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Comment History
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ Just wondering, that's all...

So you're saying we'll have to fight the Peace Brigade too?

Good karma+5 votes
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ Viscount

Dude...that thing looks freakin' awesome.

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ New very cool feature.

I'm gonna guess it is something to do with that extra upgrade thingy for the space station. The red and white bomb. I have no idea what it could be used for though...

That or something to do with either calling in reinforcements or retreating.

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ Phase 2 clones in game

Wow! Those guys look amazing! Incredible detail. Great job, this mod is looking fantastic!

Good karma+3 votes
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ Iviin'yc-class Gunship in action

Is it just me, or does Coruscant have water and green land?

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ Old Republic at War

You have Skillet in this mod!!! You rock!!!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ Naboo (Final)

Wow... Z that is amazing. That has to be the best map I have ever seen for EAW. Period.

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ DZ-11 Precision-class Elite Assault Craft

Yep. Sure does. Looks pretty cool though!

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ December Update

Why are there so many green nebulae? i don't want to sound mean, but they aren't exactly the most appealing image.

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ More Pic updates

@i_dont_want_a_name & DarkTrooper9847
Yeah, no. IF the CIS had a quintillion droids (which they DIDN'T) they still could have overrun the Republic. They still had millions of droids in the front lines, which means that the clones had to have millions also. No, the Republic most certainly DID NOT have only 2-4 million clones troopers. Imagine our small planet, imagine our small country, the US, compared to the Star Wars universe. 16 million US citizens served in the military during WWII. Only 16 million. If that was just for one World War, then how much do you think that the GAR needed to fight the war of attrition that was the Clone Wars? I don't know the exact figures, but there is a lengthy passage on the GAR page on Wookiepedia about this subject. Makes for some very interesting reading. Just type in "GAR" on Wookiepedia. It should be somewhere near the bottom of the page. The idea that the Seps had quadrillions or quintillions of droids and didn't use them is, in my humble opinion, ridiculous. Estimations for a realistically sized clone army run at either +600 million, or 18 billion. I don't know which one to take, as I don't know how many planets were fought on, but the GAR was most likely between those 2 numbers. If I did know the number of planets fought over and the number of battlegrounds, then maybe I could figure out how many clones were deployed to each planet, but that number would still be faulty. You would also need what units were off the front line, how many clones were in support services, how many were medics, pilots, vehicle operators, how many vehicles were deployed with a clone legion, etc, etc.

I honestly don't feel like getting into a drawn out debate over the size of the armies of the Clone Wars. All I want to do is clear up some numbers here and there. This is just how I see it. I got all of this from Wookiepedia, the Star Wars: Complete Locations book, and the Republic Commando series.

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ More Pic updates

Yes, I do know about Palpatine controlling the war. If I didn't I would not be posting here. But for the CIS to build "quintillions" of battle droids, and then NOT use them is just plain stupid. Imagine how much money that would cost, and how long that would take. IMO, totally unrealistic. I just don't see why Palpatine would order the CIS to build all of them, and then not use them. He could scare the Republic's citizens by just using propaganda.

And yes, I did do the math. Look at my other post above this one.

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ More Pic updates

ROFL, if their fleet was 10x the size of the Republic's, then the CIS would have overrun the Republic in the first week of the war. That didn't happen, which obviously means that the Republic either had a fleet that was as large as the CIS's, or it's fleet was a lot better. The war lasted three years, so that means that the Republic's navy wasn't puny, and the CIS's wasn't outrageously enormous.

Good karma+2 votes
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ More Pic updates

Yep. Clones totally slaughter droids. No questions asked.

Good karma+7 votes
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ Mega Pic Update

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Coruscant looks freakin' awesome!!!!!!!

Good karma+2 votes
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ Various

Awesome! we get dismemberments!!!!!!!

Good karma+3 votes
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ CIS Flak Gun

Yeah, thats where they first appeared. I don't think I've seen them in the clone wars tv series though.

Good karma+1 vote
V4LLD3MORT - - 17 comments @ z3r0x

Z just posted on the IA2 forums. He says that the mod has a good chance of being released by the end of October.

Good karma+1 vote