 is messed ? (looks like missing override deal) -- was .colorspace when mitosis copied a bomb from morph
DONE: framernseq -- non sequential frame macro


DONE: loop_sound
DONE: most code_morph activated as code_morph_a
FIXED: hell knight special wep usage
DONE: volspec set based on morph wep selection, even if self.volume has not been set -- because new impulse selector has no separate fn() call that does this
FIXED: world is used as telefrag owner, blows everything touching it -- must be from mini_teleport 			--- maybe fixed - this could still happen


DONE: morph shalrath attacks


DONE: morph fiend attacks


FIXED: deathtype falling wacks morph deathtype on first thud


DONE: no lightning blast in lava -- rest of ltn weps


FIXED: this is an ogre spawned by pp random:
DONE: removed human jump sound from other morphs -- morph jump fn() still needs ported
DONE: enforcer can get q1 hook
DONE: morph jumps use pain sound (.noise2) and play it 20% of jumps
DONE: thunder bolt doesnt blow up in lava -- do rest of weps


FIXED: holding down button1 with m-ogre does nada -- this may explain the general firing slop of some morph attacks
FIXED: m-ogre chainsaw has no hit	-- but it doesnt hit doors
FIXED: zomby gib fountains go away too easy


TWEAK: minor code bits
DONE: morph ogre attacks
DONE: chaos_bomb ported -- random v_angle not working right - all bombs go in x axis one way


FIXED: morph tarbaby_mitosis .th_pain call was on overload
FIXED: zombie morph can constantly restart fire frames
DONE: all zombies CB_ZOMBY .mask value - IS_ZOMBY test
DONE: one rogue monster IS_LAVA -- note: monster not in code yet
FIXED: morph demon had wrong pain frames -- was bad cfg issue - many new cfg need double checked
DONE: gib_tracer, cloudkill for zombie morph
DONE: def laser for enforcer -- eweap seem to work - fire frames on lasercanon a bit funky


FIXED: alien young were dying instantly - noway code bork
DONE: cfg generic for clinger burst spawner -- used self.event, defaults to monster_young
DONE: monster pain frames used by morphs
FIXED: zombie down still allows morph to move & reposition the model -- test


DONE: hell knight attacks
DONE: pain_sup in all monster code
DONE: alien infestation mode port to mk III


TWEAK: adjust on SUB_Renew & mon_renew code -- maybe combine gen_respawn and mon_renew
DONE: morph death frames via monster code -- all usable sets anyway, still some death frames to code
FIXED: enforcer was calling ai_run in death frames - had to lock dead morphs
DONE: all missile / ent CONTENT_SKY checks are now sky_touch content + texture checks
DONE: cm2 Wiz_MissileTouch ported to Morph_MissileTouch
DONE: cm2 fire_burst fn() ported, excised unused fn( parms )


DONE: existing cm2 morph obits -- need tested 		- TDO: wep / situ specific obits - ex: fiend rage boom deaths
DONE: monster respawning code via SUB_Renew - .th_respawn		-- there are some CHECK items


DONE: sound tracking warning segment boost
FIXED: doom door sound issue on test_c - outside door -- close sound never stops


DONE: scourge weps rev 1
DONE: bind F12 crosshair mess up fixed
DONE: add morph sounds / walksounds
FIXED: for some reason stand frames freeze on scourge if currentammo = 0 on poly


DONE: lava bomb "cthonme" -- arg - cvar_fields "1" check failed, no __m_895	= "1"
DONE: HUD adjust for IMP_MBCTHON = 895
DONE: item_weapon ammo unit maskage


FIXED: morph face over top std rune indicators - archon / sys6 HUD
DONE: impulse 10 / 12 have issue selecting morph wep 4096 -- 
FIXED: still needs called twice to get next wep on 10 to 12 switch -- seems to be anyway, piece of old 10 / 12 code got left in
DONE: lava blob nails now have lavawpn effect


DONE: cthon -- fix died & respawn issue with morphy = 895
FIXED: broke fire button for human
FIXED: archon ppp does not have x_items set -- random spawn ones
FIXED: canpab fails now -- from T_Heal changes for morphs
FIXED: aircannon viswep framing is wrong -- works in pk3 -- style wasnt cleared from __pk_set


FIXED: scragg spike had morph_pack_rethink set ?! -- must have been set via call with newmis = spike, but how ?
DONE: select builtin weps
DONE: shambler morph test added to shambler 1/2 dmg code
DONE: lava bomb attacks


DONE: morph - haste rune + run


DONE: morph - haste rune + run


FIXED: items morphs can still touch


FIXED: drown issues with IS_LAVA
FIXED: server EDICT 0:


FIXED: backpack touch mask not set
DONE: minor issuse with _archon, _morph, buttons, doors, runes
DONE: FL_0DAMAGE in  Monster_JumpTouch


\_ DONE: runes module


\_ DONE: shub_killer, vars, lava things heal
DONE: code this test to exclude same morph types - perhaps a cvar_string("__m"+ftos(morphy)) test
FIXED: shub_killer did not always get morph form correct
DONE: pack touch respects .mask


\_ DONE: morph_clichk


\_ DONE: archon.qc, misc.qc, cubes / crates (p1)


FIXED: flyer_move(); -- now used for deadcam
\_ DONE: hook, dmg_skin, bolt, tomb, world.qc


DONE: heal mod & heal code -- maybe - check some more, then test
FIXED: backpack from morph -- item.weapon = pX; 		fails: 	weapon          1091.0000


FIXED: viswep reload after morph -- left code_morph out of viswep
FIXED: morph can collect explode shells -- mask was set for all


DONE: respawns -- maybe...


FIXED: tossed armor can be recollected -- should be non issue, but just in case
DONE: set this: morph_pack_rethink to work with tossed armor -- use .think1


FIXED: not setting mask_x -- changed to .mask - may have vector confusion by engine extension
FIXED: model gets set, doesnt change -- modelindex_player deal


DONE: morph cube lower limit vs player archon level - block touch


DONE: $delaycmd - executed in console (client side) to reset vars settings
DONE: call cube cprint cfg from client side
DONE: need scr_centertime restore after morph cube
DONE: fire button clear long centerprints


DONE: message colors on archon nodule elements
DONE: missing m-*_cprint.cfg & conversion of morph_print_notify() centerprint lines


DONE: message colors on archon nodule elements


TWEAK: port monster_generator
FIXED: __spawn_12_bubble_count is "2" ["2"] rnd_
FIXED: dont work on map reload - server.cfg deal -- archon controls moved to server
FIXED: no damage gens -- default is 0, must set = 2 for a shot-able gen
FIXED: __gen_scragg - something kills every takedamage in the level but player:
DONE: block generator spawns from rnd select -- created info_gen_spawn
FIXED: generator monsters not spawn fraging each other -- they have to have health - __gen_set "1" was not defined
FIXED: archon point ogre spawn (# 2) has a dang long think to monster_go


DONE: nodules, altar, ppp, god particle


DONE: archon scourge.qc convert to mk_III
DONE: re-org OS install.txt file 


DONE: 1Tb drive project sys2 - win7 boot in its partition, win xp boot fixed, doing all backups


DONE: wmgrb script - grap win pos cfg & assign to repeatable commands in a dir, callable from a menu


DONE: lots of grub fskery via kali -- got 018.1.19 stormbringer up in /dev/sdb8
DONE: *_486 Morphix - UP! -- no nvidia yet
DONE: #! up - nvidia driver re-install, 3 screens config -- no network


DONE: dist-upgrade experimental -- seeing some flake
DONE: yandex replaced palemoon and chromium with drop in Default config dir


DONE: gparted move / expand 4Tb backup - run orphan file check
DONE: installed palemoon to replace broken chromium


DONE: move orphan data from backup
DONE: scourge monster.cfg
DONE: entities.def update for latest recodes


DONE:  dup sys1 to 2Tb backup internal
DONE: scourge.qc convert to mk_III cfg file, rv 1


DONE: plug all drives -- resized win7 to 250Gb
DONE: th_turn #define adjust


DONE: gs_1 drive rebuild -- steam OS install on spare 1Tb hard drive


DONE: item regen HUD show regen rune
DONE: merged v107_II & prv into one project -- do we need to make a new master ?
DONE: scragg enhanced attacks were left out


DONE: find out why runes accumulate / spawn in generator area on test map
TWEAK: plasma conflict with clg, moved to pk_slot 4
FIXED: archon power bar missing - addstat wasnt compiled
DONE: after regen rot must occur
DONE: +5 health needs rot to 100 or touch health level
DONE: rest of shambler cfg meleedmg -- he had 2 melee dmg
FIXED: artifacts - mask ops - at one point seemed powers were real -- warning system blew this away


DONE: .qca stamp & compiler.qc version (if avail) on qcc output
DONE: rest of q3 items -- artifacts / rune powers done, holdables done


DONE: rest of hip / rogue weps into whpr.cfg -- all but lava nail ammo
FIXED: ops_rot - q1 mega health has no max_health - rots below 100
DONE: random monster facing dir -- angles_y		"$R355"


DONE: q1 explodbox - dont always explode - just go away -- something about respawn setup
FIXED: spawn arent making many jump sounds ? -- logic change from mk II wasnt moved over


