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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 68)
RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly development blog July

yes all factions of the Old World and the whole continent are planned but it takes time to do all the stuff, and also we don't want to rush and go one step after the other to not have to jump around and make reworks over reworks what would then even more increase the Workload and time needed ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly Devblog - June

no date yet, and we also don't give one until we are sure that we are ready for it and then we will put out a announcement for it on our Discord ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly Devblog - June

We can not influence how long the shader build time is,it is a engine thing that can only be changed from TaleWolrds, but it seems like TW already has done something on it in there last update, so it is there significant faster, ^^ we will update our mod on release but it is nit sure if ut will be on that version, that depends on how stable it will be, but it will rhen still also depend on your system how fast it will be in the end ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

it is in that state already not compatible and we will not change that, because RBM is not our mod and also not in our responsebility, we wil over time also make more and more of our own AI changes that will potentially not go hand in hand with it anyway ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly Update May 23

sound like a cool idea, but as a lot of suggestions it is something that is easier to do as a standalone mod as it is in a Project like ours where we have to focus more on the Mainfeatures that are more knwon to the World, so as cool the suggestion sounds it is more likely that we takle something like this very late if we even do it at all ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ celestial wizard staff

no because it makes no sence to play a mindless creature ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly Update November 22

custom Races are now possible, as seen with the Vampires, Skeletons, Wraiths and Ungor, ^^ also costum skeletons can now be implemented, but still it is a lot of work because they will mostly also need custom animations and all of that takes time, so the plans will stay the same with one step after the other ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

the plan is to have creatures also in yes, ^^ but as everything it takes time because we don't just want to do things, we want to make it right XD

Good karma+3 votes
RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

not really adjustments on the combat system but more better fitting chosen values for Armors and Weapons, and when you have a hart time fighting even against normal Units then yes that is on porpuse, welcome to Warhammer XD

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly Update November 22

Since the Empire and Bretonnia have also their inner conflicts they are at war here and there too, and it is the Nature of Bannerlord (that we use for now) that everyone can declare War on everyone ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

thanks for the feedback, but we will not change much on the current VC troops, they are what they are because of Lore and because we want to stay Lore accurate, as for the Silvanian Human Units , it was original not planned that they go up to tier 5, but we had to give them 5 tiers because TW has messed something up again, so we just have made them the same, when it is possible in the future again then they will be change back to only have 2 or 3 tiers, ^^
on the side of the Undead Units they will mostly stay as they are because they are just troops that should be used in mass, and we will implement bigger Creatures like Varghuls in the Future and it would just be dump to rework the Units that should be weak only to have to rework them again later ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

in the Steam version the map should already be fixed, we still wait until we have most of the crashes and bugs gathered and fixed and then we also will put out a patch here,
and the not correct displayed protraits is a problem from Bannerlord itself with moded stuff ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

you can't since Chaos is at the moment not our focus they are not fleshed out and therefore also not be implemented for custom battles

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

normally when you have done the shader cache once you should be good to go, there are three different loading stages:
- when starting the mod the first time (it is then compiling the shaders of the custom Assets for the custom Races)
- when doing the "built shader cache" in the main menu, recommended (it compiles all of our custom Equipments)
- here and there while playing it can happen that a few shaders gets compiled these are then custom Scenes Assets or the Thumbnails in the Inventory (they all are also get compiled when entering the Scene or having the Item sin the Inventory the first time)

sadly the Shaders need to be compiled new when changes happen like the Graphic settings, changing the Version or a little Updates from TW ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

there will be a lot of different Variations for the helmets anyway it is only one of many concepts arts ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly Update October

the Armor in TW:WH is not the same Armor he have give him the for him made fitting Armor of Magnus that he also wears lorewise ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

we already have give the answer to that question and the reason why not on the Discord Server ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

yes Warriors of Chaos are planned as a normal Faction, but it will take a bit of time until we work again on them and make them a real Faction out of them ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

TW has ****** up the last Update for Bannerlord and has forced it accidentally on all Versions, but there is a community fix for it we have it, something with deleting the Language files, we have it in Known Issues on our Discord Server, ^^
as for Updating the Mod, we only Update when we make our Releases since there is a lot to change and work on when TW again breaks everything, and we continue working on side, we would have to have multiple Versions of the Mod at the same time, and we don't want that out of multiple reasons, ^^ but the next release will probably on 1.8, when not a newer version if there should be one to that time, ^^
and no we can not accept any kind of tips or donations because of the Warhammer IP and the Policy from Games Workshop, this Project will stay unmonetized because otherwise the chance is high that GW will shut down the Project ^^'

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

yeah they are existing in the World but not in the Old World, there they are only more like visitors in the Empire but they have no real settelments or are really present as faction ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

nope only the Old World and the Factions/Races that are there at the time of Karl Franz ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

there are many reasons why we are not on Nexus, one is the lack of controll for deleting older stuff if we want to and the other is the IP Problem, because on Nexus Stuff can easier be monetised what is a big Problem with the Warhammer IP and could lead to that we have to stop this Project, also other people can easy create mod packages with our Mod and sell it then and therefore they would get money with our work that we do for free, ^^

also Dircord has also a Thread function and with the search function you can also find all kind of answers and messages that are years back since Discord also saves all of it, for example on our Server are still all messages that are from over Two Years ago when the Project has startet, ^^ and being able to create Channels and therefore devide Questions, Technical Support and Suggestions helps with a better overview and quicker response from our side ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

there is already the shadowstep ability that turn a Vampire in a Bat Swarm and let him fly and move quick, at the moment it is only available for the Playe, ^^ we will see if we activate it for AI to, but then only for Vampire Companions and Lords, but before we have to see that the AI also uses these abilities right ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly-update-July-22

we are still in a very very very early stage so a lot of things will be reworked for example most of the High Tier Units in the Empire have at the Moment Placeholder Gear, also when the Style don't fit a concept from GW or the Table Top figures then it doesn't matter and also don't interest us because we go after lore descriptions and what our Loremaster provide as reference and the 2D Teams does as concepts out of it, so maybe it will not fit always the Stuff that is already out there but it will still be fitting the lore, ^^ for the Historical Accuracy of Armor, yes GW has take a lot of examples on our History but not all Lore descriptions are as the figures or other concepts are, and in a World where other Races are in there things can change fast, also our Team consist out of some people that have a lot of experience and also people that don't have that, and not everyone knows how to built a Armor or can work with the proportions so it can happen that there will be Stuff that looks a bit off, but this is also not a Triple A Game we are making a Mod and doing it in our Free Time for free so some will maybe also not put out the quality that they maybe would do payed and some also are still learning and will do it better in the future ^^

Good karma+4 votes
RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ Monthly-update-July-22

yeah new Armor for Reiksguard is planned ^^

Good karma+5 votes
RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

1.8 or later depends on what version will be the current Bannerlord version when we have the next release ready ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

the Dwarfs are not implemented yet, we have started back then on making stuff for them but have then stoped working on them, because we have notice that we because of the lack of support for custom skeletons we could not implement them, ^^ now we have the custom skeleton support but we have our plans now that we will follow so they will come but it can take a bit of time ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

only on 1.7.1 ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

your problem should be already solved by now because there is a known bug that can happen with Necromancer and Vampire that you not get Skeletons after battle, in this case just save and reload, and it should be fixed ^^ also how many Skeleton you can get after Battle is depending on your Intelligence, per INT point you have a 7% better change to get a Skeleton per kill (70% is max) ^^

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RagnarHrodgarson - - 68 comments @ The Old Realms

when the time comes that we implement them then we will find a way to make them good and as loreaccurate as possible ;)

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