For a long time I hated mods. I've always been very prejudiced against mods. I've always seen mods as horrible, poorly made, and ugly for the most part. When I heard that there was a "mod" for a game I liked, automatically in my head I thought: "another badly made crap extracted from a masterpiece". But time has shown me that I was mistaken. I've found that there are people who are so talented, SO TALENTED, that they're able to create mods that make the original games look like a joke

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 62)
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ A.I. Bot Support

Yeah, i was completely wrong.

Good karma0 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ A.I. Bot Support

Hey Legend! Whats up?! I'm not complaining about anything, but after THOUSANDS of hours playing your mod right after discover it two days ago, i'm noticing something you can maybe, fine tune it a little bit. Believe in me: i'm strongly sensitive about this things, and i'm rarely wrong when i notice some fine details. Lets go: you can have unbelievable fun playing any of the difficulty game modes - casual, hardcore and insane (I played each one of them, thousand of hours #ANEX ONLY# I love objectives game modes, and hate TDM-like game modes). 1 - In CASUAL GAME MODE -> (the most unrealistic game mode) they (They =COGs. I play as Locust only) "normal run" mostly (normal run=run without space key) (they rarely SPACE run), walk tactically and receive most of the shots i shoot them, and they strafe or cover from my shots in a moderated way. 2 - HARDCORE GAME MODE -> they (COGs enemy bots) acts fairly well. They are tactical, and act normally, do everything perfect in a acceptable way (to be honest, HARDCORE and INSANE GAME MODE are fantastically perfect talking about how the enemy bots (COGs) acts, in the battlefield). 3 - INSANE GAME MODE -> It's ******* real! They are not bots! They are real people fighting hard do defend their lives and objectives! They SPACE run like hell, they strafe (jump side) or hide themselves (COVER) in the very first shots that hit them, fight brutally to take objectives, and are satisfyingly tactical when talking about defending the objectives they take. Resuming: all the difficulty game modes are perfectly set and balanced (talking about how they move in the battlefield) to the three different types of players, but there's a thing in the three game modes that makes me sick: I spend most of the half of my bullets (with the assault rifle) on them to kill them, while they kill me in single "vrooom" (in a second, in blink of the eye), and i rarely have time to cover, strafe or even shoot back. I don't know how will be playing as COGs, because i play Locust only, but the damage they cause shooting me is very high, independently how game mode difficulty you chose. Well, i don't have the right to ask you anything, seeing that you already did miracles - being in the TOP of all offline multiplayer bots i already played. But the truth is that the "VROOOM! be killed in a blink of the eye" thing, is killing a little some of the experience of playing the mod. I'm not a "super hero player", but i'm not a bad player also. I'm 45 years old and most of the games i played, theres "shoot" involved. I'm not a bad player at all, and i know i'm talking about. Just a fast "VROOOOM", you are dead, independently the game mode difficulty you chose. Maybe you can fine tune this a little bit. Don't touch the way they act or move on each game mode difficulty, because is perfect talking about different type of player skills, but the "machine side/AI side" damage is clearly overpowered, killing you in a blink of the eye, while you need almost the full clip to kill them. I don't know how is playing against Locust, but playing against COGs, is clearly noticeable. Sorry my bad English, it's not my native language. Good work, buddy, and one more time: THANKS FOR THIS MIRACLE!! And one more time: try to mod Gears 2 and 3 tweaking files to run them on PC!!! JUST YOU CAN!!!!!

Good karma0 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ FEELS SO DAMN RIGHT...

Sorry if i'm not understanding well, but you mentioned Call to Arms, a strategy game. Then your mod will be a strategy Gears of War? I just can't believe... I'm not understanding because English is not my native language.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ A.I. Bot Support

Sorry... You just.... You just did :')
Offline multiplayer bots lover here :') In almost two decades, i played almost all my favorite games with modded offline bots. Most of them i'm not happy (CoDWaW, CoDMW) because most of them have retarded bots, bots that acts as ducks in a park. They don't take objectives properly, and when take, don't defend it. Most of them are like retard zombies carrying a rifle. For the first time in my pc gamer history, i'm seeing one guy making an unbelievable mod... With aggressive murderers bots. They fight hard for objectives, take by force, defend it till death. Now, the "duck in the park" it's me :') I JUST STILL CAN'T BELIEVE. I'm being "rapped by bots" right now in your mod kkk. For the first time i'm seeing bots in "hard dificult set mode" really trully unstoppable kkk. I had to decrease the game dificult because they are like war mad devils. Belive in me: you are the kind of guy capable of make Gears of War 2 and 3 runs on pc without emulators. Just do it!! And become a "Legend 2.0", because you are already a Legend. Why not to take a look in the Call of Duty World at War and Call of Duty Modern Warfare, and give that bots some brain?! YOU CAN! Hail the Locust!!!

