Hello! Before i am start, I would like to note that my English language is terrible and I use Google for translation (and my school knowledge as well... :D), so... i am sorry for this. Let's start!


Today I would like to share with you the news about the development of a completely unknown, but extremely curious game.
The name is too early to give, since it can be connected with the storyline, so I'll just call it "Hope of the Noel" :)

I'll begin my story, perhaps with genres:

RPG, Survival, Adventure, Indie.
Entire essence genres of the game, is already in the storyline itself, so let me talk about it, a little more detail.

What is the plot of this game?

This is a story that happened in one of the worlds, far away from the planet Earth.
This planet was smaller than the Earth, and to be precise - very tiny. She wasn't called Planet, rather "Satellite", but still It was a planet and races lived on it, which were very different from each other. There were big ogres, fierce orcs, small, but extremely nasty gnomes. There were incredibly beautiful nymphs, tall and sluggish trolls, but here are the people ... The people were more than any other races. However, all races had a common feature - MAGIC.
Yes Yes! In this world there was magic and learned how to use it actively. It played an important role in the life of absolutely all races:
Want to poke the field? Use the magic of the earth!
Want to plant the grain? Use the magic of water!
Need to fry the beans? Use the magic of fire!
And so on.
But not everything was so simple and peaceful ...
Many centuries passed as on the Earth. There were wars, reforms, tribes, colonies, and even whole cities and castles that died and came back from the ashes.
Thanks to magic, people have learned to appreciate not only lives, but also afterlife.
Often, spirits visited houses or battlefields, helped and instructed others or interfered, thereby irritating others ...
There were also Great codes of laws that forbade special types of magic.
However, scientific progress also did not stand still. Realizing the need, the races have learned to use wooden and iron constructions - mills, houses, interior items, various adaptations and much more.
But, let's back in time to the interval when it all began ...


As I wrote earlier, there were laws that did not allow not only to use forbidden magic, but also to conduct experiments with it. These laws were introduced later, they became controlled, a special organization -
Brotherhood of the Three Great Mages.
A strange name, is not it? But it was really only 3 magicians! Three, Great, Mighty on this tiny planet, the Mages.
The three of them coped with the consequences of experiments on dark magic and the magic of elements - meteor showers, plague, tornadoes and other various, natural and other disasters.
Many respected the magicians, but there were those who hated them. Everyone can have an opinion, right? Well .. Of course if he is not under hypnosis, hehe!
I'm sorry, I digress ...

The very beginning!

In one small village, which almost did not hear about technology (yes there was not even a forge!), There was a small family of people. Father, mother and brother with sister. They lived together and tried to help each other.
His mother's name was Carolyn. She studied herbs and worked in the garden. Sister and brother were taught the basics of magic and helped with the housework. And father ... He had hopes and dreams! He wanted to make the world and the family happier. And father also wanted to become a great inventor, like that scientist - Iron, who discovered iron, just a couple of weeks ago! ..
In magic, he understood the least of all in the family, over whom the whole village laughed at him. "Yes, he can not even make a fire!", They said ... And it was true. He was oppressed by ridicule and reproaches, but his wife supported him and strongly loved.
It was thanks to her support and love that he did not give up. It took several weeks, but he was able to invent some strange mechanism that absorbs mana and turns it into fire. Now even he could make a fire! But here's the truth ...
This invention could be considered useless, because people could absorb a much smaller amount of magic and turn it not just into a flame, but into whole fireballs, without any "thing"! However, this was only the beginning, the truth.


Father loved the sea. He wanted to be not just an inventor, but also a seafarer. He had not just a dream, but also a goal! The fact is that at this time, technology only evolved and there were not even any iron ships ...
He realized that soon the iron would displace the tree and father wanted to become the one who would build the first iron ship furrowing the ocean. "He has a family! Children!" And he does not even want to work in the mine with the dwarves ... Ugh! ".
And ... This was also true. His family was at least friendly, but poor. Carolyn could not earn enough from herbs alone to adequately support her family. And Kate and Noel (that's the name of the children) were still children ...
And they were gifted children! Carolyn sincerely wanted them to enter the Academy of Mages, in the capital. But this requires money, which was not. Alas...

To understand for you all the situation, I'll try to explain again (since, probably, I slightly confused you!):
The father was not a hopeless drunkard or a weak idiot. He was a dreamer who sometimes worked part time on the market for kopecks...
Their mother worked in the garden and studied the properties of herbs (herbal medicine and magic of healing were the only "Medicine" of that century ...)
And the children studied and helped the mother and father.

So! Now let's continue ...

As time went. And so, after growing up, the gates of choice opened before the children. Kate was more gifted with magic and wanted to study in the capital. Noel was also gifted, but did not feel sympathy and thirst for knowledge in the field of magical sciences, so for a long time, the family decided to send Kate to study in the Academy in the capital of city.
With tears in their eyes, mother, father and brother given money to sister on to training magic in her way of knowledge in capital of the city! Noel was very worried about his sister, but he also understood his desire for other knowledge - invention. He liked inventions much more than magic. He began to help his father more, and one day, they were able to invent a beautiful ship, but alas, only from wood and slightly upholstered with iron around the edges. However, on the ship there were also inventions of the father - the engine from a gear wheel on an energy mana and the steering wheel with a wind-powered turnover!
If they lived in the capital, for sure the father could earn on this invention ... But no. The life of the village is very different from the "Big and noisy city".
"It would be better if he concoct of how to milk cows faster ... Ugh!" - such is the assessment of the ship and its inventions, from the villagers.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world:

And here, I would like to draw your attention to several facts and notes that will not allow me to go deeper into history (for what I sincerely ask you for forgiveness). One of such thimgs will be -
the restriction on a clear and precise description of the location of the place where it happened.

