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Comment History
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Даты первого выхода сравнить не забудь, а также факт переименования его мода)

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Tell me, which race did you play for and against? The bug is really serious, it is impossible to play with it calmly.

P.S. We see this when playing with Necrons, and possibly Tau.

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The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Now any major modification requires a little more than just throwing mod into folder with game and running it, including due to increased system requirements. You need to read description of latest version of mod on download page, there is also correct installation procedure, including the installation of English texts. Initially, the modification translated into Russian, but you need to go to one of the optional folders and put English
No one installs an operating system through the BIOS without first knowing the installation procedure, right?)

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Of course, latest version of mod is required, this is indicated in description of addon. I'm glad you figured it out.

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The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign mod lite [BETA] (December 30, 2023)

Командиров-гвардейцев - это дроны и сержанты воинов огня? Никак, это задумано из балансных соображений)

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign mod lite [BETA] (December 30, 2023)

There is a way out - read installation procedure on download page of latest version of modification.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

There is a way out - read installation procedure on download page of latest version of modification.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

The answer to this question was exhaustively given in one of my comments below (plus, above video, you can also find a paragraph on topic).

In short, I do not plan to release any more versions, reasons were also discussed)

What about Demon Prince: in campaign it can be obtained in same way as in vanilla version of game, but in skirmish I simply did not consider it necessary to add it)

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Any mod is based on enthusiasm, when it disappears, then activity of the audience comes into play, if it is not there, mod dies. With release of update, I wrote a preface to update and posted it, including in first paragraph above, but just in case, I'll duplicate it here as well:

"UPD: For those who missed text under latest version of mod: since very few people responded to testing the new version, we had to release it as is. Given activity of audience and their interest in modification, I hasten to assume that this version will not come out of beta testing (that is, it is not a fact that work on the mod will continue, this applies, among other things, to bug fixes). Most likely (99.99%) modification will no longer be supported..."

Apparently, game community is not interested in modifications of such a plan. I lost my enthusiasm a long time ago, I have more important things to do in my life. As written above, there is practically no chance of any updates (including bug fixes), I personally do not do any work, because no one needs it, even no one wrote about errors after release of the new version, although almost three months have passed (not counting the comments below). From time to time, I will come in and respond to comments, if they are written here at all.

Although the beta version contains a huge number of new changes, it was posted rather so that the developments would not be lost. In this version, there is a chance of unexplained crashes of game, mostly related to AI, which I understand only superficially.

At same time, an addon that adds a Tartarus campaign (you can find it in the addons tab for this modification) work flawlessly, no errors were noticed during passage, you can safely play and have fun, which cannot be said with certainty about Kaurava campaign.

So answering question of whether mod is dead, I will answer that it is more likely yes, although I do not deny a possible burst of inspiration. Community itself chose this end for project, alas.

P.S. Modification has been developed since end of 2020, that is, it was not created in August 2023, as it may seem to some. Before that, modification was published in one of steam manuals and received regular updates, and in August last year I decided to create a page here.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

I hasten to remind you that there is also an addon for the main version of the modification that returns the Tartarus and Winter Assault campaigns, I advise you to play it as well.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Yes, this is a known problem, and earlier in the topic I already pointed out that modifications definitely require a person who knows English.
If you wish, you can do the translation, and then drop the archive with text files into one of the discord channels.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign mod lite [BETA] (December 30, 2023)

Archive will be re-uploaded due to -Clyde requirement to exclude is improved Inquisitor texture from Inquisition Daemonhunters mod.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign mod lite [BETA] (December 30, 2023)

I have supplemented the installation procedure with a link to the FaQ.

Good karma+2 votes
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Thanks for the report. The translation bug has been partially fixed in the latest version.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Missions addon

Wait for the download of the main version of the mod, then proceed to install this addon.

UPD. The main version of the modification is now also downloaded.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Thank you for such a warm review)
Yes, the mod has been translated into English, there should be an optional folder with it in the archive with the mod)

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

I'm glad that you liked the mod, but I hasten to say that in no case did I want to make it his chip. My main focus is the atmosphere)

The problem with the server in discord, of course, bothers me a little, because everyday someone joins the server...

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign mod lite (June 18, 2023)

Now I downloaded the archive and it turned out that there is no folder of English localization in it, and this moment was previously discussed in the discord, and when I checked the archive, this folder was in it. In confirmation of this can view the correspondence. And YouTubers also have a version with English text.
Moreover, the archive has never been updated.

It's like some kind of mysticism....

P.S. The archive will be re-uploaded with the addition of the text.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

You are attentive, and that's good)
And yet, I repeat - the difficulties differ exactly in what I indicated earlier, I just didn't mention the intelligence of the enemy in the FAQ in the first two difficulties, later someday I will add this point, so there is simply no sense in the manipulations you have conceived.

If you are still interested in this moment, then you should follow this path: Improved_Campaign_mod_lite\data\ai\metamap.
But do not forget that all manipulations are performed at your own risk.

As for the additional planet from Unification, I am not developing a dialogue on this topic, but immediately provide a link to the Unification addon (for those who read this comment and do not know, I remind you that the link is in the topic above), so if someone really wants new territories, then he will have to be content with that content that currently exists, but I'm not working in this direction anymore and I don't plan to work.

P.S. I just checked the link to the group in the discord (the one above the video), everything is fine, it's working and you can join the server.
Previously, there really was another link that no longer works, but I don't even know where you could find it, I kind of replaced it everywhere) If it's not too much trouble, let me know.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Thanks for the feedback)

One question - what is it for? Or have you not read the FaQ? Since the last two difficulty levels differ only in the presence of an ally.

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign mod lite (June 18, 2023)

There is an installation procedure above, please read it :)

Good karma+1 vote
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Здравствуй, инструкция по отключению находится в закрепленном сообщении в канале "общение" на сервере дискорда, однако делать это крайне не рекомендуется.

Good karma+2 votes
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

At the time of enabling the modification in Corsix, remove the art folder somewhere, after you have done all the manipulations, return it back.

Good karma+2 votes
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Since I have a little free time, and it takes enough time for the development itself, I do not have any plans to facilitate the modification. At least for the moment, but I can't promise anything either.

Good karma+2 votes
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Нет, мод на данный момент не запакован в СГА, с запаковкой у меня некоторые проблемы, но да, я планирую это сделать когда-нибудь.

Good karma+2 votes
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Мод разрабатывается с ноября 2020, с того момента регулярно выходили обновления.

P.S. Если речь идёт о выкладывании мода на moddb, то до этого момента я этого не делал. Ранее один чувак выкладывал свой мод под названием моего, но в дальнейшем он его всё же переименовал.

Good karma+2 votes
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Yes!) The version from June 18, 2023 has already been downloaded and you can test it, but do not forget to read the FaQ.

Good karma+2 votes
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Improved Campaign Mod

Thank you for your interest! The more people are interested in the project, the more I will have a desire to continue working on it.

Good karma+2 votes
The_Avenging_Son - - 30 comments @ Further campaign progress

Which editor do you use for the format .gfx?

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