Good karma+2 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Who needs an Ostwind, Hans?

I never played this mod, and i'm watching a video to take a look on it. This video My question is: i'm wrong, or the houses of the map is completely new houses 3d models?? I play this game everyday for almost two decades, but i completed the campaign at least 10 years ago, an i can't remember these map house models.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ A.I. Bot Support

Some way you to toggle ads? Man... one of the worst thing in classic games is have to hold ads instead toggle >:(

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ A.I. Bot Support

One more thing: COGs MUST DIE! Locust Supremacy HERE!!!

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ A.I. Bot Support

To play against bots i'm forced to get online? Wtf... I would like to click and play against bots, no needing to get online. An TRULLY offline multiplayer against bots game.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Steam & IndieDB

Sinceramente, eu já morei em favela no Rio de Janeiro e só eu sei o que já passei. Preferi vender minha casa e morar de aluguel em outro lugar, só para ter paz. Sinceramente, eu não acho legal ficar explorando esse tema para "diversão". Viver em favela não é sonho de ninguém. Não é "cool". Vender favela como se fosse "carnaval" pra gringo, eu não acho legal. "Comando" Rio... Você mora em favela? Já morou em favela? Claro que não. Se tivesse morado iria querer esquecer que isso existe.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Company of Heroes 1: Improved HUD

YOU ruins MODDB... He is not forcing anyone to use. Use if you want.

Good karma+2 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Company of Heroes 1: Improved HUD

Great, great work. Company of Heroes - Europe at War mod lover here (Steam Company of Heroes Relaunch version) - is the mod i play most, and i would like to know if this will work on my Steam EaW and if will bring some bugs. I don't want to change anything in my Europe at War mod, but the taskbar (your project). My monitor is native 1366x768 resolution, but its a potato machine, then i play CoH1 in 1280x720 resolution (even lower resolution than my native resolution). I hope you read this faster and reply asap you can, because i really want to try this project. Yes, is truth. Improved the hud A LOT, but you can do even better, and leave your "footsteps" on the hall of "greater modders" hall in the CoH1 Legacy. Sorry the bad English. It's "almost" my second language (lol)

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Commanders Mod v0.6.2

Hey there. This mod works on actual CoH1 steam version? I hope you still alive lol

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Europe at War

My favorite, best of the best CoH1 mod of all times. I play it everyday, all year. One of my DREAMS, is to see the team looking for this project again. Just a single thing that bothers me in EaW is some AMAZING MAPS I LOVE, but they force me to play 3vs3 on my potato pc, making it fly. Just remove this rule. This way, i can chose 1vs1 or 2vs2 not forcing my machine to burn. I LOVE THIS MOD.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Company of Heroes: Europe At War (Unofficial) Redux

Buddy, theres nothing to "be improved" in EaW. "Remove JointOps"? Let me understand: you want to take a Lamborghini and turn it into a bike? You want want to be really useful about Europe at War mod? Okay, ill give you one REALLY USEFUL thing: some historic maps force me to play 3vs3 against AI, almost making my potato pc to fly. Would be perfect if i could chose 1vs1 or 2vs2 instead being forced to play 3vs3 at 4fps. This is the only thing the bothers me a lot about the ALMOST PERFECT Europe at War mod. Doing something different from im suggesting, unfortunately you would be creating an already dead project, instead refine it.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Ultimate Sound Mod

Can you do a "easy mode" installation for this mod, please? He did for older CoH1 version and he can't even explain where to put this on steam version unfortunately. He is talking about a "data folder", but theres no "data folder" on my Stalingrad 42 and Europe at War - the mods i want to use this sound pack. Man... I can't even looks for the corsix thing... My brain don't works for this kind "Einstein language code" things. I just want to play.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Ultimate Sound Mod

