A computer science student and indie game developer who dreams too much and does too little.

Comment History
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Blood Shrine

Mmmmm, saucy.

Good karma+3 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Turf Wars On Steam!

Congratulations! I wish you well in the coming months with handling sales and marketing. Making a game isn't easy, releasing a game is so much worse. God knows the struggles of Steam Direct...

Pray to Gaben tonight to bless you with sales.

Good karma+4 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Achievements and Unlockables

Warning: Constructive Criticism Ahead
I agree with unlocking game elements as the player progresses, but by handling achievements as challenges that must be completed in order to gain access to more content isn't really what an achievement is. Achievements, imo, should be bonus goals, something to challenge the more advanced players with their usually higher difficulty.
If you force players to complete these achievements to get more items, features and mechanics, you are both preventing casual players from ever experiencing some of these elements and removing what separates people who play the game and those that complete the game. If you force players to unlock achievements for content, it dilutes what it means to get an achievement. If everyone's getting them (which you're encouraging with actual rewards and importantish unlocks), achievements lose their sense of... well, achievement!

I still think this game needs unlockables and such, but rather using the achievement system to supply this, instead have objectives (like achievements, but more dynamic and procedural depending on the environment or situation), and have universal achievements that any player can unlock with a bit of work, and still have bragging rights against their friends.

Still love your game oc :3, just giving my own opinion!

Good karma+2 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ King Silas

And there I was thinking of all the games, Cirmson Keep had forgotten halloween. Happy November!

Good karma+2 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ nwtn

Thanks! I'm glad you lke it, try it out whenever you do have the time. It's just a simple game made by a few friends so don't expect to much!

Good karma+1 vote
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ LOOT

Suddenly, loot.

But seriously this game is progressing great. I love how you really keep all of us connected with every new update and feature. The blog Ian keeps is very detailed and tells us everything we need/want to know, with both a video and words. Excited for more!

Good karma+4 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Escalevator Action

Its actually quite fun going down through multiple floors on these elevators. I like the concept. Two things though: Optimization and aiming with the mouse.

Would crouch fall off a building again.

Good karma+2 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Crimson Keep

Honestly I can't wait for this game. Looks like so much fun, and so many cool features already finished.
Will there be more weapons, such as axes, maces, etc..? There could be ranged weapons, but I think that might ruin the fast pace of the game.
Anyway, hope to see articles more soon!

Good karma+4 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Crimson Keep News: March Demo Wrap Up!

This looks really cool. Really looking forward to new updates. The models look pretty nice too. Keep going!

Good karma+2 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Terminal Conflict

This looks awesome! Subscribed

Good karma+3 votes
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Orks In Space!

Cool game idea! Nice 'build-ur-own-ship' system, although it looks a bit complex with the options all stacked on each other. It might have been better to have a menu or something to select from.
Anyway, still like it!

Good karma+1 vote
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ The Outer Space

Cool ideas for this game! Hope to see more development articles. A lot of planned features ahead, but already good core features, keep it up!

Good karma+1 vote
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Tunguska: Curse From Above

Yes that does sound better, as you could prioritise depending on the weaker enemy.
If you could somehow visibly see damage dealt over total health. You could have a health bar above their heads, or different animations depending on current health (Like a stutter when injured).
The random miss is a good feature for realism and all, and having bullet sponges are good challenges, but not all, or even most, should be.
Hope I can help in anyway.

Good karma+1 vote
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Tunguska: Curse From Above

This game likes quite good! Cool how you can 'pause' time to make tactical moves.
Just I think it appears it the video that enemies seem to have too much health. This might be intentional, or maybe the bullets are missing a lot, but that battle between 5 people seemed to take a bit too long.
Anyway, it does look pretty cool though!

Good karma+1 vote
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Lithosphere

I like the look of this! Nice physics, I see some potential!

Good karma+1 vote
tedski999 - - 16 comments @ Turf Wars

This looks great! Can't wait for it! Love the props + art

Good karma+5 votes