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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 119)
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ War Cold

You know stuff like this is terrible for the community at large, right? This is a hobby, not meant to be a source of income. If you have a patreon or something and people compensate you for your work that is fair, but pay walling murders communities.

Thats assuming you even made this mod, which you present no proof of.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ New Ship Changes

Robie is a wonderful modder, his work on other TW games is incredible. I am absolutely giddy for a Naval overhaul and cannot wait to see what amazing creations you guys can pull off. I hope one day to see French floating hotels Square off on the high seas.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Gangs of Glasgow Remastered - Warband Edition

I got it working. it crashes every 30 minutes or so, but its fun and silly. its also the only game warfare real time strategy game i can think of

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ [OUTDATED] The Great War Mod VI

Merry Christmas!!!!

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Bloodlines: Antitribu

I came here to make furniture and drink blood. I am all out of furniture

Good karma-1 votes
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

typically changing that number only effects units without targetable hardpoints (IE corvettes)

You could just go into the XML and make every hardpoint untargetable. That's what I usually do anyway since it makes things a bit more classic RTS like.

Good karma+2 votes
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ (OUTDATED) Empire at War Remake Lite 2.2

Does this mod still have the issue where save files are too big so you can't load any save? I'm curious if the issue is on my end and not the mod's.
Also holy **** Jereo and Niko this is friggin beautiful

Good karma+2 votes
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ (OUTDATED) Empire at War Remake Lite 2.2

The modpath is wrong. it should be MODPATH=Mods\EAW-Remake-2.2
If you go to the options menu ingame on the steam version you can actually manually launch the mod.

Good karma+3 votes
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Eras Total Conquest - 2.3.7

Alternative install with way less hassle for steam users with the dlc: 1. Create a folder called conquest or world total war or something you will actually remember inside of your medieval 2 mods folder.
2. open the file you downloaded. in the folder labeled mods is a bunch of folders.
3. select all of them and drag them to the new folder you made. back up and drag the Conquest.cfg file. (i dont know what it does but every other mod has it)
4> rename any of the dlc folders to something you can remember.
5.rename the folder you made to the exact name of the dlc folder
6. open steam, right click mediaval 2, run the dlc you replaced.
6.5. Laugh Maniacally

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Eras Total Conquest - 2.3.7

why dont you use winrar and make everything so much easier? drag and drop mods exist. you are putting a massive barrier in front of people who want to play your mod with a convoluted and weird install. Extract, drag, into mods folder on steam, rename to Americas. Thats how virtually every other mod for this game works.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ New Models!

Praise jesus. the AI seemed to pump out battlecruisers before the player and they were a real bother i tell ya.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ CIS Army

Yo dawg i heard you liked having a faceless army so i took your faceless army and made them more faceless so they can be impersonal while they are impersonal

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ February ship build stream, what ship to build?

I do love the vindicator. Its pretty much the only middling imperial warship i can think of thats not a holdover from the old republic.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Tsik Seru

Crab mass production type

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Aggressor-class Destroyer

I always felt that starwars didnt use turrets enough. on practically all f the canon ships the turrets look to be AA guns compared to the size of the ship they were mounted on. But this... This is where it at chief

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Republic Fleet Approaching...

as a class it is a great addition to imperial battlegroups definitely. With how much ive played thrawns revenge dedicated carriers are vital to overcoming late game swarms.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Mobile suit Gundam: One Year At War

sorry mate. until i get educated in modeling or enough dosh to have an actual pro do it for my shes on pause.

Good karma+2 votes
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Addon for the FitS mod "Purification"

******* hell man. Was your warfleet content also deleted?
I guess this is a lesson for all of us. Backup your stuff guys, even if its just on a labeled flashdrive in a lockbox. so many hours man. i feel you. My parents used to delete all my **** whenever they got mad at me until i moved out at 18. Godspeed man.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Republic Fleet Approaching...

Why they didnt put the cannons in the front and the fighter bays in the back is beyond me. Also that bridge

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Republic Fleet Approaching...

every one knows that the confederacy outnumbered the republic. in fact its overplayed in every fight we see. The republic still had trillions of citizens, a vasta and quickly awakening military industrial complex, and a few hundred billion clones to serve. The republic wasnt outnumbered in every fight, in fact gun for gun they could very well bring the confederate fleet to its knees. Which they did.
Further Greivous got so nerfed in the Filoni series that he couldnt beat standard knights, acolytes, and padawans. He was wounded during Coruscant, which is why he died. The 2003 series showed the golden age of the republic at war, Fleets incomprehensibly huge, jedi as powerful as super heroes, and monsters that could beat even them. It was a spectacle that to this day ive only seen rivaled by Gundam 1979.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Republic Fleet Approaching...

The republic, sick and tired of just feeding three venators to the confederacy every 4 seconds, decides to switch up its tactics.
My favorite mods for this game arent the shiny ones, they are the simpler ones that allow massive space battles to be fought. The kinda mod that makes you want to go into the XML, make everything build quickly but have no shields, slap the AI on hard, and watch the carnage.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Random images win and lose GC

Im a sucker for Space ww2 like warships and the boi on the right is killing it. Do factions use energy weapons or are they missile and deck gun based?

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Mobile suit Gundam: One Year At War

it never left planning really. ah well ima keep it up in case somebody wants to have a go at it. then i can actually be of use besides planning.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Mobile suit Gundam: One Year At War

Its a conglomerate of ideas atm. set up as a net to pique interest. Currently the warfleet mod is putting feddies and zeon in. If he gets around to finshing their factions I'll ask permission to use his work in a Gundam only mod. I can play with lua and thus take and balance units and make a GC, but i cannot model. I'm also by no means a professional. so its more stranded than dead.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Mobile suit Gundam: One Year At War

I was Joking. all this technical data and fluff i have sorted out, youd think i would know the difference ;p

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Imperial Escort Frigate

Very reminiscent of the Musai Class.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ WarFleet Reborn from The Ashes

If you need any help with unit descriptions, balancing between the feddie and Zeke units, or other lore stuff, i can have a doc ready in a day. good luck on your stuff!

Good karma+2 votes
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Nice screenshots


Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ WarFleet Reborn from The Ashes

you are doing Feddies and Zeon?
God bless you.

Good karma+1 vote
Alackofcaring - - 119 comments @ Death Star finished

que my eyes meme.
thats beautiful.

Good karma+1 vote