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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 33)
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

Thank you, but dont trouble yoursef with this, its no big issue :)

also i can confirm that after 50+ hours and unticking loot found in dynamic news option the error below no longer happens for me

LUA error: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:191: The Timed Event system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 2, caused by script: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dynamic_news_manager.script | line: 290

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

This is a new one for me never seen it


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
2 : [Lua] c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script(90) : f

LUA error: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:90: The Actor Update system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 1, caused by script: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\tasks_guide.script | line: 223

Check log for details

stack trace:

SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;C:\ANOMALY;C:\ANOMALY\bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'User'
OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
C:\ANOMALY\bin\AnomalyDX11AVX.exe:AnomalyDX11AVX.exe (0000000140000000), size: 18079744 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: 'C:\ANOMALY\bin\AnomalyDX11AVX.exe'

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Black HK416 Replacement Texture

thanks friend very nice, its looking extra crisp in my game

Good karma+2 votes
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

I also did this 5h no crash :) but ill turn it back on despite the bug, to cool of a feature to get wrid of. amomawy

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Hardcore NPC Overhaul and Fixes

i noticed that u took down the ai_combat_pack, is this the replacement for it ? was something wrong with that one ? i am just curious

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XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame


the above mod is where i found out about preefeching you have to edit it to your needs though.

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XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

i also use bounty squads mod.

i think it pauses because it is saving, No?

like ill get the auto save message "bussy hands crash save" and then you have like 3 seconds and it crashes.

also i hate to kill your vibe but your settings seem extreme ;) i get it but damn.

i use the mod hollywood effects it eliminates shrapnel from mines and grenades witch helps with many explosions.

also i think that the hangs you get due to squads going online is normal, like a squad of 5 to 10 stalkers will hang the game for a split seccond ssd is best for that.
you could try prefeching the stalker models, wchich means loading them into your ram but i tested it and there is no noticable difference for me anyway.

also bloodpools mod afects my game so i dont use it anymore.

i am starting to think its zcp especialy with the above bug but i will never remove that mod i have my custom spawn templates and all ;)


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XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

since my last post i played for something like 20h.

after i restored default settings in "Dynamic Messages" like i outlined in my last post sadly the same bug came back:(

My next step was turning off 1st and 2nd option in that menu
witch resulted in no bug of that kind for about 15h :) so i am optimistic.

bear in mind that my game is moded and i have no "scientific" explanation for it, just trial and error.

again my most sinciere thanks to the script creator you made the game better.

did you get the below bug yourself, Bamah ?

LUA error: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:191: The Timed Event system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 2, caused by script: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dynamic_news_manager.script | line: 290


LOL nevermind just had it ;) again, ill keep trying

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ New Zone Mutant Rebalance

Moze i cos pojebalem:) zdawalo mi sie ze to wlasnie arszi' controller pozwalal na to zachovanie ze strony controlla... nie wazne, dzieki, sciagam twoj mod pack.

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ New Zone Mutant Rebalance

Ah kurde dopiero teras widze ze swoj, fajnie ze sie ludzie interesoja anomalja.
Jak stalker 2 wyjdzie za rok to gdzies w 2040tym bedzie anomalia 2:) lol

Good karma+2 votes
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ New Zone Mutant Rebalance

I used the mod "controler overhaul" for years now and i can confirm that controlers can actualy posses other stalkers.

I also use "ZCP" and there were times when a controler took over the entire darkvalley bandit base:)
All the bandits just followed him around it was epic.

As a side note if you kill possesed stalkers from friendly faction others wont consider you an enemy for it lol.

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ AI Combat Pack for Anomaly 1.5.2

oh also do you know if ai uses under barrel grenade launchers ?

i think not but i am not sure.

i know they use RPG ;)

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ AI Combat Pack for Anomaly 1.5.2

yes i mean grenades.

over the years i noticed that almost everyone except for mercenaries shouts "Grenade" when they throw it, although i have seen duty and ecologist who sometimes dont announce their throw.

i guess it could just be a stalker wirdness :)

anyway very nice mod it seems to help with combat i feel like all the usual encounters play out way different


Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ NPC Don't Attack Boxes

I was killed by my companions before, when they were shooting boxes

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ AI Combat Pack for Anomaly 1.5.2

I find that most factions dont call out frags now is that intentional?