FIXED: translate ops with solid = 2		-- translate to / from explod boxen or that one barrel    and note the experimental push blowboxen
DONE: cube / crate monster spawn charmer -> after spawn loop code
FIXED: pk throwables all inf ammo, not thrown right


DONE: timeout remove random monsters
DONE: all enhanced monsters in rnd spawn test cfg
DONE: exploder sub sets


DONE: monsters should have a cfg load melee attack value to acc. supers large sizes
DONE: meleedmg - ai_melee calls, dog, ogre, hknight, shambler, fish
DONE: check all * self.scale for ( ) enclose on prev arg
DONE: update so monsters_plus__ can be turned off
DONE: all mon frames need checked for ones that dont call an ai_* with speed controls
DONE: "self.nextthink = time + (self.speed * MON_SPEED_DIV * self.speed_div);" needs to be in framer, framerloop
FIXED: pickup gas cyl when over max ammo, and health bottles, q3 reg health


DONE: ai.qc, hip_ai.qc updated with mon_speed, morph elements
DONE: removed all monster commented out speed code on init
DONE: FL_FROZEN, monsters
DONE: all known monster speed code in mk_II
DONE: demon meleedmg


DONE: 1Tb root drive setup - bohdi bootable, win7, winxp, morphix multi boot -- no steam tho
DONE: override - vore, dog, fiend, vore, wizard
DONE: define monster dmg_save as gibdmg
DONE: define monster dodmg is jump attack dmg
DONE: saving history of qr search in .qrs |sort -u
DONE: cfg for super monsters -- all mk II super elements listed
DONE: super monster .scale and movement adjust -- in ai.qc
DONE: removed mk II extended model framesets -- demon.qc, dog.qc, ogre.qc, shalrath.qc, soldier.qc, tarbaby.qc, wizard.qc
FIXED: monster teleport issue still exists -- used mk I teleport debounce
DONE: archon monster enhance -- generic code for monster_start


DONE: override - tarbaby explode damage - used mon_gibdmg
DONE: define xwep dmg_save as ammo_used -- TEST


DONE: tarbaby


DONE: ogre, hell knight
FIXED: cfg - spawnflags in cfg require {selector}_sf	"1" -- some of these were missing
FIXED: ( attempt ) - monster teleport deal


DONE: sub field cfg remake -- still: runes
DONE: runes sub fields
FIXED: _sub1 causes an infinite loop in cvar_fields due to reuse of f0__ -- added local float f_;
DONE: cfg remake -- q1setcyc deal
FIXED: some vector cvar in *cfg are still triples
DONE: decor has no class select -- set to: set		__decor_set_class_select		"decor_item"
DONE: wolf ammo clip, other touch "box" issues -- fixes


FIXED: enforcer firing issues -- lasercanon


FIXED: monster enhance option puts pkitems in packs
DONE: server.cfg update for calling all map / DM / SP / COOP / skill cfg sets
DONE: __decor_set


DONE: wixard 3x, 6s frame out - pain, death


DONE: vaarezeil.mdl, supervore code upd -- tho this will be removed for spawnflags version in 1 fn
FIXED: monster W_FireRocket issues from v107 code change
DONE: horn ops -- note: has teleport effect in original	-- 1st cut anyway


DONE: rogue multi weapon for ogre bawse -- still have plasma code not compiled
DONE: removed hip_xlate.qc, hip_null.qc and control code -- fn is provided by cfg system 6


DONE: remodel: scourge, ogre, dog, tarbaby, demon


DONE: crates, rnd items -- sub field cfg
DONE: framer soldier mon+ army_natk1
FIXED: enhanced monsters firing rockets werent going vertical -- code was not compiled


DONE: cvar_fields _sub{n} load - sub-fields for common data
DONE: cubes - __touch_set, __rndloc_itm, __smloc_itm


DONE: _trr random monster spawn method
DONE: rebuilt xmon.pk3, added mon_II sounds
FIXED: missing x_mon sounds -- they are in archon beta release - now in xmon.pk3


DONE: meld comparison setup from archon
DONE: client_side updates from current compile
DONE: vomitus idle sound restore
FIXED: compile issues when #define quakemonsters turned off
DONE: last man standing winner announce


DONE: archon pts in cfg -- ish


DONE: random monster test via cfg
DONE: _tr can call fn if not defined as cvar during cvar_fields loop


DONE: last man standing -- initial vers


DONE: q3_ha_rot -- need to handle armor, which respawns so we cant just think the armor ent
DONE: te_explosionsilent for hip exploder and other barrel sounds


FIXED: railgun splatter has wrong origin - off from beam strike -- this is an issue with the sprite gfx - strike point origin is accurate
DONE: folded rlspg_fade, plspg_fade into stain_fade (hipx.qc)


DONE: mac bonus model unmaker
FIXED: shooting lasercannon at a pushable - sometimes push lifts into air ?! -- cant always push pushable after lift
DONE: also block ip_chk from ejected swap weps
FIXED: eject weps do not go away


FIXED: HUD is flicking pk cube open very fast -- mcode assign is trashed in viswep via clr_x code
FIXED: morph cube cfg had wrong mcodes
FIXED: rotating weps out of cube touch changes .weapon & v / vw model but not .eweapon


FIXED: viswep double up - see reggun screen cap
DONE: _all_ dmaitems, weapevol initial models -- skins need tweaks
FIXED: weird rotate bug in vv_range_base was because #define Q_RANGE 127 excluded bit 128 weps ! -- saw this issue with hip laser cannon


DONE: d_mlaunch, d_rifle models, cfg
DONE: entities.def updates


DONE: d_flamer reskin, more alpha wep models, related cfg


DONE: final model from dmaitems
FIXED: flamer frames bug for non-gauge flamers -- i.e. anything besides flamer2 from cm2 


DONE: unmaker model - da4 -- mostly


DONE: probjectile model -- need code, skin update


DONE: skullstick, skullart, dark claw
FIXED: HUD not doing pk cube open -- mk III changed map code set for this


FIXED: if (EWEAP.mcode = 315)
DONE: w_ammo_rockbox, w_ammo_bbox on test_c
FIXED: d_rockbox.mdl alpha bottom skin issue


DONE: spray rifle code, audio


DONE: book alphas, spray rifle alpha


DONE: alts w_rockbox, w_ammobox


DONE: item randomizers
FIXED: mk II translate code had random translates -- poss fix with spawn_loop rnd select - but need a way not to spawn new item, just mod the _tr item
DONE: cleanup map stats in config.cfg from HUD	-- remove decimal subs
FIXED: client side that writes those
DONE: alternate messages on trap .deathtype - lavabshooter or rocketshooter


FIXED: tr_ any -> q1 mega health -- fail because cfg entry incomplete


DONE: finish master translates - wolf, doom
FIXED: _tr, _qover resetting classvn from original -- there is still wierdness


DONE: {cln}_qover, {cln}_trr use {cln}_tr as reference to a generic list -- need this for randomize over genre & total randomize


DONE: move VWX_ data to cfg files, retool ops code


FIXED: csqc hud doesnt show q1 runes as indicated by serverflags 1, 2, 4, 8 -- client side compile is under archon qc


DONE: all of cfg we have VW{X,Y,Z} defined for


DONE: explode box respawn & admin -- controls - handles various DM config - 0,1,2,3,4
DONE: resp on std explobox -- misc_explobox is cantanqerous on test_c, but seems ok on other maps - huh ?
DONE: random translates -- use _tr code cvar extras


DONE: Archon code complexity like respawn exploboxen

FIXED: SUB_regen issue where a respawned xent model size was wrong on explode boxes
FIXED: de1m1 corner item issue -- these are removed by PlaceItem droptofloor code because they fall out...but why


DONE: fn - clear model, set timer to resp., script set SUB_regen think (mayb), call spawn_loop


reFIXED: grav well pulls dead cams - changed dob cfg code -- prvm_edictset server $1 AIRG_Timeout -6


DONE: gave cfg shortcut alias
DONE: give away cfg - genre init weps
FIXED: grav well pulls dead cams - changed dob cfg code, added -- prvm_edictset server $1 map nonmove


DONE: hook admin items -- giveaway hook


DONE: give away items cfg base ops
FIXED: __copy{n} cfg items


FIXED: pickup sounds are blanking -- logic bug in weapon_touch via  "else { remove(stemp); return; }"
TWEAK: __copy{n} ops - need to check more #s - cant always be sequential


DONE: q1 override if x_ent script models are missing -- prob do this in cvar_fields near tr
FIXED: both haste runes - axe does not damage very often -- this is an attack finish issue


FIXED: q3_tex - flyer subdir - need map repair script for all texs -- q0/id1/textures


DONE: cfg/archon.cfg -- extract from items.cfg


FIXED: rnd monster yaw fail -- monster has to call monster_start()


DONE: MOVE - items.cfg to monsters.cfg


FIXED: new persistant __archon_maker_rocket ents
FIXED: .punchangle does not eject during sub loop -- velocity was set - no movetype
DONE: power point random weapon set + bonus ammo


FIXED: __archon_maker_ was firing on spawn - used spawn_loop as classname -- oops
FIXED: using '-8 -8 -8' -- was taking over self from point from faulty spawn loop code


DONE: sub loop for spawn_loop code - rnd items can now spawn subsets


DONE: variable scope test for qc vault



FIXED: win 10 library issues


DONE: testing release package
DONE: info alias & cfg file -- for rc1 anyway
DONE: verify release package
DONE: verify test cfg not in release - infinite pki, etc -- only seem to be in dpu - config.cfg
DONE: final release package
DONE: release gfx
DONE: Release candidate 1 upload!


