Luctor et Emergo

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 29)

A Slave's Masquerade

Mod review

Although I have read the authors note about what this CS is, I'm not very fond of the end result. Yes the story is quite good and I took my time to read through all the notes to really get immeresed into it. But thats the only thing there is... And although the author warned us for not having much else, this is still a game called Amnesia. I think it's a shame you didnt include all the elements this game has to offer! Just think about how great this CS could have been if the author had spend even more time on it to perfect it. To add, more atmosphere, gameplay, puzzles, just all the elements that make good CS. But ok, I knew where I was in for so I didnt want to judge it too bad on these points. But I really felt let down because of all the grammar mistakes.. My god man.. It's ok if English isn't your mothertongue but at least get all the grammatical mistakes out of the notes. It was freaking horrible to struggle through the story without noticing all these faults. I seriously wonder if the author ever took the time to reread his notes at least twice! Big tip for the future; Let as many people read ur story as possible. I am finishing my thesis and I let at least 4 people fully read it and it's astounding how many mistakes you miss when you write and read ur own paper.

But back to the CS. I think if you would have made more of an effort to inlcude other elements you could easily have a CS worth a 9/10.

Decent CS. But nothing out of the ordinary. I couldn't follow the story totally, it was quite confusing. The voice acting was very well done. Its rarely that I enjoy jumpscares, and here it was no different. Jumpscares are the lamest thing to fit in to create fear of some sort. I always find it more annoying than actually well-placed for a scare. It's a shame it depends so much on it, like most mediocre CS. Still I give this a fairly high rating because of the nice mapping and design. It was some original aspects to it and I really liked the cat and mouse play with the monsters. That is what was very well done i think. There was no over useage of monsters and the times you were encountered with them it was hard to avoid them. Also the puzzles were fairly innovative, not too hard but fun. Good job 8/10


The Four Horsemen

Mod review

This Custom story was good, but I feel it missed some essential things. I wanted to give this CS a 9/10 but I didnt enjoy it enough for that.

+ Nice map design. Very unqiue and detailed.
+ Voice acting.
+ Gameplay elements

+-Puzzels. They were original but very easy.
+-Story. Somehow I dont feel the story of the four horsemen fit in an Amnesia setting. Good try though!

- Challange. This was just a walk in the park. There was no challange at all. Only ones I had to run for my life as I got hit by a grunt who was waiting behind a door in the Death Area. I knew he would be there, but it was almost impossible to dodge the first hit. Furthermore all the enemies are very easy to avoid.
- Scariness. Man.. This is still Amnesia! Im a veteran player but I still get the rush from a good scary CS sometimes. But this was not scary at all. Mostly due the lack of challange. I never felt really threatened.

Overall a very decent CS. Good job!


Key to Freedom

Mod review

Oh boy, did I enjoy this mod! Absolutely brillant!
I wanted to give a 9,5 but this mod gets to favor of the doubt.
+ Level design was freaking awesome!
+ Story was interesting with a great plot!
+ Atmosphere.. Creepy as hell!
+ Superb unique scares! You'll be on edge of your chair the whole ride through.
+ Puzzles super cool, unique, fairly solvable.
+ The eyes..... o_o

It has a few minor flaws, but its not enough to keep it from a 10/10. I see more people wrote in their reviews about the cemetary. I was struggling with it too for about 30 minutes. I got attacked in the darkness so together with the hints I got earlier, I went through the whole mansion in search for a freakin lantern... Because I didnt die! I barely made it out alive after the attacks I never saw the hint message.. Also the warning in the showcase felt like I should go back to find some light source before entering the graveyard. I even tried to bash in the face of the crying baby staue i Furtermore the ending was **** for me the first time, I couldnt reach the door because I got sucked to the ghost. Ok, ill try again. But my save was like 15 minutes ago. So that was kinda annoying. The best of tis mod were the eyes of the ghost and the shadowy figure. My God! Sooo scary and so well done! Man! You deserve a cooky!



Mod review

What an awesome custom story :)
That was a nice short expierence. A bit too short for my liking, cuz I was enjoying it a lot. The story was quite unique but I think there was room for expansion.

