"Bringing new Imperium-related units (cannon or not), from infantry to titans, new or old, into DoW SS. Some may be already included in other mods."

Welcome to the 40k/30k AoT mod page!

As of currently, the purpose of this page is to grind your patience to the core with WIP 30k units teasers until the Legiones Astartes mod is ready.

Note: A lot of the Fxes, attributes, arts and other unedited stuff are derived from their original authors, or alternatively the Ultimate Apocalypse mod and everyone who participated developing that mod, since it is the base from which my little faction is based on.

I do not claim property for anything I did not make and I try to source as much as I can the assets used that are not mine.

This is just a side hobby I occasionally like to dwell into to learn rigging, skinning and animating models, baking meshes and textures for game assets and have a bit of fun with new stuff I want to see in-game.

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The Legiones Astartes faction will be structured as a generic 30k SM faction with a variety of infantry, light, heavy and super-heavy tanks, skimmers, Knights and Titans, all here to provide different methods to annihilate the enemy.

No shiny images to reveal the content yet, but a huge damn list for the different buildings that will be placeable, and the deployable forces per building. I've also included detail on the available weapons, addons and internal squad capacity for certain buildings and units. Also, while the list is more or less complete, a few changes may come in the future.

  • Buildings:

    • - Fortress Command Center (HQ) :
      • -Addons: T1, T2, T3, T4;
      • -Modules: up to 6 plasma power generators, 1 Heavy Support Turret (T2);
      • -Quad mounted weapon choices: Hydra Accelerator Autocannons, Icarus Lascannons, Deflagrator Volkite Carronade; Executor Plasma Array, Imperatus Adrathic Disintegrators;
      • -Garrison: 8 squads max;
      • (Garrisonned squads weapons: Bolters, Lascutters, Plasma Guns).
    • - T0 Light Armoury (Infantry/Commanders);
    • - T0 Legion Tactica (not Available for first versions, but will be implemented internally):
      • Allows to choose between 20 different legion tactics, each with their own pros and cons:
        • -Generic Legion;
        • -Dark Angels;
        • -Gladius Imperator Legion;
        • -Emperor's Children;
        • -Iron Warriors;
        • -White Scars;
        • -Space Wolves;
        • -Imperial Fists;
        • -Night Lords;
        • -Blood Angels;
        • -Iron Hands;
        • -World Eaters;
        • -Ultramarines;
        • -Death Guard;
        • -Thousand Sons;
        • -Luna Wolves/Sons Of Horus;
        • -Word Bearers;
        • -Salamanders;
        • -Raven Guard;
        • -Alpha Legion.
    • - T2 Heavy Armoury (Vehicles/Walkers/Titans);
    • - Librarium;
    • - Orbital Relay;
    • - Legion Barracks :
      • -Garrison: 6 squads max.
    • - Legion Manufactorum;
    • - Advanced branches (the player will have to choose between one of the three) :
      • - T2: Armoured Tanks Manufactorum :
        -Garrison: 6 squads max.
      • - T2: Questor Imperialis Quarters :
        -Garrison: 4 squads max.
      • - T4: Collegia Titanica Quarters :
        -Garrison: 8 squads max.
    • - Light Support Turret :
      • -Twin mounted weapon choices: Heavy Bolters, Assault Cannons, Multi-Meltas, Multi-Lasers, Sonic Blasters, Punisher Plasma Gatlings;
      • -Addon: Auspex Probe + Probing upgrade T3 research (replaces weapon).
    • - Heavy Support Turret :
      • -Quad mounted weapon choices: Hydra Accelerator Autocannons, Icarus Lascannons, Deflagrator Volkite Carronade; Executor Plasma Array, Imperatus Adrathic Disintegrators.
    • - Defence Post :
      • Defensive Post Branch:
        • -T1: Heavy Bolters and Reinforced Fort;
        • -T2: Lascannons and Ceramite Plating;
        • -T3: Volkite Culverinsand Auspex Probe;
        • -T4: Plasma Cannons and Auramite Plating;
      • Offensive Post branch:
        • -T1 weapon: Skyreaper Battery and Reinforced Fort;
        • -T2 weapon: Arachnus Lascannons;
        • -T3 weapon: Volkite Skorpion;
        • -T4 weapon: Omega Plasma Array;
      • -Garrison: 2 squads max.
    • - Thermal Power Generator;
  • Units choices:

    • HQ units:

      • - Reconnaissance Squads (MKIV Maximus armor) :
        • -Leaders choices: Vigilator, Master Of Signals;
        • -Weapon choices: Umbra Bolters, Lascutters, Plasma Guns, Graviton Guns, Sniper Rifle, Sniper Plas-Rifle.
      • - Techmarine (builder);
      • - Master Of The Forge (elite builder);
      • - Legion Master :
        • -Addons: Imperial Command Halo (Morale Buff aura), Praesidium Shield.
      • - Legion Prime Command Squad :
        • Starts with 4 Praetor Maximus Vanguard Legionaires, can be reinforced with 3 Company Champions, 1 Master of the Apothecarion and 1 Herald.
    • Librarium units:

      • - Primus Medicae (Elite healer unit in Terminator armor);
      • - Chief Librarian;
    • Barracks units:

      • Commanders:
        • - Centurion Secundus (melee) :
          • -Right hand weapons: Relic Force Sword, Relic Thunder Hammer, Relic Force Lance;
          • -Left Hand weapons: Shields, Combi-Bolter, Tigrus Pattern Combi-Flamer, Phobos Pattern Combi-Melta, Combi-Grav, Phobos Pattern Combi-Plasma , Disintegration Combi-gun.
        • - Centurion Primus (in Terminator armor) (melee) :
          • -Right hand weapons: Relic Retribution Force Greatsword, Castellan Power Axe, Adrasite Spear;
          • -Left Hand weapons: Shields, Lastrum Storm Bolter, Plasma Blaster, Adrathic Destructor;
          • -Wrist Weapon: Twin Bolt Cannon, Plasma Caster, Adrasite Caster;
          • -Addons: Imperial Command Halo (Morale Buff aura).
        • - Consul Warmonger Command Squad (melee) :
          • Starts with 5 Centurions, can be reinforced with, 1 Apothecary, 1 Standard Bearer and 2 Moritats.
        • - Consul Armistos Support Squad (ranged) :
          • Starts with 4 Centurions, can be reinforced with, 1 Techmarine, 1 Master of the Arsenal and 3 Rapiers Executors.
      • Infantry:
        • - Legion Tactical Squads :
          • -Weapon choices: Bolters, Flamers, Lascutters, Melta Guns, Plasma Guns, Graviton Guns, Volkite Calivers;
          • -2 Leaders choices from: Centurion, Apothecary, Standard Bearer;
          • -Armors: MKII Crusade, MKIII Iron.
        • - Legion Tactical Heavy Support Squads :
          • -Weapons Choices: Heavy Bolters, Autocannons, Rotor Cannons, Missile Launchers, Multi-Meltas, Lascannons, Plasma Cannons, Volkite Culverins;
          • -2 Leaders choices from: Centurion, Apothecary, Master Of Signals, Standard Bearer;
          • -Armors: MKII Crusade, MKIII Iron.
        • - Legion Destroyers Squads :
          • -Weapons Choices: Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas, Rad Cleansers, Phosphex Incinerator, Heavy Plasma Burners, Graviton Cannons, Helfrost Cannons;
          • -Armor: MKIII Iron.
        • - Legion Assault Squads :
          • -Equipment: jump pack;
          • -Right hand weapon choices: Eviscerator Chainsword, Power Axes, Power Lance, Force Greatsword, Thunder Hammer;
          • -Left hand weapon choices: Bolt Pistol, Hand Flamer, Volkite Serpenta, Plasma Pistol;
          • -Wrist mounted: Combat Shield;
          • -2 Leader Choices from: Centurion.
          • -Armors: MKII Crusade, MKIII Iron.
        • - Breacher Siege Squad (ranged) :
          • -Right hand weapon choices: Bolters, Flamers, Lascutters, Melta Guns, Plasma Guns, Graviton Guns, Volkite Calivers;