Man, I love this site and I love the work that some anonymous geniuses do here. This guy above, for example (the creator of the mod). It's so much care, so much respect for a work, an expertise in improving what would apparently be impossible to improve, that impresses me. And they really manage to improve what would be impossible, but yes, they do. But all this work hides something that bothers me A LOT - I am an ordinary person, not endowed with any programming skills. And honestly, I no longer have the brain or patience to learn these things. One thing that bothers me about these geniuses is that they simply ignore the fact that there are people who understand ZERO about modding. Ordinary people, not endowed with any programming skills. People who like mods, but don't want to create mods, but just want to "copy, paste and play", in the simplest and easiest way possible. But it seems that they (the modders) make these projects just for themselves (other geniuses), and not for everyone. Dude, I don't want to learn corsix, zip, unzip, "re"-corsix a .sga file. I'm a fan of those who have the intelligence to design these things, but I don't have that intelligence. I just want to play. I just wasted my time downloading this mod, which was "supposedly" made to run on any mod. I'm a lover of Europe at War and Stalingrad 42, and I didn't even think twice: Wow! I want these realistic sounds in my favorite mods! I downloaded the file and "bang", I was frustrated. The mod instructions direct me to folders that don't even exist within my mods. And reading the comments, I just discovered that only those who managed to play are those who have advanced knowledge of corsix and similar. In Europe at War, there IS NO "data" folder in addition to other things that I just discovered that will only work if I disassemble the files and "reprogram" them - I, who barely know how to navigate Facebook. Man... frustrating. I really wanted to hear these sounds on my Europe at War and Stalingrad 42. But honestly, I don't mind stressing about this corsix just to do this - "re-mod" a mod that everyone expects to be just copy paste and be happy. What a shame... It must DEFINITELY be an IMPRESSIVE project, it's a shame it's only for mod experts, and not for ordinary people like me.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Stalingrad 42

I'm tweaking an old version of SweetFX here (potato pc here - Intel HD 4000. Core I7 3rd gen, 8ram) and The result i want to reach is to make CoH1 looks like being man watched by a surveilance cam. I'm not an advanced user, than if you al want to see some screenshots, you have to say what can i do, because i don't see nothing in the comments allowing me to upload a screeshot. I'm suffering on this, because i reach the PERFECT in some maps, but others turns into garbage. Some maps looks like you are watching real men from above, and some maps looks like garbage. (im talking about the results im having in general, and not so in S42). If i managed to reach the perfect results, ill share here for everbody ;) Everybody needs a good CoH1 ;)

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Stalingrad 42

Same here.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Immersion 1944 Version 1.6 -Open Beta-

I have so many CoH1 mods installed in my system that i don't know what is wrong or right, or "normal" anymore. I tried the Immersion 1944 project right now, for the first time. Did everything right, and to get things even more "mistake free", i deleted the savegames folder in documents. Immersion 1944 installed and opens normally, but when i try the first campaign (the classic vanilla d-day modificated) the game loads normally, and when the load bar finishes and i click the "click to start" button after the campaign load status ends, the game just crash. One other strange thing happening here is: i never noticed what icon is shown in task bar when i play Blitzkried mod, but after i installed Immersion 1944, when i run Blitzkrieg mod, the game icon appearing in the task bar is the Immersion 1994 project, instead Blitzkrieg mod project. I never noticed this before, and just noticed now because im trying Immersion 1944 for the first time and alt tab each two minutes because i'm creating a Sweetfx preset for CoH1. Then i alt tab all the time to tweak my old sweetfx, because im using a potato pc.

Good karma+2 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Finally! Battle of the Bulge v4.0 released.