FIXED: issue (re)discovered -- fail seems to be in viswep_pkbot


FIXED: dedicated console was getting Con_DPrintf -- have to set developer to -1 now
FIXED: dwarfcutter has no pickup snd


DONE: base key cfg - wasd
DONE: added pk3cli.lnk for win launching client


DONE: update mh trigger on OA -- hit every spawn point		(not working sp?)


FIXED: occaug with arc_hub -- needs trigger set load				 - hard code into map worked


FIXED: pistol / dsg vw anim frames -- still have a 0.05 sec flicker of rockatt? - dont notice at full spd
DONE: removed vw_ pistol origin_z "kick up"
FIXED: getting pack of q1 ammo - holding dsp - lose eweap ptr


DONE: add levels to arc_hub vote -- & tested


FIXED: 1pv grap not out while pinned -- change of .weapon for grap
FIXED: bt, tomb, turret in lava from pk1.1


DONE: e2u2/ceil1_2 adjust in wad -- recompile map
FIXED: num disp bad tex
DONE: removed maphack test alpha
DONE: radiant tex updates -- why do we need this?  seems like __chaos was swapped out for some reason - all the copy back come from there


FIXED: door close never stops on mode doors -- some door travel sounds on this mode are cut short
FIXED: silent lava pit move


DONE: tex correct: wndow0_1
FIXED: missing door sounds, module default if x6b not ready


DONE: test - impulse list
DONE: pref.cfg update with mod binds


DONE: added 8ray_2_2d.bsp
DONE: missing ac1 tex, check others -- mostly, need to script automate this from map src where we can
DONE: tex move __chaos to chaos for some old maps
DONE: updated fact3 from new compile (still need tex fix)


DONE: finalize crates / pkcube contents, random pki for sp & dm map with no pki
FIXED: ac1 pp track mode


FIXED: biosuit qover from some rogue item -- apparently - no known changes were made


DONE: admin alias need $lrcon -- whole ton of set / seta / unset
DONE: client only cfg from world
DONE: $lrcon tweak for srv / cli
DONE: +listen setup to clear $lrcon when runnnig a listen server, so qc cfg calls will work
DONE: move binds out of cfg.pk3
DONE: server.cfg & DM.cfg map calls outside of cfg.pk3


DONE: hip support module include -- some rogue stuff here, set date 1999
DONE: _pak identify.txt
DONE: local / rcon command mode - use set & $var


FIXED: aircan blowing lasers from hiplaz -- test
DONE: player override step with __player or __player{morphnum}
FIXED: player override borks model size


DONE: doom1_e1 map issue -- idea is remake from de1m1 w/o d_ stuff -remove score, !mod, q1 tags
DONE: added grn slime light to outside pool
DONE: upated _ow vers as well
DONE: bound_other_ammo - max ammo admin -- caveat: server.cfg MUST have global set, code has no defaults


FIXED: this will kerbob other ammo limits in x_ents -- 1st cut - adds ammo_* to q1 ammo ents & only checks given ammo


DONE: default.cfg for cvar that werent ported & are needed 
DONE: mirror request research
DONE: max ammo admin - all ammos -- still need pack override settings - be nice if cfg had "if / then" & string tests


DONE: pk ammo max admin


DONE: sv_powtime details -- not done for q1 artifacts
DONE: nosoliddecor option, server & DM decor control items


DONE: qh elements for pk3 - bash & .bat files, mod include list, msvcr120.dll -- .arc 


DONE: null strings no longer crash qc w/regard: sv_cmd, isfunction, callfunction, cvar, cvar_string, etc
DONE: remove null string tests for above list
DONE: build new maphack win exe & update release set
DONE: include engine in release


DONE: inf ammo, x_wep
FIXED: cfg errors in translate - armor1, armor2, q3 artifacts that turn on alpha
DONE: tr q1 to q3, wf
DONE: clear disambit every server
DONE: mvc9 singleplayer mode with new setup -- still needs random pki cfg completed, either set same as cm2 or just activated in sp


DONE: build pk extr, mod, norm -- revising for 3.0
DONE: add pk max live ents -- limit for turrets and limit for btrap + tombs
DONE: maploop sample
FIXED: when level transit w/ x_wep, on entry, eweap not set
FIXED: x_wep ammo factory on transit -- additive from x_load & what wep has
DONE: finish pki inf ammo settings


DONE: decor now qover to item_null
FIXED: item_null goes trigger solid - for decor to null -- this will jack up any solid tr'ed to item_null !
FIXED: func_pushable target validates target model > 6 chars -- incase decor / push is taken to item_null or other invalid model values
DONE: qover build -- for all the prev 7 & 8 item converts anyway
FIXED: dob doesnt work ? -- 2nd cut of cfg left out "$1"


DONE: enabled qover -- and fixed logic
DONE: added ldfail.bsp to build


FIXED: info cfg missing
DONE: level transit & x_wep / pk_wep blocking std wep vwepent -- the subtract bit at issue
FIXED: bad loop bug in SelectSpawnPoint with .chain and pk select system enhance
DONE: func_arcarn, archon_fader
FIXED: weapon / level transit issues -- shotgun, axe are fixed
FIXED: hud not showing beartrap select -- hud_pak did not have updated csprogs.dat
FIXED: "You got the Thunderbolt" - but no vwepent, already had clg -- its the clg - got that & bit is set, no vwepent added


DONE: reconfig vars build components
FIXED: had beartrap before transit, after - icon on hud, no vw_, cant select
FIXED: no pk cube model
FIXED: occasional missing axe -- is this a level transit thing with pki ?
FIXED: missing 8ray in chv_?


FIXED: pklevel set to arc_hub on any hub -- cleaned up comment litter in hub.qc
FIXED: map crates respawn in sp -- health           -16.0000
DONE: cfg updated script -- called in .pk3


DONE: remake of mod builder script


DONE: test - see what happens when hitting a monster / player -- harp pulls both


DONE: dob now run on server only
FIXED: teleport train on test_c leaves fixangle wrong !
DONE: _/
FIXED: pk*bots need this -- already in bothink now
DONE: scripted obits -- was done aways back


FIXED: holster last wep kinda odd -- found 2nd logic bug - even made _yet_ _another_ logic bug
DONE: update W_ChangeWeapon was code, include pki -- eweap didnt changed, does it need incl
DONE: dob - dead observer by alias & cli #


DONE: pk maps need bouncy nailgun -- testing pkmm / nopki with vars maps, seems legit
FIXED: oddball centerprint of world.message -- wep select message when ptr is world
DONE: RankForWeapon doesnt take eweap into account -- needs to use distance but dont have that in weapon or ammo _touch
DONE: botcam #ifdef wrapper adjust


DONE: map admin - new "menu" system replacement via .cfg & alias {n} setup -- mostly
FIXED: when nopk is used, pk_sfx alias never comes back


DONE: notes on pk admin commands & ops -- admin.cfg
DONE: debounce t_botpath .touch
DONE: map vote displays -- prev WriteB3 method total remove
DONE: added inHubMap to nox code in client -- shouldnt fraglimit hub


DONE: pk impulse set	-- still have: 46 - best wep, 69 - prev wep		-- not doing admin via impulse
DONE: best wep tweaks - pk no blaster deal, lg rank 75, etc.

DONE: noexit deal - ? -- this is the cm2 server code that dealt with frag / timelimit and a map without a trigger_changelevel
DONE: admin - nextlevel code
DONE: add real ply_count to test code
DONE: crosshair impulse 49 replaced with cfg loop
DONE: hub override -- is this working live?  it works on map reloads


DONE: q2 teleport sounds & particle fountain -- need tele snd thru now


DONE: removed vwepsel -- not used in new scheme
DONE: mem on slot 1 select
DONE: controls section of archon autoexec.cfg
DONE: admin.cfg stuff moved out of autoexec.cfg
DONE: CycleWeaponCommand doesnt bypass a top slot wep with no ammo for one below that has or is inf ammo
1. hitting 1 requires an extra tap to advance pki when cycling in -- or
2. hitting 1 auto advances when re-entry from another slot -- you were on turret, select rl, then 1 again - comes back in with beartrap
FIXED: trigger dtype & fact3 ops -- redo map with moving lava door - works if tex is *lava
FIXED: disamb_q2 missing super shotgun
DONE: wsys6+ _mdl missing -- still might need pk


FIXED: bot_fixer not fixing now -- wasnt being run after changelevel / map cmd, put in server.cfg
DONE: new cycle & 1-9 impulse
DONE: add pk_currentitem to _every_ cfg wep -- dbl check


FIXED: pulse spikes stuck forever in void again -- a lot of these slug a server down 10 fps or so for about 25 spikes
FIXED: deathtype not cleared on respawn
DONE: adjust power armor imp to 56 -- 55 used by beacon now
DONE: all pk impulse item selects


FIXED: pack touch x_load bad loop bug
DONE: bots keeps busting eweap / viswep_ld - free ents, pointer goes world while firing, etc -- perhaps it is over


FIXED: couldnt touch power armors -- __msk was wrong
DONE: x_items touches -- keys			// for now anyways


DONE: some tweaks to way W_BestWeapon logic works
DONE: clear self.eweap ptr & EWEAP, if wasfreed or not valid refer
FIXED: item_reload - s4__ adjust -- cvf is called and s4__ is field_loop
DONE: generic impulse weapon select & fn caller


DONE: check actor logic in ego -- changed this to not blast true invuln players
FIXED: turrets: health           -99.0000	ammo_cells     -18967.0000
FIXED: more bots eweap screwage
DONE: sv_bot_fk0 now saved in config.cfg


DONE: remove viswep_post from pk botthink	-- will be called by player or frikbot in postthink
FIXED: vwep_firecary clears vwepent - never changes eweapon
FIXED: mask does nada -- needed ifdef switch


FIXED: viswep_ld was harboring a bad loop bug when bots called it
FIXED: map codes in HUD for weps that arent showing (aircan, clg, harp)
FIXED: revised pk_currentitem plays havok with HUD code -- mostly fixed, new pk_curr setup is messing with detect of std weps (lg icon shows when only have clg)
DONE: saved? scratch? used by frikbot - change to sv_bot_fk?