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

I think that restoring my "dynamic messages" settings to default might fix this issue.

3rd and 4th option in that menu are off by default but i had them on since forever.

Anyway i had 3 hours without that particular bug last sunday, ill conyinue testing this next weekend.

Thank you again for this script it is actively helping me avoid bugs. Its amaizing. Bless you sir

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

Hey there
this is a new one i found today.

! [RAX WD] Event DynamicNewsManager, TickQuick hung for > 0.5 seconds!
! [RAX WD] Offending event at line: 290 of script:c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dynamic_news_manager.script
! [RAX WD] Saving game.
* [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats
* [win32]: free[137418020532 K], reserved[4401888 K], committed[16530988 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[2991603 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[1866571 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[131740 K], smem[557786 K]
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 31996 objects are successfully saved
* Game busy hands crash save.scop is successfully saved to file 'c:/anomaly\appdata\savedgames\busy hands crash save.scop'
! [RAX WD] Event DynamicNewsManager, TickQuick hung for > 0.5 seconds!
! [RAX WD] Offending event at line: 290 of script:c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dynamic_news_manager.script
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:191: The Timed Event system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 2, caused by script: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dynamic_news_manager.script | line: 290


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
2 : [Lua] c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script(191) : functor_a

LUA error: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:191: The Timed Event system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 2, caused by script: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dynamic_news_manager.script | line: 290

Check log for details

stack trace:

SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;C:\ANOMALY;C:\ANOMALY\bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'User'
OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
C:\ANOMALY\bin\AnomalyDX11AVX.exe:AnomalyDX11AVX.exe (0000000140000000), size: 18034688 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: 'C:\ANOMALY\bin\AnomalyDX11AVX.exe'

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

I too use zcp what population settings do you use?

I use stalker pop factor at 1 and mutants at 0.5 3 hour respawn

Also squad size at 1.5 with variance of 0.5.

Also do you play story mode or freeplay?

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

Sry for late reply.

Yes it is indeed a base game file.
And in this case when the bug happens it affects magazines and proly other things but i only noticed magazines.

But most importantly thanks to your script i was able to succesfuly recreate this bug and find a solution to it in game.

Basicaly if you transfer to much at once the bug will happen every time without fail.

Like a fool i assumed that using an auto clicker on this game is a good idea (its not, lol)

Now a 100% sure solution to this is as follows

1. When transfering items to or from a stash or dead body or copanion transfer no more than 3 or 4 at a time (if using autoclicker like me with or without ctrl presed) close the inventory tab and reopen it and repeat until done.

2. If you are normal and treat this old game with respect and are not using an autoclicker you are unlikely to get bussy hands bug of this kind i think:)

Thanks again for this script i love it and i will hunt for these bugs this weeakend.

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

its when i put ammo into a stash in dark valley beside the mechanic, my ammo is vanila

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

hi this is the one i get every time, like daily.

I dont think its my mods as none of them overwrite but maybe some other reason dunt know.

i am not sure where to post this ;) just by the way this isnt really bothering me or anything should i post this elesewhere?

! [RAX WD] Event box, box_agg hung for > 0.5 seconds!
! [RAX WD] Offending event at line: 315 of script:c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\item_weapon.script
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:191: The Timed Event system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 2, caused by script: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\item_weapon.script | line: 315


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
2 : [Lua] c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script(191) : functor_a

LUA error: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script:191: The Timed Event system has crashed. Known as "Busy Hands" type 2, caused by script: c:/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\item_weapon.script | line: 315

Check log for details

stack trace:

SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;C:\ANOMALY;C:\ANOMALY\bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'User'
OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
C:\ANOMALY\bin\AnomalyDX11AVX.exe:AnomalyDX11AVX.exe (0000000140000000), size: 18034688 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: 'C:\ANOMALY\bin\AnomalyDX11AVX.exe'

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

Hi all, i am on my 3rd year of playing this game 20 to 50 mods 20 hours a weakend. I experienced constant crashes with various radeon gfx cards for the first 6 months or so, unrelated to this issue but hey, n vidia zero ctd since then.
Anyway, whenever i get a bug like what people describe above with rax magazines, or stamina bar not showing or health bar not showing or even with ammo check mod not displaying messages, i just save and reload the whole game, ill be honest i never had a corrupted save at least i dont think so, could it be that i just didnt notice? Or just lucky? Also i invariably restart the game after like 3 or 4 save reloads, a habit i picked up from playing mount and blade warband where the game would lose performance after too many save reloads. Also i dont quick save and only mantain 3 manual saves.

