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Comment History
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Sayazn

I get mostly the same bugs graphic and otherwise in 2.0 as 3.0 so I guess I'll stick with the new one.

Good karma+1 vote
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ 1860s Old America 1.5 fulldownload -Latest Version

Wimpy is a subjective idea. If you've treated people poorly for treating you negative then yes, you have done bad. Get your head out your *** and swallow that pride. Pick up a little altruism along the way. And like Son of Dimir said, people rate it by their perceptions and feelings. The rating system is there for people to share their likes and dislikes. Not to wax your ego.

Good karma+2 votes
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Sayazn

Wait seriously? That explains a lot. I'ma download the older version and go back to playing. This is my favorite mod hands down and I just wish it had more polish in some areas. I hope Mr. Hinds keeps working on Sayazn because it's a lot of fun and a really unique experience.

Good karma+1 vote
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Sayazn

Ugh. Was in steam overlay so I wasn't logged in.

Good karma+1 vote
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

It's an old issue that he's aware of. No idea when it'll be fixed though. It's already been months since I complained of it and it was known about (at least by players) before then. Someone else suggested to me to try using another female body and renaming the bits to what's needed though I haven't tried.

Good karma+3 votes
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

Any new news about when the update will come, Aruda?
To clarify I'm not trying to rush you. I am impatient because I'm excited and also I'm going to government funded Certified Medical Assistant training and won't have internet for a short while. So yeah, I understand. This is your hobby, you have schooling of your own and this modding requires finesse and skill. It takes time. Please don't think I'm rushing you, I'm just super nosy and want to know any more information if it's no bother.

Good karma+2 votes
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

2 Things: 1)You need to download "Gekokujo Daimyo Edition 3.0 Full Version" then download over it "Daimyo Edition 3 0 Quick fix - 1 and 2" and then "Gekokujo Daimyo Edition 3.1". Just overwrite each time. 2) There are some (not a lot) missing textures even after doing the above. Aruda is aware of this and has stated up towards the top of this page that he's working on it. Also WSE helps the game do more things than it was originally designed to handle. The mod author used it while making and running this mod so you should use it too. Read through this and it's comments for what to do
Hope this all helps! Have a good one!

Good karma+3 votes
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

Any new information about the missing female textures at all Aruda?

Good karma+1 vote
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

So here's the old comment chain discussing the issue. Any update on what's going on at all?

Vaan_Ratsbane Apr 26 2018
So I've noticed a few problems. Taking clothes off a female character to put new ones on results in a ctd. It ends up giving an error about a "lioncloth" no, not my typo, the error actually says that.

The game freezes for a bit when hitting new game before finally loading.

Skin colour of character head doesn't match the body when wearing clothes (An issue I noticed in vanilla Warband as well).

And the version you use of WSE is no longer available on dropbox; And on top of that the new version has an issue with steam 1.173 so you need to use exes that someone said "Reverts it to 1.170" so WSE can work meaning you're effectively running an outdated version of the game if this is true.

Is there any way you could fix all or even some of these issues? Kinda prevents me from playing an otherwise interesting mod. Maybe you could roll a modified WSE into your mod to help smooth things out? And I think the inability to strip a female character is gamebreaking. Especially if when I train my troops were in our underwear like the vanilla Warband, cause that means I'll ctd on load. It also means I have to equip armour in a very specific way to avoid being half naked for even a second for fear of losing progress. I didn't play long enough to encounter any other bugs but if you're willing and able to fix these issues I'd love to do some more bug reporting to help out. Anyways I'll be thankful if you at the very least read this. Cheers.

Vaan_Ratsbane Apr 30 2018
Yeah looks like there is no actual female body in the game files. I've fresh installed multiple times. The first time, I downloaded only 3.1. Second time I downloaded 3.0 overwrote with it's patch fix, then overwrote with 3.1. Third time I downloaded the very first file and overwrote with each new file. It's like the female body never existed. All three of these methods yielded no results. How come only like four or five people have spoke up about this? You'd think more'd have noticed by now... Man I want this fixed so bad but the author seems to be MIA. T~T probably got his own IRL **** to deal with though so no biggie.

Good karma+1 vote
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

Hey Aruda, you've been gone for like two months so messages here have piled up. A while back I asked about some missing textures causing ctd. That small detailed comment chain is on page 6 or 7. Could I get some help or at least information on that issue?

Good karma+1 vote
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

Yeah an issue with the old mod too. Maybe it has something to do with the engine? IDK...

Good karma+1 vote
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

Morghs tool :

Download the tool. Start the program. The tool will want you to browse and select your warband modules folder. After you do that, click Troops then you'll see the troop list left side of the screen. Search for the troops named "Sokudo" You can manually find them at the very bottom of the list or you can basiclly write Sokudo to the troop filter (also at the left bottom). When you find the troops you can begin to edit them, choose the unit you want to edit there you'll see its stats/level. At the right side there are 2 boxes with item names in it. In the box below are the items in the whole mod and the other one (the box above) contains the items the unit uses. To delete the item chose the item then click "delete item from the inventory). If you want to add items into the units inventory you'll need to find the item in the box below and click "add selected item to the inventory" *IMPORTANT* after every action (deleting, adding items) YOU HAVE TO CLICK UPDATE TROOP. IF YOU DONT DO THIS AND MOVE ON TO THE NEXT UNIT YOUR EDITS WILL NOT BE SAVED. After you edited and updated the unit click save changes.

Always a good idea to read the features list first *then* read comments and forums about that stuff. :D Anyways if you go to the bottom of the features list descrip thingy you'll see a video tutorial for Morgh's tool and everything, though I have no idea how helpful it will be. Have a good one!

Good karma+3 votes
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

Yeah looks like there is no actual female body in the game files. I've fresh installed multiple times. The first time, I downloaded only 3.1. Second time I downloaded 3.0 overwrote with it's patch fix, then overwrote with 3.1. Third time I downloaded the very first file and overwrote with each new file. It's like the female body never existed. All three of these methods yielded no results. How come only like four or five people have spoke up about this? You'd think more'd have noticed by now... Man I want this fixed so bad but the author seems to be MIA. T~T probably got his own IRL **** to deal with though so no biggie.

Good karma+3 votes
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

Cool, I'll try and see if only renaming it to Loin, rather than lion works as I don't want to really go screwing with files right now. I'll post tomorrow whether it worked or not.

Good karma+1 vote
Vaan_Ratsbane - - 15 comments @ Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition

So I've noticed a few problems. Taking clothes off a female character to put new ones on results in a ctd. It ends up giving an error about a "lioncloth" no, not my typo, the error actually says that.

The game freezes for a bit when hitting new game before finally loading.

Skin colour of character head doesn't match the body when wearing clothes (An issue I noticed in vanilla Warband as well).

And the version you use of WSE is no longer available on dropbox; And on top of that the new version has an issue with steam 1.173 so you need to use exes that someone said "Reverts it to 1.170" so WSE can work meaning you're effectively running an outdated version of the game if this is true.

Is there any way you could fix all or even some of these issues? Kinda prevents me from playing an otherwise interesting mod. Maybe you could roll a modified WSE into your mod to help smooth things out? And I think the inability to strip a female character is gamebreaking. Especially if when I train my troops were in our underwear like the vanilla Warband, cause that means I'll ctd on load. It also means I have to equip armour in a very specific way to avoid being half naked for even a second for fear of losing progress. I didn't play long enough to encounter any other bugs but if you're willing and able to fix these issues I'd love to do some more bug reporting to help out. Anyways I'll be thankful if you at the very least read this. Cheers.

Good karma+6 votes