FIXED: NULL function in server: FIELD_FNC  locus (=entity 21), think1 (=.think1), GLOBAL1520
DONE: removed unused code in _bots
DONE: pkbot taunt msg slight mod
DONE: now protecting from freed ent and non eweap -- prob. need to leave this in
DONE: pkbots now use hi? msg set if pk
FIXED: pkbot is firing lightning wrong -- had to set v_forward prior to fire - make this generic?


FIXED: grap swap w/ hammer with grap on bit 128 -- this is the issue of some items having pk_curr unset thus 0, which creates a special case in code
FIXED: have hammer, no lg - going imp 9 then 8 -- hammer gets held as range wep?
DONE: move all hooks to 128 or 256 bit pos -- they almost need another special hook only slot - 8192 bit
DONE: converted some		ign == A_MONSTER		to == "dyn_sp"
DONE: block ClearSpawnPoint from dyn items -- code has potential to send non items to sub_regen
DONE: track this -- stuffcmd(self, CL_BOBSET); // restore bobing - may have come from a hub vote
FIXED: tomb_immune_time	now #define as bt_immune_time
DONE: bot touching stuff - no longer have master touch fn like cm2 -- moved bot code to touched() module - all touch come here on success
FIXED: cvar (=cvar()) -- cvar_fields call with es = ""
DONE: test cl_bob - hub vote (bots) -- hub / pcis restored
FIXED: player.qc:202: warning: too many parameters - - x_wep/vwdefs.qc:79:    FL_MELEE  is defined here
was DONE: pk*bot fix - classname = "player" instead of "pk*bot" - lots of recode on this
DONE: obit messages via cfg cvar -- all x_wep need this for release, message should also copy to missiles by fire_missile


DONE: CycleWeaponCommand & impulse [1-9], 10, 12
DONE: moved hooks to slot on 8192 bit - no impulse val yet
FIXED: imp 1-9 can select a base wep when not held from bit in x_wep -- can select GL when you get prox
DONE: swap canpab & beartrap bits to fix cycle seq & HUD display
DONE: turn off "no wep" & "no ammo" msg with cycle wep using imp 1-9
FIXED: pk 3.0 slot select not the same as pk 2.x -- harpoon, aircannon, clg, etc


DONE: impulse [1-9] preserve slot 1 select, but cycle can defunk it
FIXED: adjust to mcode val * 256 in other modules
DONE: impulse [1-9] now starts new slot at pk_curr = 1, & cycles
DONE: CycleWeaponCommand goes thru all inv slot items
FIXED: EF_NODRAW set by viswep on some pk_curr stuff not in slot 1 -- complete retool of viswep post logic


DONE: setup viswep to assign an x_ent to any impulse 1 - 9 slot via slot bit code from .weapon on eweapon
DONE: inventory limit (now stored in cfg) -- but, this is now fixed to code
DONE: x_decparm pki ammo counts -- level transit & pack code dont access msk limits from cfg
DONE: x ammos included / cleared via parm13


FIXED: p2 died with key - self.think is missing qc fail -- must have had something to do with 2nd player in server, added cvar_fields to null out fns
FIXED: after turret tweak, unable to toss last turret due to eweapon change mid toss


FIXED: pk*bots dont get fallout check in client.qc
DONE: compile w/o pk module -- some wild code appeared outside #ifdef
DONE: put use_pki back in frikbot
DONE: use_pki select eweap via cycle weps
DONE: compile w x monsters module -- got a stray char in code "f" - must have been an f for fail
DONE: compile w/o a few modules -- some wild code appeared outside #ifdef


DONE: backpack & pk items -- test


DONE: fakeload for pk range weps, unholstered x_ent - current iter -- needs thorough test


FIXED: viswep bad loop bug -- added vw_chain before the vload "find the last vwepent" loop


DONE: updated botmatch alias
FIXED: sparks not working on map outside of hud / pk {n} mode -- changed nopki / nopkm.cfg to allow map stuff / items


DONE: bot fixer update, buku code cleanup


DONE: obits: x monsters, morph, x_weps, chaos weps -- TEST
FIXED: map_item.cfg fixed for wait -2 by clrld.cfg


FIXED: monsters & bots getting stuck, running in place -- gameplayfix? framer loop?  ai_rep call?
FIXED: obits - pki (turret) -- set ltn note


DONE: botcam code improved - now tracks frikbot as well, and no live players are tracked
FIXED: dm is respawning cells from pkcubes -- fix in cfg - set wait to -2 to remove dyn_item in touched
DONE: botmatch alias


FIXED: obit isfunction crash where string was empty
DONE: bot init recode - fix pk not transit levels, removed disconnectPlayer - using null classname logic
DONE: pk ifdef adjust - removed pkvl warning float, commentary
DONE: pk ifdef adjust ai.qc - removed pkvl warning float, commentary
DONE: pk ifdef adjust - backpack bot setup
DONE: bot plat_hit_bottom code in door_hit_bottom
DONE: remove bot_BackpackSetup - op statements moved to items backpack code
FIXED: pk*bot tracks levels


FIXED: pkbot has targeting issue + see qc fail -- bogus fn call
DONE: compile adjust for no bots, pk only, frik only
DONE: .group update for detecting pk*bot
DONE: include botaim in b_aim call - set v_forward for other calc -- test bot aim somehow


DONE: detect pk*bot with .group test -- changed from .map
FIXED: noautoaim boondogble -- notautoaim removed, ops relegated to sv_aim "1" on server


DONE: special door sounds - note: gnr not working on some maps
DONE: score_rel level map stuff - doors, triggers, hub, etc


FIXED: 2dtrain.qc missing


DONE: bolt_s_explode1 framer
DONE: pk expanded player gibs
FIXED: skin conflict on h_player from damage skins - head model not matching
FIXED: issues with runes fallen in lava & adjusted relocate code


DONE: runes randomly relocate & fall out / noway checks


DONE: ( > 0 ) _reload now auto unset by reload loop
DONE: runes in lava relocate imm


DONE: _any_ pushable model ent -- note: prob wont work with touch trigger ents, only solids / non touch
FIXED: more pushables -- some issue where they fall out of level


DONE: added lava ball launchers to more x4c map modules
DONE: !mod, q1 on test_c, notmod code block -- checked - only need q1, !dp, !mod - for now anyway
DONE: pkmm.cfg -- all this needs tested


DONE: pk ignore armor when drowning
DONE: put some variety in the joining game msgs -- but it no worky?


DONE: pk item position restore after move (respawn or timer)
FIXED: beacon not being set and using '0 0 0' which might be invalid
FIXED: ip_chk ent was removed by viswep code due to classname contra exlude test
DONE: fallen out save feature with MH - use sv_below & -z velocity test - teleport back to "beacon" setting
FIXED: Set: wrong number of parameters, usage: set <variablename> <value> [<description>]


FIXED: pk weps & items dissappear on reload! -- nopki was using _tr and wpk.cfg did not wipe them
DONE: limited PK mode for running pk maps in a loop with no pk hub
DONE: dyn_item are set as _def_map


DONE: now blocking "!dp" stuff found in some maps, like arc_hub
DONE: trace & report tutorial
DONE: ramp count up for q-hack possibles -- in remove_loop


FIXED: x-terminal-emulator -> /usr/bin/urxvt* -- messed by printer driver install ?!
UNDONE: commented out all *_pos{1,2} "0 0 0" non cfgable vectors -- this was complete fail, test map run slow as balls, many models were black
DONE: test gib_{1,2,3}.wav -- fixed bug
DONE: pk1-3 mode scripts, & nopk variants
DONE: alias / script to turn pk mode back off


DONE: verfiy all pk translate sounds covered -- just calling this done
FIXED: find_tdest select items has fall thru floor issues to often -- not selecting items for now
FIXED: cthunder can be selected with no ammo and makes a muzzleflash on button0
FIXED: new bug - can select x_wep that use other ammo & have slot ammo - like nails for slot 4 / laser cannon
DONE: .theowner is now .goalentity by #define
DONE: complete all weapon haste effects -- hyperblaster, doom pistol, q2 blaster, wolf pistol -- tested


