So we want to bring Team Fortress to AvP2. It shouldn't be too difficult, all of the weapons we need are already in AvP2, and configuring armor and run speeds and whatnot isn't too hard. What we need, however, is input on how this should go down, and modders to make the more difficult things happen, like possibly adding new weapons and more importantly, new GAME MODES, like Capture the Flag or Assault, things that teams do that aren't Team Deathmatch. However, this is AvP2 Fortress, so everything should have an AvP2 twist to it. Like Preds and Aliens on the teams realistically, but not whorishly. No Predator rocket-launcher guys, for example, but a Predator as the Spy, a class that's supposed to cloak and primarily use a knife anyway. -- SMID

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If you have problems like me (Games : Aliens vs. Predator 2 : Mods : AvP2 Team Fortress : Forum : Mod Feedback : If you have problems like me ) Locked
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Dec 16 2010 Anchor

This is about a problem I had, and the solution.

The problem looked like UMP2 killed teamfortress.
So I reinstalled AvP2, the 1.096 update, savior mod and the teamfortress mod.

That did not help.

So I removed the fox folder, and installed again everything.

Still it did not work right, or it worked for a second.

The symptom. When starting Team fortress, the team fortress load screen did not appear, just the default Avp2 screen.

The solution. Regcleaner !

( windows 7, in the run box type regcleaner)

I deleted all I could find called Sierra, Monolith and also searched for Alien.

A warning too. Be very carefull with regcleaner. Do not delete things unless you're 110 % sure its AvP2.

Searching for alien, also showed me another game I have installed. AvP (3)
I also did not touch any Avp2 which was related to the firewall.

Most people here probably know this, but if you go deleting stuff from the register on good luck, you will end up, with re installing windows.

I also re installed Dedit, and that is working fine again too. I hope to release two more TF maps.
A better version of the map called blade, already in TF, and a map for which I do not have a name yet.

Blade is about 99 % done. The other one is around 30 % done.
Blade will need testing, it might be too big, but we will see, if it is, I can make it smaller.
The other one will need testing too, but I am not worried about the size of that map.
Blade was my first TF map and as always there is a learning curve.
Ty to Herr Alien and Windebieste, who thought me how to use detail 1 vs detail 0 brushes, and how to add hullmakers, the maps should not lag, not on older pc's either.
Maps will be no snap.

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