          • -Left hand: Boarding Shield;
          • -3 Leaders choices from: Centurion, Apothecary, Master Of Signals;
          • -Armor: MKIII Iron.
        • - Moritat Squad :
          • -Equipment: jump pack;
          • -Weapon choices: Ryza-pattern Hot-Shot Lascutter, Plasma Guns or Volkite Calivers;
          • -Armor: MKIV Maximus.
        • - Praetor Maximus Vanguard Veterans :
          • -Right hand: Chainsword, Power Axe, Force Lance, Force Sword, Power Maul, Aegis Energy Sword;
          • -Left hand: Bolt Pistol, Lascutter, Plasma Pistol, Volkite Serpenta, Force Shield;
          • -4 Leaders choices from: Centurion, Apothecary, Standard Bearer;
          • -Armor: MKIV Praetor.
        • - Praetor Maximus Sternguard Veterans :
          • -Weapon choices: Bolters, Flamers, Lascutters, Melta Guns, Plasma Guns, Graviton Guns, Volkite Calivers, Heavy Bolters, Missile Launchers, Multi-Meltas, Lascannons, Plasma Cannons, Volkite Culverins, Seismic Cannons, Lightning Guns, Conversion Beamer;
          • -4 Leaders choices from: Centurion, Apothecary, Master Of Signals, Standard Bearer;
          • -Armor: MKIV Praetor.
        • - Cataphractii Terminators (ranged) :
          • -Equipment: Teleporter;
          • -Right hand weapon choices: Assault Cannon, Autocannons, Heavy Flamers, Twin-Linked Lascannons, Plasma Cannons, Phosphex Incinerators, Volkite Culverins, Graviton Cannons, Conversion Beams;
          • -Left hand: Empty or Cataphractii Siege Shield;
          • -Top Mounted: Grenade Harness, Cyclone Missile Launcher;
          • -2 Leaders choices from: Terminator Centurion, Primus Medicae, Terminator Standard Bearer.
        • - Tartaros Terminators (melee) :
          • -Equipment: Teleporter.
          • -Right hand: Power Sword, Power Lance, Power Axe, Thunder Hammer;
          • -Left hand: Tartaros Assault Shield, Combi-Bolter, Volkite Charger;
          • -Top Mounted: Grenade Harness;
          • -2 Leaders choices from: Terminator Centurion, Primus Medicae, Terminator Standard Bearer.
        • - Praetor Terminators (melee and ranged) :
          • -Equipment: Teleporter;
          • -Right hand weapon choices: Assault Cannons, Autocannons, Heavy Flamers, Twin-Linked Lascannons, Plasma Cannons, Volkite Culverins, Adrathic Devastators, Power Sword, Force Lance, Power Axe, Aegis Energy Sword, Thunder Hammer;
          • -Left hand weapon choices: Praetor Force Shield, Combi-Bolters, Plasma Blasters, Volkite Chargers, Volkite Cavitors;
          • -Top Mounted: Grenade Harness;
          • -4 Leaders choices from: Terminator Centurion, Primus Medicae, Terminator Standard Bearer.
        • - (SPECIAL) Saturnine Terminators (melee and ranged) :
          • -Equipment: Teleporter;
          • -Right hand weapon choices: Assault Cannons, Autocannons, Heavy Flamers, Plasma Cannons, Twin-Linked Lascannons, Volkite Culverins, Adrathic Devastators, Power Axes, Aegis Energy Sword, Thunder Hammers;
          • -Left hand weapon choices: Saturnine Aegis Shield, Combi-Bolter, Plasma Blaster, Volkite Chargers;
          • -Top Mounted: Autocannon, Lascannon, Plasma Cannon, Conversion Beam;
          • -4 Leaders choices from: Terminator Centurion, Primus Medicae, Terminator Standard Bearer.
    • Legion Manufactorum units:

      • - Sky Hunter Squadrons (with Scimitar Jetbikes) :
        • -Weapon choices: Heavy Bolters, Multi-Meltas, Plasma Cannons, Volkite Culverins.
      • - Javelin Attack Speeder :
        • -Front Weapon: Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta, Plasma Cannon;
        • -Side weapon: Autocannons, Lascannons, Typhoon Missile Launchers;
        • -Top weapon choices: Grenade Launcher (Frag, , Krak, Melta, Cryo, Plasma, Vortex).
      • - Sabre Strike Tank :
        • -Main weapon choices: Anvilus Snub Autocannon, Neutron Blaster, Volkite Saker;
        • -Top weapon choices: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta, Multi-laser, Volkite Culverin.
      • - Cataphractii Contemptor Dreadnought (ranged) :
        • -Main weapon choices: Heavy Bolters, Assault Cannons, Autocannons, Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas, Twin-Linked Lascannons, Executionner Plasma Destroyers, Helfrost Cannons, Volkite Culverins, Conversion Beams;
        • -Top Mounted weapon: Cyclone Missile Launcher.
      • - Tartaros Contemptor Dreadnought (melee) :
        • -Right hand weapon choices: Siege Drill, Power Greatsword, Force Lance, Gravi-Maul;
        • -Left hand weapon choices: Tartaros Shield, Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta.
      • - Deredeo Dreadnought (MODELLED) :
        • -Main weapon choices: Autocannon Batteries, Lascannon Batteries, Hellfire Plasma Cannonades, Volkite Falconets, Heavy Conversion Beam Cannons;
        • -Front Weapons choices: Heavy Bolters, Heavy Flamers, Multi-lasers, Punisher Plasma Gatlings;
        • -Carapace mounted weapon: Aiolos Missile Launcher, Boreas Air-Defence Missiles, Atomantic Pavaise.
      • - Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (melee and ranged) :
        • -Hands weapons choices: Siege Drills, Siege Claws, Graviton Ram, Twin Assault Cannons, Leviathan Storm Cannon, Cyclonic Melta Lance, Laser Destroyer Array, Plasma Mortar, Graviton Flux Bombard;
        • -Torso mounted weapon choices: Assault Cannons, Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas, Lascannons, Volkite Calivers, Plasma Guns;
        • -Top Mounted weapon: Grenade Launcher.
      • - Praetor Contemptor Dreadnought (melee and ranged) :
        • -Right hand weapon choices: Siege Drill, Power Greatsword, Force Lance, Aegis Energy Blade, Gravi-Maul, Heavy Bolter, Assault Cannon, Autocannon, Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta, Twin-Linked Lascannons, Executionner Plasma Cannon, Helfrost Cannon, Volkite Culverin, Conversion Beam;
        • -Left hand weapon choices: Force shield, Heavy Bolter, Assault Cannon, Autocannon, Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta, Twin-Linked Lascannons, Executionner Plasma Cannon, Helfrost Cannon, Volkite Culverin, Conversion Beam;
        • -Top Mounted weapon: Cyclone Missile Launcher.
      • - Rapier Armoured Carrier :
        • -Weapon choices: Quad Heavy Bolters, Laser Destroyer Array, Quad Mortars, Volkite Demi-Culverin, Executionner Plasma Destroyer, Conversion Beam, Graviton Cannon.
      • - Deimos Pattern Transport Rhino :
        • -Top weapon choices (Twin-Linked) : Heavy Bolters, Multi-Meltas, Lascannons, Plasma Cannons, Volkite Culverins;
          -Transport Capacity: 1 squad max.
      • - Arquitor :
        • -Main weapon choices: Spicula Rocket System, Morbus Heavy Bombard, Graviton Charge Cannon, Plasma Mortar;
        • -Side weapons choices: Heavy Bolters, Autocannons, Multi-lasers, Punisher Plasma Gatlings;
        • -Pintle Mounted weapon choices: Twin-Linked Bolters, Combi-weapons, Missile Launcher.
      • - Whirlwind Scorpius;
      • - Deimos Vindicator :
        • -Main weapon choices: Demolisher Cannon, Laser Destroyer Array, Plasma Demolisher Mortar;
        • -Pintle mounted weapon choices: Bolters, Lascutter, Meltaguns, Plasma guns.
      • - Deimos Predator :
        • -Main Weapon choices: Destructor Autocannon, Long-Barreled Demolisher Cannon, Twin-Linked Assault Cannons, Annihilator Twin-Linked Lascannons, Flamestorm Cannon, Magna-Melta, Phosphex Incinerator, Volkite Demi-Culverin, Executioner Plasma Destroyer, Conversion Beam.
        • -Side Weapon choices: Heavy Bolters, Lascannons, Graviton Cannons, Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas, Rad Cleansers, Punisher Plasma Gatlings.
        • -Addons: Auspex Probe, Smoke Launchers, Dozer Blade, Ceramite Armor, Auramite Armor.
    • Armoured Tanks Manufactorum units:

      • - Land Raider Achilles :
        • -Side mounted weapons choices: Twin-Linked Multi-Meltas, Twin-Linked Plasma Cannons, Twin-Linked Volkite Culverins;
        • -Front weapon choices: Viper Quad-Launcher, Cobra Las-Gatling;
        • -Addons: Searchlights, Dozer Blade;
        • -Transport capacity: 1 squad.
      • - Spartan-Proteus Assault Tank :
        • -Hull weapon choices: Heavy Bolters, Assault Cannons, Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas, Punisher Plasma Gatlings;
        • -Side weapons choices: Quad lascannons, Twin-Linked Plasma Cannons, Heavy Bolters (P), Lascannons (P);
        • -Transport capacity: 4 squads max.
        • -Addon: Proteus Augur System (long range scanner).
      • - Cerberus-Typhon Armoured Tank :
        • -Main weapon choices: Dreadhammer Siege Cannon, Triple Neutron Laser Projector, Plasma Mortar Supercharger Siege Cannon;
        • -Side weapons choices: Heavy Bolters, Lascannons, Punisher Plasma Gatlings, Plasma Cannons.
      • - Legion Medusa (Standard shells and Phosphex shells);
      • - Legion Basilisk :
        • -Main Weapon choices: Earthshaker Cannon, Ryza Plasmic Earthshaker Cannon.
      • - Sicaran Battle Tank :
        • -Main weapon choices: Twin Accelerator Cannons, Punisher Rotary Cannon, Arcus Missile Launchers, Omega Plasma Array, Neutron Laser Projector, Volkite Skorpion;
          -Side weapons choices: Heavy Bolters, Lascannons, Volkite Culverins, Punisher Plasma Gatlings.
      • - Fellblade/Glaive/Falchion:
        • -Main weapon choices: Twin Accelerator Cannons, Volkite Carronade, Twin Volcano Cannons, Vortex Annihilator;
        • -Side weapons choices: Quad Lascannons, Twin-Linked Plasma Cannons;
        • -Hull weapons choices: Heavy Bolters, Assault Cannons, Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas, Punisher Plasma Gatlings;
        • -Extra Weapon: Demolisher Cannon, Plasma Demolisher Mortar;
      • - Mastodon Super-Heavy :
        • -Front Weapon choices: Siege Melta Array, Siege Plasma Array;
        • -Side Front Weapons choices: Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas;
        • -Side Back Weapons choices: Autocannons, Lascannons;
        • -Top Weapon choices: Auspex Probe, Skyreaper Battery, Icarus Lascannon Battery, Ryza Plas-Reaper Battery.
        • Transport capacity: 6 squads. Can transport MKIV and Contemptor Dreadnoughts.
      • - Stormbreaker Enforcer :
        • -Main weapons choices: Twin-Linked Battle Cannons, Twin-Linked Vanquisher Cannons, Twin-Linked Heavy Assault Cannons, Melta Cannons, Twin-Linked Arachnus Heavy Lascannons, Heavy Executionner Plasma Destroyer;
        • -Bottom Side weapons choices (Twin-Linked): Heavy Bolters, Lascannons, Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas, Volkite Culverins, Punisher Plasma Gatlings, Gravitons Cannons;
        • -Top Side weapons choices (Twin-Linked): Heavy Bolters, Autocannons, Lascannons, Plasma Cannons, Conversion Beams (Single);
        • -Support weapon choices: Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters, Heavy Flamers, Multi-Meltas, Rad Cleanser;
        • -Addons: Auspex Probe, Smoke Launchers, Auramite Armor, Dozer Blade.
    • Questor Imperialis Quarters units:

      • - Armiger Knight Helverin :
        • -Hand weapons choices: Helverin Autocannons, Helverin Plasma Fusils;
        • -Carapace weapon choices: Heavy Stubber, Melta Gun, Plasma Gun.
      • - Armiger Knight Warglaive;
      • - Armiger Knight Moirax :
        • -Right Hand weapon choices: Volkite Veuglaire, Rad Cleanser, Graviton Pulsar;
        • -Left hand weapon choices: Moirax Siege Claw, Lightning Lock, Moirax Conversion Beam.
      • - Questoris Knight Paladin;
      • - Questoris Knight Crusader :
        • -Carapace Weapon choices: Icarus Autocannons, Ironstorm Missile Pod;
        • -Hand weapons: Rapid-Fire Battle Cannons, Avenger Gatling Cannons, Thermal Cannons, Executionner Plasma Decimator;
        • -Torso Weapons choices: Heavy Stubbers, Melta-Guns, Plasma Guns;
      • - Questoris Knight Magaera/Styrix :
        • -Left Hand weapons: Hekaton Siege Claw, Reaper Chainsword;
        • -Right Hand weapons: Lightning Cannon, Volkite Chieorovile;
        • -Torso Weapons choices: Rad Cleanser, Melta-Guns, Plasma Guns, Graviton Guns;
      • - Dominus Knight Patterns (Castellan and Valiant, might get merged);
      • - Acastus Knight Asterius;
      • - Acastus Knight Porphyrion;
    • Collegia Titanica Quarters units:

      • -Mars-Pattern Warhound Titan :
        • -Arms weapons choices: Vulcan Mega-Bolters, Inferno Guns, Double Turbo-Lasers, Plasma Blastguns, Volkite Destructors.
      • -Mars-Pattern Reaver Titan:
        • Arms Weapons choices: Gatling Blasers, Melta Cannons, Lasers Blasters, Volcano Cannons;
        • Carapace Weapon: Vulcan Mega Bolter, Double Turbo Laser, Volkite Destructor, Plasma Blastgun, Missile Launcher, Rocket Launcher (Standard, Incendiary, Plasma, Phosphex, Vortex).
      • -Warbringer Nemesis Titan:
        • Arms Weapons choices: Gatling Blasers, Melta Cannons, Laser Blasters, Volcano Cannons;
        • Carapace Weapon choices: Macro Gatling Blaser, Macro Volcano Cannon, Mori Quake Cannon, Volkite Eradicator, Sunfury Plasma Annihilator;
      • -Mars-Pattern Warlord Titan:
        • Arms Weapons choices: Macro Gatling Blasers, Macro Volcano Cannons, Mori Quake Cannons, Volkite Eradicators, Sunfury Plasma Annihilators;
        • Carapace Weapons choices: Gatling Blasers, Melta Cannons, Laser Blasters, Volcano Cannons, Inferno Guns, Volkite Destructors, Plasma Blastguns, Missile Launchers, Rocket Launchers (Standard, Incendiary, Plasma, Phosphex, Vortex);
        • Soulder Weapons choices: Mauler Bolt Cannons, Lascannons, Plasma Cannons.
      • -Mars-Patttern Warmaster Titan;
      • -Emperor-Class Imperator Titan:
        • Arms Weapons choices: Hellstorm Cannons, Macro Volkite Eradicators, Plasma Annihilators:
        • Carapace Weapons choices: Macro Gatling Blasers, Macro Volcano Cannons, Mori Quake Cannons, Volkite Eradicators, Sunfury Plasma Annihilators.
      • -Emperor-Class Warmonger Titan:
        • Arms Weapons choices: Macro Volkite Eradicators, Plasma Annihilators, Black Hole Cannon.
        • Carapace Weapons choices: Macro Gatling Blasers, Macro Volcano Cannons, Mori Quake Cannons, Volkite Eradicators, Sunfury Plasma Annihilators, Rocket Launchers (Standard, Incendiary, Plasma, Phosphex, Vortex), Heavy Support Turrets.
40k/30k Age Of Technology content

40k/30k Age Of Technology content

News 3 comments

A bit of information about what is planned for the future.

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

Plese! I want to see this mod finished!

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Erepents - - 15 comments

apparently some of them pulled the plug on this mod, it's a shame. But don't worry, someone is still trying to keep the 30k mode alive.

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

Boy, can i support you financially? DonĀ“t know, i want a game like this finally and maybe we can crowd fund some game which is based on the Horus heresy books?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Korpsdead - - 71 comments

i think the mod team stopped messing around with it or took a break :(, frankly 30k mod for dawn of war soulstrom could have been fine, after all we know 40k now and it would be good to see some 30k too, old legion equipment and horus heresy, it could be perfect

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

does this mod have a discord

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

Is this mod alive?

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

It is on pause, take that how you will.

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

I really want to see this mod come out, being a heresy fan this is the closest ill get to a good 30k game

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

You saved UA. Thank you so much for letting them use the models!

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

please elaborate

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Xander263 - - 44 comments

He allowed them to use his Titan models (which are A LOT better than the ones Ultimate Apocalypse uses).

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