DONE: gib_{1,3}.wav sounds used by pk1.2+ -- these were commented out in pk1.1 code
DONE: silencer ops code now working
DONE: random pk spawn spot


DONE: engine sounds - water1.wav, wind2.wav -- sv_sound_water, sv_sound_wind
DONE: door opgrade - worldtype handle & set default sound -- do we want default sound - makes it hard to null it out


DONE: pk alt sounds impl -- ambient sounds, std sounds
FIXED: lg translate to laser cannon had wrong respawn mdl -- mdl was not set on cannon
DONE: sound, ambientsound redirect


DONE: pk 3.0 branding, announce article moddb
DONE: hub spawn 15 rel invuln


FIXED: where you cant open a cube if you have no ammo for ammo based weps (dfq?)
FIXED: harpoon pulled a shootable trigger -- this is in Archon and pk 2.x
DONE: set def_resp "$1", exec cfg with $def_resp, spawn_ run


DONE: check lasercanon admin sv_c_laser_bounce sv_c_laser_fly
FIXED: when collecting cube, v_models shift from x_ent to std


DONE: tomb not in line with other pk 3 admin
DONE: cphub bprints changed to localcmd of cfg files
DONE: no_sfx needs op remove spikers -- set and commented out


DONE: canpab (recode) use .volume for limit, and healtype


DONE: allow cruc zombie for pk maps - no sfx must remove these
FIXED: when an x_ent made touch on init / spawn, axe did not get a vw_ model
FIXED: map model used as vw_ with item repeatable on spawn at air cannon spot in 8a0
FIXED: viswep bug via hack_pdist -- still has oh set and getting set by mh code
DONE: x4c, k7a map tweaks, _bb3 biome set got left out last edit


FIXED: harpoon out state shows wrong v_model state -- has to be the x wep code ops & assigning v_model from cfg


FIXED: wolf mortar - added fire fn

FIXED: tr_ in x4c test not working -- spawner 9 clrld was exec before tr loop


DONE: transparent chunks for media sets
DONE: random items on map - via spawn loop contents rnd select


FIXED: regen of dyn items not handled properly - set wait to -2 in cfgs
FIXED: will still fail for std items that ignore new ops


FIXED: x4c is now generating x4_ chunks from a probe set -- turns out flaw in autobiome logic that was not exposed prior to this
FIXED: x4c black sky -- base map chunk had no sky brush to focus


FIXED: if you turn gate off, relay tuns back on - need to turn off relay with off action -- test more


FIXED: some minor tex alignment / angle stuff
DONE: x4c_8a3 - using semi-core


DONE: adjust trigger, clip in rprep
FIXED: "invisible" sub-hacks now seem fixed via svh local var -- test this extensively


DONE: biome specific z limits -- high_limit, low_limit 	- via #define on button?


FIXED: respawn incorrect mdl issues, mostly a translate issue -- all cfg must also set mdl
DONE: item_enviro touch msk


FIXED: no_pki leaves airfist, harp, clg
FIXED: no_* using __item_null leaves items with solid = 0 after untr_* issued


FIXED: map nodules dont appear - model not set right -- modelmode2 - check the stuff prev. method fixed
DONE: bot test 1 - frikbot; uses pki (we think anyway) - had a loop crash on vw_load, need pkbots


FIXED: new mode #define PK_TUR_* as self.* vars for cfg script ops, are storing data in self, and not wep launch ent


FIXED: turrets are not going solid -- maphacks block them
DONE: pk3.0 - turrets, gwell, tomb


DONE: test map updates - trigger_push
FIXED: push not working on test map for v107 -- movedir is not set
DONE: fists now on alt fire / ammo empty -- more generic, could be used with any wep via player_pistol1


DONE: sf check to limit sf loop code run to actual sfs only & in cfg files
FIXED: infinite loop in cvar_fields on sfs -- maybe, needs more test


DONE: bumped deepsleep damage to 45 units
FIXED: suddenly tr_quake off blows the f up -- was working before some "stuff" was added
DONE: change from _map to _def_map to preserve map_item / dyn_item settings during reloads


FIXED: guake-term backgrounds not visible -- prefs / appearance / transparency - move slider right


DONE: cleaned out qbkp of much dross
DONE: should this be encoded in cfg data? -- "progs/v_cl_on.mdl"
FIXED: clb frame bork when prongs hot from viswep handle of fists -- in viswep under fists
FIXED: clb way wrong now, wtf? -- was a define org_{x,y,z} with no #undef in hiprot.qc


FIXED: busted map files 
DONE: resort of cfg dir, adjusted all alias
FIXED: player_hampain1(); -- not used with xents


DONE: relativity19q -- converting patches to q1 brush


FIXED: hip weps missing a good bit - hammer code fsck player model
DONE: generic pack / ammo rune max values, can be overridden on a per item basis


DONE: BecomeExplosion - all of them, do sound test -- can not block engine played sound later - use cl_sound_r_exp3 '" to silence
DONE: explosions, sounds & silence, alt snds in hip code
DONE: explosion via Become do not need to play r_exp3.wav - engine does that
FIXED: EWEAP fails in lasercannon code -- used self.eweapon


TWEAK: noway settings in maphack so destroyh hacks dont set them
DONE: block makestatic & ambientsound for destroyh -- seems to work well
DONE: rescue beacon on impulse 53, 54 -- set & activate, def 10 second limit on use
FIXED: chaos_spawn was blocking th_die


DONE: cvar_fields spawnflag read now checks 1792 seperate from individual bits
DONE: added item_health to cyc / tr system
DONE: cthon lightning tester tweak on test_c5
FIXED: reggun had no fire sound -- got left out of pak file for sys6
DONE: quantum makes portals on hacks
FIXED: deepsleep hit flash, sound, etc
FIXED: ish - all graps can be picked up, but now there is no swap - they overwrite the old grap


DONE: added cfg to make q1 std ents cycle & translate possible
DONE: reload_ck is back and hopefully fixed


FIXED: rnd tele dest- copy angles to mangle if mangle 0 0 0
DONE: eweap that can not be swapped with aflag = -1
FIXED: explode shells gun goes away when ammo runs out -- clears viswep
DONE: doom crate - put in doom room with rnd doom items in cfg -- crate is textured - check it
FIXED: adjust on using SUB_Regen with cvar_fields load & event driving there


FIXED: map item pk_cube do not clear model when collected  (delay / think deal in spawn loop)
REDONE: crates can now have custom models / sounds & respawn - same for exploder (when put in cfg)
REDONE: some cube code / script as well
DONE: ent.def update for cubes / crates
FIXED: cube / crate xwep now shave a new issue where the eweapon reverts to a normal wep after selecting off

DONE: .plan cleanup


FIXED: bug in crate & cube made weps - have think set to SUB_remove from spawn init
FIXED: flamer no pickup sound -- also quantum, deepsleep
FIXED: loopcyc not restoring to original -- was == classname deal in trans code
FIXED: translate to pnail in wpk_png.cfg - __weapon_nailgun was not 1
FIXED?: got ammo, lg3 v_model changed to lg1 -- this happens at other times too, this code really needs solidified

FIXED: swing zombie facing on x4c_4a3
FIXED: cubecont_0 fails -- because __weapon_rocketlauncher has no cfg to translate into
FIXED: adv toolkit ents not solid -- some ents that still event to startitem dont have solid in cfg
FIXED: small map crate no reset model on respawn -- was _def_model deal - cant use on respawners via cvar_fields
FIXED: still have an axe select as pk_currentitem = 2 which is screwed, also leaves eweap set doing weird
DONE: - spawners for cubes, crates -- including cfg for rnd items
DONE: map & model detector test -- need to test out - see maphack code fn = filer()


DONE: added bouncy spawn to spawn loop code -- used for random crates & cubes
FIXED: blank classname issue -- see SV_OnEntityNoSpawnFunction
DONE: maphack adjust on 3a1, 9a1 -- 
FIXED: 2 missing items in d test area -- had sf 1792
FIXED: bad bug in cvar_fields where self was used instead of passed ent
FIXED: translate items
DONE: punchangle does eject on spawner


DONE: crate open model displayed
DONE: more crate contents height adjusts
FIXED: so many script issues -- did not realize scripts would be so sensitive


FIXED: crate made q2 dblshot has wrong bullet spread


FIXED: crate contents going -velocity_z through floors -- set movetype 0 in cfg
DONE: some items need a z boost out of the box -- added .view_ofs in x_ents spawner loop
FIXED: q2 shot from crate that spawned at '0 0 0'
DONE: re-hack - reloading existing maphacks that are not sub-hacks		\\\_some oh ents are not de-rezzing


1ST: fully built random element DM map


DONE: entities.def light styles update
FIXED: trigger_relay model issue in hacks -- was the _counter that got fixed
DONE: implemented forced angles for a hack (i.e. force a hack to 270 deg. every time)


FIXED: ude1m1_ow ent position issues -- they were "floating", and droptofloor is not operating since x_ent code change