+ Superb voice acting!
+ Fun and unique story
+ Actual good jumpscares! (I hate them normally)
+ Unique monsters
+ Great level design
+-Loads of oil
+-Puzzles were ok
- Short

Good job!


Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Game review

Amnesia is for me the best survival horror out there at this moment. The first playthrough was such an intense experience that I only wanted more and more of it! There are so many good custom stories (mods) made for this game, its insane. So you will not be bored for a long time! :)
If you never tried this game before, please do! I highly recommend it if you like the genre. But I warn you, this is not for everyone. There will be moments when you want to quit the game because you changed ur pants for the 6th time and your heart flew out of ur chest. But for those who dare to venture deeper into the bowels of darkness! Welcome and be ready to have an awesome gaming expierence!


Lost The Lights

Mod review

Why cant people be a bit more reasonable when rating mods.. Either people give it a 10 or a 1 for no clear reasons. Anyway, the mod...

This was just one big jumpscare gallore fest, not my thing.. I found the teleporting naked guy joke repeated 352398 times a bit too much and its not scary but annoying as ****. I liked the mod because it really tried to tell a good story and some parts were pretty good. But the majority wasn't well executed. Too many chase scenes, too many jumpscares, exploitation of the water monster, too few oil. Same as the puzzles.. They were not challanging or smartly made. They were just get this for that and I hope you understand this totally unlogical way of making it a fun puzzle. The level design was strange, there was no reason for making these enormous dark empty rooms and it had no atmosphere.

Still, I want to thank the creators of the mod for their effort as I can see they put a lot of work on it.


A Late Night Drink

Mod review

Loved it.
Amazing crazy CS. :)
Story was superb, it was witty, smart, funny, strange, disturbing. Truly a good and original CS. The only reasons why I cant rate it a 10 is because their is no voice acting. This custom story would be perfect for it! Normally you get to read a lot of notes but here the programmer added a lot of narrative. So if that was added it would have been so much better still! The other thing that bothered me a bit, and im not alone in this. Is the key hunting and sometimes reapetitiveness of it. Specially the 4 keys needed at the library was annoying as ****. You should have at least gave hint in the little story or something not to search between the books or something. I spend like 30 minutes in this room... But for me its not enough to be that much of a deal and subtract more from the rating.
Thats why I think 9 is fair, I would loved to give a 10 but the no voice acting keeps it from being that good. Its almost essential in a custom story like this. ;) Nevertheless epic work!


Followed By Death

Mod review

How is 70% of the people giving this Custom story a 10/10... Its not bad but it is certain no masterpiece. It seems we have a lot of people who appriciate fast action, simple puzzles and lots of monsters.. Maybe its because of my personel preferences. I also played THE GREAT WORK before this one. So maybe thats why im a bit dissapointed with this one. Because Chapter 1 + 2 is like one of the 7 chapters The Great Work has to offer.
I care more about a good story and lengty gameplay, than constant action pumped runalong. Dont get me wrong, this custom story isnt bad at all. But compared to other CS its a bit short imo. Although I do believe there is a lot of work on it. I enjoyed chapter 2 more than I did 1. The story is qutie thin and the voice acting not that great. It improved in the second part.

Chapter one: 5
Chapter two: 7
Gives us a 6.


The Great Work

Mod review

This mod is as good as the original game! There are a few things where people complain about and me included. But it deserves more than a 9! So I have to go with ten. Yes I got frustrated as **** a few times because of the unsolvable puzzles and yes I feel a bit sad that I had to look up what the do sometimes.. But still. After I checked how to solve the puzzle I was ok.. Some of them I could have figured out after searching for a long while but some were just impossible. The one you had me at best was with the East Wing Key.. YOU ******* GENIUS! I hate to admit that I dindt solve it myself at first but it is some nice trick! Anyway.. Story phenomenal! gameplay great! Monsters FREAKING AWESOME! Puzzles bit too hard sometimes. But the overall expierence was just mind blowing!
Thanks so much for this GAME! Cant even call it a mod anymore!