Male, white, US legal resident. Hight: 6'2" Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Weight: 190 lbs. Likes: Long walks on the beach, romantic candle lit dinners and killing hobos for sport.

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Some December updates for Solstice
Half-Life 2

Some December updates for Solstice

Solstice 1 comment

Well, I promised a December update here's what I've manged to wrangle up, even if it is a bit late.

Half-Life 2 Mod of the year awards


Solstice may not be out yet, and it's progress may be slow, but I think we at least deserve some consideration. At least consider us when you are...

November update
Half-Life 2

November update


Sorry for taking so long with this, but I got slowed down alot more than expected this month... Well, I'll skip the details but needless to say...

October News Update
Half-Life 2

October News Update

Solstice 1 comment

Hello there! Wilhelm_III here, bringing you our October news update, which is, if I may say so myself, a historic moment for Solstice, as we begin to...

Half-Life 2

We are NOT dead!

Solstice 1 comment

That's right, Solstice is most assuredly NOT dead! The reson for the lack of updates was the vacation I took with my family, folowed by internet...

Big ol' media release
Half-Life 2

Big ol' media release


Ok, as a very few of you may know, I was waiting for the redesigned site to be done for a media release, but it's taking a while, so, instead I am...

Half-Life 2

New concept art and redesigns


Hey there, you may have noticed nothing has been going on for a while.. Well I was on vacation :P any way, we have some new concept art coming for you...

Half-Life 2

Lack of updates


Sorry for not updating anything, I have been sick the past week, so you should be geting stuff soon now that I am better. As for the site, Oktagone still...

Half-Life 2

Site downtime


Ok, here is the what is going on. As many of you may know, Oktagone has been haveing problems, as a result, our site is down. We will have it up in less...

Company of Heroes

The switch

Warhammer 40,000: Dark Conquest

Yes, I switched the mod over to the Dawn of War engine. I did it for some obvious resons but mostly because of the graphics, I want this game to look...

Company of Heroes

We're back baby!

Warhammer 40,000: Dark Conquest

that's right, after so much time we are back in action, I will be revamping all the modles currently diplayed, and releaseing alot more later on!

Company of Heroes

Production slow :(

Warhammer 40,000: Dark Conquest

Unfortumatly mod preduction will slow alot come spring. Models will still be made, but coding will be slowed down on account of school starting for the...

Company of Heroes


Warhammer 40,000: Dark Conquest

You may have noticed that the site URL doesn't work, and that we've changed it to just the Forums. This is due to technical problems and will be fixed...

Company of Heroes

Production boost

Warhammer 40,000: Dark Conquest

Ok, I know we havn't done much for the past two weeks,(due to the holoday mostly) but we are getting a mapper, Stormcrow is going to be doing some modles...