FIXED: now, not all oh ents are hiding beyond sv_hide dist to hack -- hack_pdist is not being defaulted now
FIXED: was causing an extra global used: s2__ = field_loop = entityfieldname(1);


FIXED: from land form template, 1b / 2b, 1h / 2h were swapped - put them back


DONE: vault post on dpext string fns
DONE: had not copied override for some tex
DONE: maphack engine mods: prvm_nofreedisp, prvm_nosrchdisp, multi field search


FIXED: (sort of) - func_maphack on test_c5 were messing with func_illusionary and door cfg biome triggers
FIXED: func_maphack on test_c5 were messing with * -- prem fix, this was DESTROYH option not clearing mh global


DONE: trigger biome ref abstraction layer via set command: set	btr1	"cfg/biome/ot_fri.cfg" 
FIXED: issue where cfg init triggers are not locking to master maphack coords


FIXED: weaphum continues past new wep select for 1/2 sec -- weapons.qc
DONE: higher hills clk_{n}h


FIXED: __tr_biome___mh__lefty		"16384" was missing tr_ in ot_trg_fr1.cfg, causing base level hack overlaps


FIXED: qone finale - info_intermission is not right, and player got telefragged ? -- this is the boss room update
DONE: DESTROYH - mod to delete a map specced hack so map bsp models can be pre-loaded


DONE: the bash script chunk builder
DONE: unique terrain features / bld -- model name starts with "u"


DONE: allow for null.mdl func_maphack as placeholders in alternate biome scheme, e.g. buildings & structures


FIXED: init issues fixed by running init biome cfg before loading map -- used a bash fn() to do this
DONE: item_rune fix (code had item_sigil which new rune server code changed)


FIXED: hold hacks from test map were getting spawnflag override by cvar_fields in func_maphack code
FIXED: -- on init to a non default biome, def biomes are spawned the first time, then alt takes over


DONE: implement difficulty ent setting: MH/k{dff}_{filename}.ent	- will load all ents it contains unless ent.lefty*, dff = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... {n}
DONE: mostly anyway -- next is to remove global biome, setup *hack.cfg & get new build system working with existing stuff


FIXED: mh rotate now not rotating point ents correctly
DONE: /// NEED: update this when master biome changes to new system -- env sky touch


FIXED: maphack_trigger spawn failure - biome not loading from cfg because of missing _ prepended to field name
DONE: /// subhacks - only remove triggers owned by this guys biome -- in the new idiom, this would be matching target2	
FIXED: maphack_trigger was propigating insane - not being deleted before fire, sf world from biome was becoming noauto on trigger

DONE: info_intermission mangle_y, trap shooters angles_y --- test
DONE: func_msgboard init


DONE: quake-hack system reqs in docs
DONE:/// add option for these to go away if rotate is not matched to provided values - value for test is in f2__, ent values are in: ? ? ?


DONE: boss kill 2 - find proper intermission spot



DONE: std items req as map_item or dyn_item
FIXED: maphack will make dyn_item and dyn_spawn for hack loads
DONE: bclr script update
DONE: _class_select & _map defaults for std spawns


DONE: moddb patreon anncs


DONE: need dynamic item ident, detectable, map items too -- archon used .event, maybe a msk cvar selector
FIXED: using event to spec map item is messed because it also sets startitem / func_model -- using .map
DONE: a way for reload to select target ents (i.e. only map ents, or dynamic ents, or a certain series - crates, cubes, nailguns, etc)
FIXED: map, changelevel command - server.cfg needs to reset map_item stat


FIXED: -- need to copy files back


DONE: exec script on triggers via SUB_UseTargets
DONE: clear .group use for define as .script -- gen usage to run cfg scripts at places in code
FIXED: nailgun broken - WTF? -- sky_touch fail - must be a maphack thing
DONE: sky_touch fix and improvement -- had to block when biome set - fails with maphack on, always touches sky
DONE: crate ops -- contents via spawner - may have quirks
FIXED: - inf loop: x_wep//viswep.qc : vchk : statement 10 -- keep an eye on this


DONE: Maphack license attrib


DONE: quakeone quake-hack announce


FIXED: silly 100mb file limit on patreon


DONE: harpoon doesnt always grap items because harp back touch is not setup on items & stuff


DONE: reload a single item -- needs tested
DONE: Con_DPrintf("Warning: Could not expand"
DONE: server.cfg exec on any cl or map cmd -- parts of items.cfg / etc
FIXED: mega health no worky with regen rune
DONE: wad q1 maps non-mod item remove


FIXED: many items do not play proper regen sound
FIXED: swap wep on impulse 29 fail - was key bind on "w" = "impulse 29; impulse 50" - added ;wait in middle


FIXED: map name issue with HUD csqc -- inconsistent color setting on Sbar_DrawString
FIXED: weekly code snapshot for v107 -- had issues if bot module not compiled
FIXED: damage runes dont have attack sound


FIXED: runes not ejected on death -- plus suicide and disconnect
\- DONE: -- we need to undo this as well 
FIXED: get an ammo box with SG, SSG or LG and 1pv weaponmodel disappears - not on pk maps tho
FIXED: R_EARTH is 0 after cfg sets it -- messes up rune id


DONE: rune code in client.qc
DONE: dp cam and view ofs deal -- tracked down to csprogs.dat


FIXED: runes dont bounce when tossed
DONE: weekly code snapshot for v107 - excises prop codes
DONE: code_xents undefined and can compile pk, hip


FIXED: rune toss doesnt remove bit or locate rune by player


FIXED: floaty rock bits via func_train fail -- this is an archon code update


DONE: spawn_loop code


DONE: removing  warning: {X}  no references, pk_2


FIXED: Release version pk2.x & pk1.2.x dont compile with fteqcc


DONE: git updates online


1: think loop ent - checks every interval for any __{classname}_reload set to 1
2: script launches a think ent & when complete, end of seq runs clrld.cfg


DONE: compiler "switch" fixes -- runes, frik_bots


DONE: update clear cfg for new stuff -- may want to bash script this update process


DONE: rune server mk2 port -- initial port, this needs: admin controls, code spiffy - make it prettier


DONE: hub -- needs revised, ent field adjust, centerprint deals, client.qc, painkeep.qc parts


FIXED: tomb, ego set v_axe.mdl only -- was ammo mask: __msk_progs/vw_pkp_tomb.mdl	 being set wrong


DONE: chain thunderbolt -- hot prongs fix
TWEAK: option of not compiling painkeep -- likely to repeat a few times as I test the compile sets
FIXED: fire_cary doesnt clear v_* models -- my still have an issue when going firecary to range wep


FIXED: not compiling painkeep


DONE: gravity well
DONE: grap


DONE: air cannon
FIXED: pk_item range weps & vw animations


DONE: pulse nailgun -- can not swap with std nailgun because of same ammo type


DONE: damage skins


DONE: reuse_field code option
DONE: tomb -- restored original frame set - been wrong this whole time
DONE: ego -- needs tested
DONE: zombie decor


DONE: pk sounds
FIXED: throwing an item & switch back to axe didnt display vw_axe
DONE: sparks, pk lightning effect (light.qc)


FIXED: plasma gun 3 - cfg ammo type wrong
FIXED: no te_gunshot on exploder barrels -- was in TraceAttack
DONE: recode on spawnblood as well to not bloody world, doors & such


DONE: beartrap, copb, all of item cfg


FIXED: distances for weps - see vload -- axe / shotgun have an issue
FIXED: bug where eweapon was assigned to a vwepent instead - messed up v_shot.mdl
DONE: drop vwepent when throwing last item (check self.impulse ?) -- final fix was eweapon assign when settting W_BestWeapon
FIXED: inconsistency with vmodel when getting x_weps sometimes -- got hyper - it set v_light


DONE: firecary will have to adjust this for curr selected pkitem
FIXED: melee / range weps that dont holster (hooks, deepsleep) -- all vv_draw - vv_holster disable test was faulty
DONE: vw_seq data port to cvar / cfg file
DONE: proper viswep with pk items
DONE: fire from frames, call .use


DONE: select fists w/ dpistol
FIXED: fists used a te_gunshot


DONE: hooks
FIXED: bfg traces & barrels


DONE: quantum -- first cut


DONE: rest of x_firecode
DONE: hyper gun
DONE: chaingun 2
DONE: bfg


DONE: melee_hit
DONE: spawnblood adjust
DONE: te_gunshot adjust
FIXED: FL_MELEE in player frames - w pistol was wrong
FIXED: inf ammo weps were not getting touch_go


DONE: pistols / fists
DONE: plasma weps


FIXED: bullet use, firing -- we hope so
FIXED: selector mgs chgs - using nails for test
FIXED: v_* update wrong with eweapon changes to std wep


FIXED: mask logic - all maximums
DONE: addstats for hud
DONE: W_BestWeapon by .distance set in cfg files


DONE: flamer -- slime_flare is complex, perhaps needlessly

FIXED: double entity fields


DONE: ammo (mostly), wep cfgs -- still need wep qc


DONE: code, cfg, bullet x weps


DONE: code, cfg, shotgun x weps


FIXED: null th_die could crash server in killed()


DONE: missing item cfg -- still need some models & code
FIXED: x_touch had bugs


DONE: entities.def update for missing d alpha items


TWEAK: improved grep for string litteral search - no longer includes chars outside of strings


