I'm an overall fan of creating things and so I found my way into mapping quite early. I am/was mapping for Half-life and Warcraft 3. For Half-life I have mapped several Deathmatch maps so far and for Warcraft it's been a bunch of funmaps of which the most noteable is "Battle.net TD". Trouble on Terra is my first singleplayer content ever and it's mainly a new challange for myself. I play Half-life Deathmatch since 2004 and up to this day I still play some funwars with my clan "Xen-Raiders" in it's promod "Adrenaline Gamer".

RSS Reviews

Adrenaline Gamer

Mod review

This is the most entertaining and most versatile arena shooter ever! It easily matches Quake speed and also allows tactical and sneaking elements.

The most common modes 1on1 and teamdeathmatches in 3on3 or 4on4 are epic.

The matchfeatures are a huge addon to hldm and it also adds some other advantages.

There are a few more or less minor bugs which let me come to a rating of 10 instead of 11/10.


Arctic Incident

Mod review may contain spoilers

I'll do some pros and contras
-interesting puzzles
-the positions of the enemies is very good
-every time the mod is starting to get boring something very interesting happens
-nice weaponbalance with pistol and rifle
-very good atmosphere (some impressive outdoor areas)
-sexy ending

-only 4 weapons
-the indoor mapping in some houses is boring
-why do the do the doors close by themself? they are not electronic or anything it seems... im sure it would upgrade the atmosphere even further when they only close again when you do it manualy.
other stuff:
-the controllers should deal more damage :D
-you had that moment with the gargantua and a rocketlauncher was added there aswell but it seems like you cant kill it. with just a slight change of the area you could actually force a "bossfight" there which would be epic


Master Sword: Continued 1.2

Mod review

This certainly is an amazing mod for half life. The map quality is good but not persistend. I'd like to see some more fluent fighting and maaaybe some better models. Very good mod non the less


Half-Life : Residual Life

Mod review


Game review

Half life is awesome in Singleplayer and Multiplayer. The game offers very direct control and decent graphics. I love the aspect that so many files and settings are easy to access and edit/replace, which is a system that you barely find in any other game.

What is unknown to most people is that half life also has a very unique gameplay in multiplayer. The movement and weapon arsenal can't really be compared to any other shooter. Also there is the mixture of sneaking elements and insane speed.
Sadly Half life needs some love beeing set up enjoyable since the horrible patches in 2013. Thats not half-life's fault though.