Could it be that those busy hands bugs affect the saves only in a longer game? Like 3 to 4 weaks?
Personaly my longest runs very rarely exeed 2 ingame weaks, maybe thats why i avoid the problems caused by the hand bugs.

Again i never ever crash, frankly i didnt know people have corrupted saves problems if u do maybe some of my methods could help you together with this script. Good luck

Ps if what i wrote is stupid let me know and ill delete.

Good karma+2 votes
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ MeatChunk's Prefetcher Patch for HD Models

thanks for listing all hd models parts, very cool.
i also did what Little_Lion did in the posts above.
it does work, it takes a little bit longer to load a save or start debug mode area.

So debug area with no hd prefech uses 1,2gb ram and with hd prefech 7.9gb ram, however as a test i kept spawning in an army squad with 10 guys at the same time there is no difference in the lag which in both cases with and without prefech, was either none or like a slight microstuter
exactly what i was trying to eliminate ;)

anyway could this be because there is no difference in how quick ssd or ram can be read? just wondering, maybe there would be a difference if i spawned like 20 squads at once?

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Anomaly HD Models Addon [DLTX]

this is the main download from this page, it says it was updated on 16th june 23. i have instaled this with mo 2

this is the patch from the description, beside it it says "Patch for 02/02/2023 version to the current one"
i dont need this patch if i am using the above main download i think.

Patch HD

anyway i installed with mo 2 it overwrites some files but the bug is still there.

so the modload order is this :

1 anomaly_HD_Models_Addon
2 Patch HD Models

i also tried doing it the old fashion way without fomod installer but its just the same thing.

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Anomaly HD Models Addon [DLTX]

hi there thank you for a reply.

I should have specified that i am using the latest version non patched.

as i understand the patch below is for the previous version and would do nothing to the current one, tried it anyway but same problem persisits.

"Patch for 02/02/2023 version to the current one"

Dont get me wrong i am not complaining, this mod is very cool and i assume that a lot of work went into it.
I myself do sewing machine work and therefore know nothing of your craft, which is greatly apreciated, so Thanks again ;)

also the reason that i posted my last 2 comments was to maybe help others who run into this bug, which is very rare i might add but game braking :)

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Anomaly HD Models Addon [DLTX]

for now i fixed the above bug by replacing this file gamedata\meshes\actors\stalker_dolg stalker_dolg_4_proto.ogf with the same file from older version it turns the exosceleton (just the metal parts like the pistons and the frame) dark blue

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Anomaly HD Models Addon [DLTX]

duty "dolg_proto_exo_outfit" its the ps5-m suit cant be killed, that is when i wear it i cant be damaged and when ai wears it it also cant be damaged exept for explosions, ai will still make them drop weapons by hitting me or other ai. after they are killd by explosion in this suit, ai will clip through walls and flor. when i am killed by an explosion i this suit i get a crash

Expression : _valid(start_pos)
Function :CPHActivationShape::Create
File :PHActivationShape.cpp
Line :182
Description :assertion failed

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ [MO2 Plugin] Anomaly CPU Affinity

thanks i play with zcp and varous other mods that introduced some stutter but affinity thing helped before so this makes it less annoing to restart my game
thanks again

ryzen 5600x btw

Good karma+2 votes
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ ARMR Arti and RavenAscendants Mags Redux 1.5.2

hey there
i am having an issue with jamming on all weapons, if i have 1 mag in the weapon and none in the load out (none highlighted) it wont play the unjam animation, just lowers the weapon.
if i put a second magazine in loadout (highlighted) then it plays the unjam animation but reloads instead. Also no matter what setting i choose with regards to what the actor should do with empty mags ie. put back in loadout or just in the backpack it always puts it back in the load out if i have 2 for example.

this just started happening out of nowhere and happens in debug mode, on diferent saves and on new game every time now reinstaled mags redusx but no change

thanks in advance

Good karma+1 vote
XRAYIII - - 33 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

i changed the shoot path for all the different ak s to this one


it seems fine so far.... do you think i could brake the game this way or does it look ok?

thanks in advance king, and thanks for your last answer as well

Good karma+1 vote