DONE: _axe, _shotgun
DONE: genwdq branch off archon (final release) -> git
DONE: repack of visage extras as vsg.pk3


DONE: func_drip on test map


DONE: {d,w}decor overload cfg


DONE: archon -> git
DONE: moved entity stuff from maphack to x_ent


DONE: pk2.0 -> git


FIXED: issue where invis, fire shotgun or ssg & it keeps twiddling muzzle flash


FIXED: monsters that move around need to update their mh to the nearest
TWEAK: all sub ents are checked against every player position now, during the hide_hack think
DONE: override items / monsters with existing spawn funcs


DONE: port viswep - base 8 weps working
DONE: setup private git for prop modules
DONE: maphack git caught up
TWEAK: vw_player.mdl for viswep


TWEAK: update so compiler.qc lists all modules active during compile if messages enabled
FIXED: sv_cmd with {null} argument can break qc code...somehow 


DONE: NPRquake win compile & run -- fix from rothrin - was obj compile option (from asm files)
DONE: frikbot remote admin


DONE: engine bot support - check .ishuman, & block the stuff frikbot blocks at the engine level
DONE: frikbot port qc++
DONE: a modest promo video for coop bots - uploaded
FIXED: wont compile without local_ent - misc.qc


DONE: rotating door in hip-sec of test_c map


DONE: HD pack / maphack intergration -- ver 1
DONE: updated with ENTREPLACE flag for HD .ent replacement files (we hope)


FIXED: compile NPRquake on win -- .\Release\\.obj file not found deal on link.exe


DONE: NPR: original tar.gz, and win srd up


DONE: npr quake source to git-hub for rothrin
DONE: released cltools -- many tweaks & adjusts


DONE: update - water wall fix, docs revision
DONE: split local repository into all branches of v107, added a testing and a "II" for continuing dev
FIXED: getting stuck in water in qh_0047 - had to make a full step set
DONE: git for qh_*.map files from qbkp
DONE: cltools pkg built


DONE: might want to force display hidden hacks prior to teleport
DONE: re-acquired old meld !
DONE: gzdoom compile --  need for brutal doom
DONE: fix water wall of qh_0014


FIXED: tele dest in a sub hack area dont make proper triggers -- view_ofs additive vector
DONE: fixed again - now offset is really added to trigger set center -- tested good
DONE: tested archon HUD, quick docs, uploaded


FIXED: map cfgs do not exec by worldspawn (affects qone)
DONE: qone updated to latest code / cfg
DONE: map chunk fixes for beta release - 1x15  -- tweaked some basement areas, corners
DONE: playtest on linux / win from fresh install
DONE: try coop / dm true 2 multi with l/l l/w
FIXED: tele dest in a sub hack area dont make proper triggers -- view_ofs additive vector
FIXED: adjusted all "self.items = self.items - " to use "& self.items" logic


DONE: automate package build for quake hack -- for now


FIXED: engine: video is still dp{n} -- cl_capturevideo_nameformat cvar adjusted

DONE: re-light qh_0011R - targeted lights are going dark after player leaves
DONE: one of the double doors in 1x33 is still funky - dbl check -- fixed maybe, did not see a repeat
FIXED: 2 elevator buttons in 0011L had wrong push dir
DONE: redid map base config loaded with PutClientInServer now
DONE: moved intermission text cvar to autoexec.cfg - has to load no matter what map is loaded
DONE: added in qone.bsp & cfgs, since it will run anyway
DONE: quake dir cleanup
DONE: engine build win
DONE: automate package build for quake hack


FIXED: bmodel ents did not sub remove & non solids would not be found


FIXED: chunks that real rotate with bmodels badly placed after rotate -- 2 bugs in rotate dest remove code
FIXED: 2 level chunk qh_0011L (lift) sometimes gets "chunk stomped" where another chunk occupies its upper structure
DONE: went back to old rotate code when angle = 90, 180, 270 -- new vector "free" rotate code has issues at some angles
DONE: re-test delete_hack & up / down chunks -- good, have not seen an overlap for a bit
DONE: test load standard maps -- a small selection, all seem right


DONE: github online qc manual and specs, finally!
FIXED: odd "trigger" textured bits
DONE: delete_hack updated for HOLD flag hacks replacing existing one
DONE: vis block interim fix


FIXED: not only are some bmodels not appearing, now torches & flames dont always appear
3 demo(s) in loop
DONE: 1st cut - needs revised as it relies on self deleting hacks which fail with a persistent world


FIXED: bad loop bug -- using f3__ in SV_OnEntityPreSpawnFunction copy loop, switched to glb_local


FIXED: cfg bug for qone affecting intermission text scroll speed on infobar
DONE: "remove coop player - player spawnfrags" -- works fine
DONE: bmodel rotate match / remove option -- operates on normal rotate, matches up to 3 rotate values & removes
DONE: qone docs updates & upload


DONE: engine port to git
DONE: write release docs
DONE: clean up source a bit -- maphack.qc excluded until dec. made on license / distr
DONE: coop spawns dont have trigger_respawn -  see if make ps trigger bigger -- used oldone.mdl
DONE: built release for alpha / beta testers -- testing wip
FIXED: win .lnk not relative - used .bat
FIXED: dh (default hack) didnt work if e3 - e4 maps werent there
DONE: generic load fail map with message trigger
DONE: some build scripts
DONE: updated docs
DONE: check all doors, plats, buttons, keys, etc -- cursory check completed


DONE: found a vis block work around on qone.bsp -- added block brush every 2 levels
DONE: visual studio install
DONE: compile maphack engine for win -- ran engine.  noticed one inconsistency.  testing will commence
DONE: fix key issue with coop code -- fix for unreachable / lava too


DONE: gravity entry / exit e1m8
FIXED: damage plat still wrong
DONE: episode local area respawn coop - sp (what used to be each map start) - trigger_respawn


DONE: uploaded specs to git
DONE: installed d3dx dev stuff
DONE: copied tools to vxp & updated z.bat, compile chain - hmap2, arghlite, rvis
DONE: compile door section th_0003 with oldschool tools - lot more doors visible, but still had some blanks
DONE: gravity code for e1m8 segment


FIXED: damage plats* -- default self.dmg = 1, negative dmg for none
FIXED: message print, had to sub in \n from cvar_string
DONE: scroll infobar end of episode text + final text strcat


DONE: address targetable lights - test them too
DONE: for any map-hack map, every player spawn should make 6 triggers
FIXED: weapon touch - hip add in code & stemp logic change
DONE: script entity parm override, cut 1
DONE: cfg to chain levels together for qone
DONE: ent replace spawnflag for map spec or biome func_maphack
DONE: map one field to another in target
DONE: $MHN - map hack name in targetname
FIXED: info_player_start as tele dest, facing angles -- self.mangle = self.angles;
DONE: keys / worldtypes -- need an eyeball check of all of them


DONE: make sure chunk really exists - if not, we could load a default placeholder
DONE: 6 trigger fixes - spawn, respawn, teleport, just fired a triggger issue
DONE: respawn and 6 cube trigger set - see teleport deal
DONE: file exists test - change: load code, rotate t_length code
DONE: set a default string hack with first maphack loaded with a valid model file
DONE: delete hacks in func_maphack if: 1. null model / bad file and not a subhack, 2. conflict with existing normal / subhack
FIXED: player could outrun spawn triggers when lefty = 512


DONE: updating maps from prev tech. -- mostly, ka_0 had some special forest copy stuff, blds, monsters, etc
FIXED: autofire maphack seems to destroy 6 cube triggers


DONE: rotation with vector math
DONE: new hack chunk probability test
DONE: .lefty test for random items
DONE: rebuild of x4 concept test map basic set 1 - 6


FIXED: disappearing weapon bug
DONE: p{n} - select a random & perm tie in - r{n} target
DONE: hack ents need tagged with system_hash, at least infrastructure ones -- .oh [ ownerhack ] added as well
FIXED: func_illusionary tweak - only initial load ones were appearing...must have been the makestatic on brush model ent
DONE: item rotation, working on bsp model ents


DONE: teleports + random "r"
DONE: - func_*gates - episodes & bosses
DONE: random target r{n} where one of the targetnames matching is selected


DONE: event_lightning + uniq electrodes


DONE: q-hack in v107 -- has some twerped elements (doors, hack/day, rain etc.)