Testing Battle of the Bulge right now and my conclusion is... Is a great mod, but i dont liked a thing: the new "just stand in the territory to capture it" system hurt the continuous capture commands (hold shift). The old system is more effective, because you can order an unity (holding shift) to capture several territories automatically, and the unit will stay in each territory till capture it completely and after that, automatically goes to other territory and so on. With the new system, the unit just ignore the time to capture and keep following the paths traced by hold shift. Removing the flags was good (i guess), but this must be fixed, because KILLED one of the most important strategies of the game: hold shifting continous capture points.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Battle of the Bulge 4.06 - "Wacht am Rhein"

Testing Battle of the Bulge right now and... I dont liked a thing: the new "just stand in the territory to capture it" system hurt the continuous capture commands. The old system is more effective, because you can order an unity (holding shift) to capture several territories automatically, and the unit will stay in each territory till capture it completely and after that, automatically goes to other territory and so on. With the new system, the unit just ignore the time to capture and keep following the paths traced by hold shift. Removing the flags was good (i guess), but this must be fixed, because KILLED one of the most important strategies of the game: hold shifting continous capture points.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Stalingrad 42

Do it! Historic missions for S42! I'm going to check Immersion 44 and i'll be honest: i don't believe it will be more impressive than S42. Reading about it, it says it's a "campangn mod" only, if i understand well, and my real passion about this game is the skirmish against AI. After almost two decades playing CoH1 almost everyday (i hate CoH2 and CoH3), i must confess that i never waited something better than the vanilla game. EaW and S42 shocked me. After this, i never touched the vanilla again.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Stalingrad 42

Man you are talented AS HELL! I WANT MORE in S42! You redesigned one of my favorite maps of all times - Flooded Plains WOW!! Is even more realistic than the original FP. I have a blast with the new realistic features, the squads walking slowling (run take too much time to load imo - run is life) Bring more!!! Before S42, Europe at War was my unique favorite mod, but now is both EaW and S42!!! Man, Europe at war have a game mode called "Jointops". Take a look. Bring Jointops to S42!!? You can create a Jointops, but telling the story of events of S42! In a lot of movies, i see russians rushing against germans in stalingrad in movies - the event when they have no choice, when the leader says "if you retreat, i shoot you myself (comisar leader talking) - You can create A jointops using this event - alowing us to play Germans (holding the line) or play russians (have to take stalingrad at ANY COST in "x" minutes (90 minutes maybe). And while the fight is happening, several mini missions (mini events) will appearing ("1 the radio from the radio man is broken, we can't communicate to other frontlines to ask for enforcements! Go there with engineers and fix the radio! 2 "several men are hurt in the battlefield! too many corpses and wounded soldiers are afecting the moral of the front line! Go there with combat medics and heal the wounded! go gogo!!! (i already said that i love this game? I play it everyday since 2006/2007 lol) Bring S42 Jointops! YOU CAN! Uncle Sam is needing you !! Bring more realistic maps as you already did. More maps, Brand new jointops!

Good karma0 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Company of Heroes Remastered

Man, complicated as hell... i'm not a modder. I just want to play using the mod, but looks like was made just for advanced modders. I want to install it on my Europe at War mod (a state of the art mod - the best of all imo, but with a simple way to install, no needing "advanced knowledge" or "corsix masterclass" knowledge to install it). Things should be easier here... You guys, should be care about players that dont want to turn thenselves "advanced modders" just to play a mod that should be a easier "copy and paste" easy to apply project.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Company of Heroes Remastered

My favorite mod also!! What about the "Jointops" beach defense?! fking awesome!!

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ q2xp 1.27.0 features part 2 - hdr rendering

I can see this... The way he talks to "people that don't know nothing about modding or programming". "I don't see the need for it", he answering the guy asking for some specific feature... Buddy, if you don't care about what other mod lovers want or need on your "professional project", you will play your mod alone.

Good karma+1 vote
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Stalingrad 42

Not right now, because im going to sleep in few minutes, but ill try to record a video and send the video in the discord

Good karma+3 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Stalingrad 42

give me the discord link please. Ill try to report you this kind of thing. But ill write only, because im not a native english speaker

Good karma+2 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Stalingrad 42

Little Saturn Kotelnikovo map is a beautiful, well made map, but is not working perfectly in some regions of the map. when you pan to top right region of the map, frame rate drops to 10 or even 5 fps.

Good karma+3 votes
EIiteTrooper - - 62 comments @ Stalingrad 42

I will complain as a Steam/Relic customer, then. I paid for this game, and i want everything possible to improve it. I don't care about Company of **** 3. They will not ignore me, i buy everything about CoH.

Good karma+2 votes