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Pinky Attack range too long? (Games : Doom : Mods : Brutal Doom : Forum : General Talk : Pinky Attack range too long?) Locked
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Dec 14 2018 Anchor

Wasn't sure if this was a bug or intentional but here goes:

I've recently noticed the pinky attack range seems to be a bit too far. The problems really arise when you're standing near the edge and still incur damage even when they're not in phyisical biting range. I think its aset chainsaw length and that seems off too. you can see this in the 2 gifs of the issue i was encountering below:

So... Intentional attack range or something that needs adjusting?

Edited by: Johnway

Dec 14 2018 Anchor

Yeah it's not right at all. They can get you from about 3 metres away.

If an outstretched arm ain't able to reach you, a set of teeth sure shouldn't.

Something which needs to be fixed ASAP... Urgently.

Edited by: naryanrobinson

Jan 19 2019 Anchor

Where to get those pinky sprites? they look familar , but can't remember where i seen them.

Feb 5 2019 Anchor

i can't remember myself. I had a look in my gzdoom folder and if i were to hazard a guess DoomHDv03.pk3

Feb 5 2019 Anchor


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