DONE: test superspike_touch - check dmg vs all spike_touch ents


DONE: many more cli tools - ls*


DONE: from a clean q1 install -- except user space
DONE: going back to qstart.bsp in SP from e1m7 ep end w/ rune -- sp runes not on hud, intermission text is after 1 button press - no crawl, next press reloads


FIXED: ac_tex on arc_hub
DONE: added OA to arc_hub -- removed gal2_7 from vote


DONE: code verify from v106.0 -- reasonably 99% w/o doing some "crazy print every damn thing running code check"


DONE: qc++ - removed all unused fn & ent vars in defs.qc
DONE: checkattack improve -- verified dog / demon jump test #s


DONE: fr_stand9 - hk, k, ogre -- could also be dog if model frames are changed
DONE: monster_go, monster_start


DONE: qc++ recodes - framer -- qc++ v1.07
DONE: crandom - void vs. define research -- see _docs/def_vs_fn.txt
FIXED: ents not showing thru fact3 window - func_wall on window
DONE: #def coded out precache_* to //


DONE: qc++ recodes - framer -- qc++ v1.07
DONE: removed dprint on #ifdef nodprint


FIXED: issue where no player model existed after shub telefrag -- but - issue w coop & dm (not much unless shub is allowed in dm)


DONE: move map name fill to map_title_* -- server loads "map_title_world" from world.message


DONE: morph fired shalmissle with no target


DONE: convert fallingwater noise* messages to stack*
FIXED: -- rnd message on this is not selected
FIXED: morph fired shalmissle removed way early


FIXED: bots still not adding to morphs total -- was confusion over e ptr
DONE: vore bombs dont blow up on vore or summoned helper


TWEAK: reduced bots avoiding morphic cube


FIXED: 1pv issue of seeing transmogrify model when in 1pv


DONE: fact3 moving lava fix as doors -- better over all but
FIXED: fact3 - door lava rise sync funky after a bit -- lava moves slower and bots keep hititng the button repeatedly
FIXED:* skin issues with transmogrify chaos - exist in chaos mod MKI -- workaround does exist, not coded


FIXED: zombie firing cloud on a moving plat / train - zombie stops -- needs bodyque item fix


FIXED: q3 mg runs out of ammo - no wep auto switch to gauntlet ? -- because bestweapon checks IT_SHOTGUN & we have shells
FIXED: sphere skins are wrong after annihilation (not lit properly) -- see 2832
FIXED: weapon pickup override does not check builtin - ref gremlin and q2 shotgun


FIXED: growing rb was not annihilating once horizon was exceeded
DONE: when morphs die they must eject pk items - they dont leave packs -- eject a small pk cube, backpack code, is very nice
FIXED: make hud see holdables in pk item area - NOTE: does not show as stored inventory, only when selected


FIXED: telefrag loop dealy, and moving up thru level ceilings
FIXED: sneak teleport happening way too often - only checked once per ent now
FIXED: not annihilating crates -- was reverse touch deal


FIXED: mega scourge has a bad fire frame where gun pods disappear = 20 - only w/reg nails
FIXED: telesphere doesnt always seem to keep its trigger in sync ? 


DONE: morph_print paragraphs to HUD / cfg files -- for now, still some tweaky to do
FIXED: s6x scourge shots in ground issue -- at least for now - this needs a better solutions


FIXED: map ends (true DM) cant continue from intermission view - bots are running around
DONE: made crates movetype toss - for grav pull


FIXED: bot morphs are not using archon power (thus not adding to the total) -- call morph_print, bot sanitized code
FIXED: deadflag == 1 bug -- added think fn d_flag to PK_PlayerDie
FIXED: grav was making a ton of chaos_tele_expire -- same fix for SoA
FIXED: reality bomb / grav doesnt suck scraggs ? -- note: perm change to movetype
FIXED: cube made weapon had cube map code of 1000


FIXED: grav + turret badwolf loop bug


FIXED: SoA touch was not working with items / grav wells


reDONE: last spell select on impulse 17
FIXED: mwheel select with order after orderform spell does not fire, but 1 imp does -- pk_beartrapammo was 512 - had to be 1, 2, 4


DONE: improved HUD morph cube indicators, added archon spirit as separate icon
FIXED: bigtree skinnage - md2 skin is not overriding with tga properly


DONE: HUD indication for cubes, holdables


DONE: SOA needs balanced - can go wild, suck up random things, maybe occasionally teleport a thing, living, or player
FIXED: just hard to tell in 1pv what you have selected -- have v_* now - work great, gremlin & human


DONE: SOA needs balanced - occasionally teleport a thing


DONE: count morph energy expended by cubes & polymorh - only make a random archon morph device after X amount used (3200)


FIXED: sv_pk_hub "0" -- did NOT turn off hub system, contrary to popular belief
FIXED:  dbl chg turned into lg - it was the drawn wep ** - dbl chg is not a spawned wep, but mcode should leave player with chg
FIXED: transit in SP removes wep, & leaves 50 ammo -- was parm1 assign to .items
FIXED: flamer ever animate vw fire frames - a: no -- was a case of overcoding with EWEAP ref


FIXED: gremlin hud - claws have shells -- there are other morphs that get ammo amts in various places


DONE: big wep icon for drawn pk items on hud
DONE: cthon scrag flame radius dealy (like imp fryer ?)


FIXED: loaded ac1 - lowered castle arms with bottom trigger (exposed) outer pp did not follow properly !
DONE: map on hud score list - added {mapname}_cv conversion cvar
DONE: big wep icon for drawn wep on hud


DONE: m-Enforcer can get quad-shot, but it is silent
DONE: m-Enf & m-Ogre fix up on pickable weps
FIXED: nomonsters 1, sp, all sv_mon off - hip room has spawns


FIXED: in SP, nomonsters is ignored by generators and spawn code


FIXED: polymorph tele-sphere leaves trigger, ports poly form
DONE: excessive health maybe should not pick up armor on enhanced


DONE: order will make a diamond for soul vessel
FIXED: turret bouncy head still around - neg. velocity_z issue - cant just set it to 0 either
FIXED: order sometimes has wrong skin value on spawn / respawn - no idea why -- temp change, gets fixed in imp 16 or beam fire


FIXED: generators are respawning with item flag, and floating
FIXED: deathknight -- sword skin issue still exists -- removed alpha channel in override
FIXED: release imprisoned did not work -- if (!self.bolt_target.owner != self) return; -- got watch the double !


DONE: change where order form 1 fires bolt from, and view ofs
DONE: orders beacon
FIXED: seen mega health rot down to 80 for a human several times
FIXED: monster generator - monsters fail, some mapping issues fixed
FIXED: deathknight helper still makes mines - which attack the player he's helping -- mines no longer attack charmer
FIXED: turret not friendly to helper monster we own (neither are other cary weps)


FIXED: chaos metamorphose view is on floor


DONE: chaos can make a soul vessel or invest power in something -- invest may be blocked for the nonce
DONE: some HUD stuff


DONE: Spell value mins for SOUL vessel - option
FIXED: chaos put too much power into vessel - reverted, when changing back to archon, vessel flag was lost (still had in other form)
DONE: replicate vessel to order w/diffs


DONE: spells based on power in vessel -- changing some defaults to accomodate
DONE: spell book lists with reticle selector


DONE: dont target archon altar for spells
DONE: return vessel pts on exit -- tested
FIXED: exp shell 1pv shotgun on poly select spell - it doesnt go away until 1-5 impulse


FIXED: health boxes target as "acquired {n}" -- dont seem to have netnames
TWEAK: stopped removing poly spell list for bursts, now just block poly / metam self
FIXED: armor targets as "acquired {n}"
FIXED: getting items 4099 again, rotating to unselectable spells, seeing 1pv explode dbl shot


FIXED: mwheel rotate must not select not spells - no worky
DONE: no spells cast on god particle
DONE: not use INV for vessel flag
FIXED: expulse rune for vessel flag


FIXED: stuff hanging out below active map area (left over brushes on map chunk)


DONE: hide everything in a hack when it is hidden -- non solids with models (corpse) might be an issue


DONE: map hack needs to adjust noway above & below as levels go up & down


FIXED: latest dp - does not droptofloor on all items, new map compile of test_c has repositioned items (down to floor on bbox) bonkers
DONE: lock out - spawnflags 32 - tomb_time lock time, test in tomb_death_time


DONE: darkplaces mod - "r_sjy_always" - sky is always displayed on void, no matter what chunks contain



FIXED: scrouge spawnflags are off from map editing flags because of no 16
FIXED: flame2.mdl q1 flames and d torches


DONE: lip chosen as vertical increment for multi level hacks


DONE: snow tweak


TWEAK: sv_c_hackday for testing


DONE: cliff light
DONE: high cliffs
DONE: random 1 deg - to x deg (up to 49) rotate to add to 90 deg incr. rotates -- cliffs look great this way


FIXED: remove / limit light "pip" at low levels -- mostly


FIXED: items scaling because volume used for ammo amounts


DONE: biome monsters droptofloor


FIXED: low chunks were under hack triggers


FIXED: sky issue


FIXED: editor issues with tex - editor paint image MUST match wad dimensions exactly !
DONE: autofire trigger
FIXED: borked dont fade state in deal
FIXED: make 0.5 for rotating all pieces so we can exclude state 1 here


FIXED: railgun limit on open maps
DONE: added misc_model to q3ents


FIXED: runemap repeat because of autocvar non reset deal -- added show_runemap global and changed it_runemap to a toggle
FIXED: world owner was 1 and could not get cubes -- mcode.qc


DONE: when quad powered - archon points given by altar, point or portable are 4x
DONE: HUD rate indicator shows quad influence
DONE: map spawned altars have better conversion rates and can reset
DONE: morph should not transform vamp or excessive health -- will only convert max health for current form, extra just carries over


DONE: remove armorsave now since HUD


DONE: floaty rock pads for altarbeta, models, code -- small bits up high / down low


DONE: silencer not on HUD, needs countdown


DONE: Archon 1.1 game play tutorial


DONE: beta release 1.1


DONE: singleplayer modes
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