The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. Adds realistic gore, dismemberments, headshots, executions, lightning effects, particles, makes enemies smarter and harder, makes gun louder and beefier, and adds epic new boss battles.


Adds new weapons, enemies and items to the game, improves graphics, bugfixes, more options and much more.

Tomtefar's Extension V1.12
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 890)
DoomHydra - - 172 comments

Oh - ho man. this is great. Can I get permission to release a seperate addon for project brutality from this that just gives the barons green blood?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
JMartinez2098 - - 197 comments

This mod is only designed for BDv21. It will not work for PB.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

Surething. Go for it :)

Reply Good karma+11 votes
hakusa - - 122 comments

I like now all we need is a no reloading add-on.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
CaptPatrick01 - - 124 comments

BD already has a no-reloading feature built in its options.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
TheFlamingDrake - - 26 comments

Kind of...
It does require no manual reloading and gets rid of the reloading animation, but there are still clips. There could be some ammo in the chamber of the SSG, and whatever is in that gun is not available for the regular Shotgun to use.
Since getting rid of clips, magazines, etc. is the whole point of a player choosing the no-reloading option, the option may as well not exist at all in its current state. Oh, and let's not forget that if the Shotgun runs out of ammo, two precious seconds are lost on the "out of ammo" animation.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
brunocar - - 1,158 comments

its like PB lite, i love it

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
Michalemodelcitizen - - 151 comments


Finally Green blood

Reply Good karma Bad karma-27 votes
Michalemodelcitizen - - 151 comments


it dosent work on zandrom

Reply Good karma Bad karma-25 votes
Michalemodelcitizen - - 151 comments


Im going to rate it zero if you dont fix it for zandronum

Reply Good karma Bad karma-46 votes
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

Pretty rough?
Is it not working at all? Are you getting an error message?
I don't use Zandronum myself, so I might need help with this one.

Reply Good karma+14 votes
hakusa - - 122 comments

Chill im sure they will figure it out.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Turkaits - - 154 comments

Dude, just use GZDoom or ZDoom.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,972 comments

Boi, can you help me with something? The flashlight is not working for me for some reason

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Turkaits - - 154 comments

(Late reply) type IDKFA or IDFA then select your pistol and press the "Toggle Flashlight" key bind.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Carniblue - - 103 comments

After playing some maps, this is what I've got to say:
Excellent mod, giblets are working well and everything is smooth. Also digging the green blood.
Revolver - Ammo is scarce which is fair and it hits like a truck, love using this.

Automatic Shotgun - I feel for this ammo is a little too scarce, it almost always has no ammo, at least for me. Otherwise, I love using it.

Sniper Rifle - Very nicely designed, love almost everything about it except the damage. It doesn't seem to hit very hard in comparison to the other rifled weapons.

Railgun - Great looking weapon but doesn't tend to hit very hard, same with the Sniper.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Michalemodelcitizen - - 151 comments


how do you got this to work?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-12 votes
Carniblue - - 103 comments

If you play software (like me), I use Zdoom 2.8.1 for this. It should hopefully work fine.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Michalemodelcitizen - - 151 comments


The dev should make it so it work on gl

Reply Good karma Bad karma-15 votes
Michalemodelcitizen - - 151 comments


and also Whats the best settings for Zdoom?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-13 votes
Carniblue - - 103 comments

Whichever you feel like, I just run it as it is aside from altering the aspect ratio. Works perfectly fine for me.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

Thanks for the kind words and the feedback.

I agree about the shotgun ammo. It's a hard thing to balance tough since I don't want the weapon to completely replace the other shotguns - which it would do if you constantly have ammo for it.

Yeah, the sniper needs a buff in damage, but I'm not sure what to do with the railgun. It already does 25% more damage per unit of ammunition compared to the plasmarifle.
Maybe speed things up a bit and make it more like the Shock rifle from the UT-series? That would also make it less in competition with the sniper rifle. Or should I buff it and give it it's own ammo type?

More testing needs to be done...

Reply Good karma+7 votes
Carniblue - - 103 comments

I had thought the Railgun would be similar to that of Project Brutality, very powerful (enough to kill a Rev at chest height) but has a cooldown between each shot.

I found it more efficient to use the Plasmarifle than the Railgun, it kills faster for less, although I'd say the Railgun is better for ranged targets. The Shock Rifle sounds like an awesome idea, if I recall I think it used "Shock Cores" as ammo, I could be wrong.

I look forward to the next update!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Paybackman - - 43 comments

I agree.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
wpninja - - 532 comments

Green Blood has returned on the cows? Me likie.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
SpookyTheGhost101 - - 117 comments

you just made my day :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Martinoz - - 326 comments

Looks pretty good

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Lampenpam - - 66 comments

I don't want to be that guy but it's spelled "chance". Nice add-on though!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

English isn't my native language :) I'll go and change it right away. If you hadn't pointed it out I would probably keep on spelling it wrong.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Guest - - 699,972 comments

dosent... work... for.... GZDOOM 2.3.0
can you please make it work for that version of gzdoom, keep in mind that you need to make both the normal red blood and green blood work correctly.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

I'll look into that.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
OldDavidBr - - 143 comments

Which version of GZDOOM it uses? I have 1.8.2

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Devianteist - - 173 comments

GZDoom 1.8.10 or GZDoom 2.3.2 would be better, depending on your hardware.

1.8.10 can be found here.

