In Paradise Lost you will take control of an alien plant that has been hidden in a secret bio-engineering facility. A security breach in the system allows the plant to escape from imprisonment and discover the secret purposes of the research organization which put it in a jar.

References and gameplay
Our adventure takes inspiration from classic games like Metal Gear, Metroid, Castlevania and the Oddworld series, focusing on action/stealth gameplay with a dash of platforming and puzzle-solving elements.
The game incorporates nonlinear, Metroidvania style mechanics, in which the player at first finds many areas inaccessible. To continue the exploration and escape from the facility, the player has to use specific objects and unlock new abilities.
There is also an RPG component: during the course of playing the player gets to direct the evolution of the alien plant, adapting it to their playing style with different skills that will be discovered as the game progresses. These enhancements will allow players to develop their own gaming strategies as the story unfolds.

Current and planned features

  • Explore a huge and complex map full of secret projects and situations that will keep you hooked

  • Enjoy a rich gameplay experience based on stealth and platforms, mixed with modern mechanics and puzzles

  • Face different ways of progressing through the getaway, using stealth and action skills like mental manipulation, decoys, organic bombs and more

  • Exciting platform challenges. Climb different surfaces and defy gravity laws!

  • Amazing scenes full of immersive dialogues and situations

  • Find rare items and expand your game experience collecting them

  • Epic boss battles!

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After a few months full of troubles and changes on the design process, we needed to carefully meditate about the release date of Paradise Lost: First Contact, and the difficulty to have it on time.

Developing a video game is a very complex task, much more if it's the first project that you made and have too much ambition… and we have it. As time passed, things have become more complicated and we’ve had to make this decision in order to include all the ideas we have in mind to offer the best experience in every possible way. We didn't want to leave anything back, sacrificing stages and making poorest animations. We just simply can’t, it’s not in our DNA. With this said, we are committed from the beginning to give you the very best of ourselves, even if that takes an extra time to polish every little pixel of the game.

To have a deeper understanding of the project’s delay we wanted to explain some of the key issues that led us to make this decision.

First of all, the improve of the game graphics took more time than we thought. Almost the 80% of the animations have been remade and we also added hundreds of new elements to the backgrounds, making every inch of the facility different from the rest. Hope that the result was worth the effort.

The complexity of the gameplay is another thing that is consuming all of our time. Mixing all the different mechanics in a way that they look fluid and fit well together is making us nuts. It’s very important to have a balanced core mechanics that could evolve naturally within the players experience and type of play. That requires tons of hours of testing and repeating / changing puzzles and situations constantly… we have areas with endless possibilities to go through.

This sort of things made Paradise Lost grow exponentially from a little root to an intricate creeper in which we are working right now. Take a look at the map that goes from this:

to this:

And still growing, including the number of dialog lines and scenes that has been duplicated to make a rich and deeper story.

Many of you must be disappointed with this delay, but we really believe from the bottom of our hearts that this is the correct choice in order to make a whole experience, the vision of PLFC that we had wanted it to be. Thanks to your support during the campaign we can stretch a little more the development so please, be patience… there’s tons of indies out there to make the waiting more bearable!

We don’t have a certain release date, but we’ll make our best effort to make it for the mid 2015. We know it is a lot of time but the final result will be worth it. As master Miyamoto said once "a delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever”.

Of course we’ll keep making more updates with new material and send you soon an advice for the development forum to chit chat about Paradise and help us make of this the damn best pixel art game of the next year.

More actions + changes on skills + vector & pixel

More actions + changes on skills + vector & pixel

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Here's a sneak peak of the things we are working on.

Graphic improvements + Gamepedia

Graphic improvements + Gamepedia

News 1 comment

Graphic improvements. We enhance the overall art of the stages, animations and effects to perfect the final product the best we can.

drjd24 - - 299 comments

Is there going to be an alpha/beta release? Is it going to be on greenlight? The game looks great and the pixel art, from my limited experience, looks really nice and the animations are fluid and your gameplay ideas seem to be on the right track to make a difficult, but fun game. Run on sentences for the win.


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MrValtor - - 49 comments

Really nice animations and a great visual style! Really looking forward to this on Wii U! :D

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Guest - - 706,866 comments

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dumpydoodaa - - 1,141 comments

re:A beautiful plant comparisons.
me thinks you lot are a bit geeky when it comes to pixels.

p.s..I'm tracking the game :)

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carelesslabs - - 16 comments

This is brilliant! The Pixel art is outstanding!

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BioDestroyer - - 2,859 comments

The gameplay looks awesome, and I loved the atmosphere I got from the Reveal Trailer. Tracking.

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Guest - - 706,866 comments

when it goin to release?!

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AsthreeWorks Creator
AsthreeWorks - - 3 comments

We want to release it in December of this year

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~cHendler~ - - 776 comments

Excellent visual style. Definitely tracking.

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AsthreeWorks Creator
AsthreeWorks - - 3 comments

Thanks! We work hard to keep that level.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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