2.3.2 can be found here.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
OldDavidBr - - 143 comments

Well **** i cant play on those ones.
But good mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Devianteist - - 173 comments

If you can tolerate it, you could try running ZDoom. It is a software renderer, so you'll lose a lot of the cool GZDoom specific effects, but, otherwise, it is identical.

ZDoom can be found here.

Keep on trucking, friend.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
OldDavidBr - - 143 comments

Thanks mate!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Michalemodelcitizen - - 151 comments


and will their be a zandrinuim version?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
nutter - - 68 comments

I would like to see that sniper rifle in project brutality

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
pa1nki113r - - 1,460 comments

Great work, can see a lot of effort went into this, which definitely stands out among other addons here! (Not bashing others work indirectly, but this addon is worth a look at for sure)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
Devianteist - - 173 comments

Which version of GZDoom do you use to run this mod?

I have tried using 1.8.10, 2.3.2 and the development builds.

I have also tried using Zandronum 2.1.2 and it's development builds.

None of those have worked.

Sorry if I come off as rude or negative, just looking for info so I can try this out.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

I'm currently working on making the mod compatible with the latest versions.

However, I couldn't find any errors when using gzdoom 1.8.10. Are you sure you are loading the mod directly after brutalv20b.pk3? Are you getting any error messages?

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Devianteist - - 173 comments

It would seem that loading the mod with ZDE is the cause of these errors.

I am unsure as to why this is, as ZDE loads mods based on two configurations (ascending and descending). I use descending, which loads Brutal Doom first, then your addon.

However, if I load the mods via a Skins folder, they work as intended (good ******* work btw).

So, you see, I am befuddled, to say the least. The problem is on my end.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Dracologist - - 139 comments

barons and knights bleed green!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
⋆Ƅarge™ - - 1,287 comments

That sniper is looking sleak, Good work! and thank the lord there is green blood i cant believe it :o

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Carniblue - - 103 comments

New thoughts:
Solid update, enjoying this a lot.

Revolver and the Autoshotgun are fantastic weapons, powerful, efficient, similar and yet have their own niche.

Unfortunately I still found the Sniper Rifle to be lacking, its only use is picking off low-mid tier enemies at very long ranges which is very rare. On UV, it takes down a Rev/Caco in 3 shots whereas the standard shotty takes 2-3 at close to medium range at a much quicker rate and more of an abundance of ammo. The Revolver does its job with much greater efficiency for the most part.

The Railgun with its added ammo type adds more to the game, since I can stock up cells for Dualplas/BFG for an added advantage, which is very nice. But for an endgame weapon, it doesn't do well taking out higher tier enemies. I found its niche for taking out pockets of smaller-medium tier enemies, which helps conserve grenades or other ammo. I noticed it doesn't "char" the enemies anymore, but perforates them. As well as the actual rail sprite changes.

All in all, it was a blast. Hope to see more.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

Thanks again for the feedback.

The way you describe the Railgun is exactly how I wanted it to be: a weapon to take out small-mid tier enemies at medium to long range. It's my weapon of choice when fighting Cacodemons. They are such a hassle at mid-long range when the shotgun won't do it, and they dodge everything else.
It did perforate enemies before as well. If the damage rolls in your favor you can kill up to 5 enemies standing in a line with one shot.

Yes, the sniper rifle is a very situational weapon. It kinda doesn't fit the game because not that many doom-maps have "rooms" of such proportions. But if you find yourself getting mowed down by commandos from long range, which is not that unusual in the BD20 Starter Pack, the sniper rifle becomes your best friend. Comparing it to close-range weapons such as the shotgun and revolver doesn't seem fair ;-)
We'll see what the future holds for the weapon.

I have some more additions for the mod, but I think the next update will be after BD v20c

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,972 comments

I think I found an issue regarding the new weapons and weapons selection in general:

As I observe it, the new mod weapons take first priority to be selected in their respective weapon slots; however, once a mod weapon runs out of ammo (for example, the auto-shotgun), then switch to a different weapon and then decide to use the regular shotgun (or the double barrel), you have to first cycle through the now-empty auto shotgun. Which raises two of my concerns:

1. In the heat of a battle, this can range from being an inconvenience to being fatal, especially for players who are used to the traditional Doom weapons selection system. It often comes to me as a surprise when I end up holding a revolver when what I had in mind was to equip the minigun.

2. More often than not, ammunition used by the mod weapons aren't as abundant as the vanilla ones, and so for the ammo-conscious people, there's the extra need to check the weapon they're currently using more often than needed.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

Really good points there, and it's a big issue indeed.

I actually tried to make the new weapons get last priority in each group, but I just couldn't get it to work. My theory is that it has something to do with the new weapons being loaded into the game after the vanilla ones. (as they are from two different pk3)

I have to experiment more with this. See if I can get it to work properly.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Mario1521 - - 2 comments

Thank you so muuch for making it compatible with GZDoom and Zandronum, now more people can enjoy your mod. Keep up the good work with this mod, it's great for people that want good small addons to their gameplay (like me, for example) :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,972 comments

How to roll grenades? I select grenade then press reload, nothing happens. Can I roll grenades without selecting them?

I'm not sure how this feature works.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Tomtefar1988 Author
Tomtefar1988 - - 404 comments

Are you perhaps using GZDoom 2.3.2 ?
I just got aware of a bug that my updated hand grenades won't load correctly on that version.
Try using 1.8.10 or Zandronum and the hand grenades should roll when you press reload. (The Brutal Doom-reload)

Currently I don't know how to fix this, but I'm not the one who gives up.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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