"Damn mages with their own laws!", - in an unfamiliar and eerie voice, was heard all over the dungeon ...
"Yes, yes!", The squeaky rat assured him.
"They want to drive us back in time and dictate us their terms with their pathetic magic!", Continued the terrible voice.
"Back! Pathetic!"
"But I will not let them! If I can not, then no one else can!"
"Yes do n..."
"And let the price will be - every single life, except for those chosen by fate!"
"Yes, fate, yes! Wait... What?!"

At that moment, what happened was the cause of the true desire ... At that moment, the spark of hope and the thread of despair became entwined in the canvas of the Universe.

It hasn't been that long. And terrible has come ...

The village was not the "poorest and most abandoned",but however, it should be noted that there was almost no one to guard it. Well, why the capital of city must spend a lot of gold on guarding for a small village? This is ... Payment of guards! And the payment of provisions!
Maybe this, or maybe not ... (who knows who will find out about it ... maybe it's you?)
Anyway, the village was attacked. Alas, but one of the most gifted magicians in the village was exactly Carolyn. She saved the old lady Yoru, who constantly say "UGH" on Carolyn's husband. But on this magical battle, so bloody and merciless, thieves and criminals were able to carry out not a few lives ...
One of them was the life of Carolyn herself.

Noel long mourned the death of his mother...And his father... Father seems to have gone mad from grief. If previously he helped the family, moonlighting somehow and even taught Noel to the art of shipbuilding, now ...
He locked himself in the shipyard and just made something.

In one not very fine morning, bells rang out in the capital, and the magic of the wind and the runes of sound, sounded their alarm bell all over the country ... Even almost all over the world!
It was the cry of the despair of the Three Great Magicians and, together with it, the call for Great Help. These bells meant only one - the End of the World. Armageddon.

The village was not the "poorest and most abandoned",but however, it should be noted that there was almost no one to guard it. Well, why the capital of city must spend a lot of gold on guarding for a small village? This is ... Payment of guards! And the payment of provisions!
Maybe this, or maybe not ... (who knows who will find out about it ... maybe it's you?)
Anyway, the village was attacked. Alas, but one of the most gifted magicians in the village was exactly Carolyn. She saved the old lady Yoru, who constantly say "UGH" on Carolyn's husband. But on this magical battle, so bloody and merciless, thieves and criminals were able to carry out not a few lives ...
One of them was the life of Carolyn herself.

Noel long mourned the death of his mother...And his father... Father seems to have gone mad from grief. If previously he helped the family, moonlighting somehow and even taught Noel to the art of shipbuilding, now ...
He locked himself in the shipyard and just made something.

In one not very fine morning, bells rang out in the capital, and the magic of the wind and the runes of sound, sounded their alarm bell all over the country ... Even almost all over the world!
It was the cry of the despair of the Three Great Magicians and, together with it, the call for Great Help. These bells meant only one - the End of the World. Armageddon.

At that very moment, Noel's father left his shipyard for the first time in several months. He was all overgrown, with gray hair and beard till his knees - he turned his face to Noel and say:
"Run, Run faster on our ship! Noel!".
Noel did not understand what was happening. No wonder, because he had never heard such a disturbing ringing filled with a spark of despair.

Unfortunately, on the way to the ship, Noel's father felt an acute attack of heart pain, whether from age, whether from lack of mana, or can from feeling of grief. Unknown. As well as it is not known what was his dying request and Noel's promise ...

But what is known is that Noel sat on this ship. And when the waves of the Armageddon Fire collided with the waves of magic of the Water of the Three Great Magicians, a GREAT FLOOD happened. Noel's ship could survive it, but somehow miraculously ... But everything around was flooded ...

What was waiting for Noel further? Well... This question worries me too ... I hope, after reading all of the above, you will also be interested in his fate and want to know about this wonderful story.
The only question is whether story will ... Time will tell.


You probably already forgot, but this is not a book :) This is a game! And this is a hard game with survival!

Noel though has magical talents, but he needs to eat and drink.
And he can freeze from the cold, or He might be too hot.(who knows, maybe meteor or some fireballs will fall upon him, m?).

Gameplay! (Mo-o-ore!)

You probably already forgot, but this is not a book :) This is a game! And this is a hard game with survival!

Noel though has magical talents, but he needs to eat and drink.
And he can freeze from the cold, or He might be too hot.(who knows, maybe meteor or some fireballs will fall upon him, m?).

In addition, do not forget about the ship itself.

Noel spent several weeks in the sea, which became the ocean, and later grew into the concept of a "water planet", but he found trash, boards, spare parts, various pieces of construction and other trash, which he regarded as a building material!

Noel was not an engineer. Yes, he helped his father and he could have been employed as an apprentice for some not very prestigious work ... But his knowledge is not enough to build something worthwhile, realizing this, he did not want to lose what he already had ( besides, this is his only home, and a chance to survive, too!).
So he will have to repair what is available (and that, let me remind you - a good ship, I would even say, a chic ship!). And Noel came up with a system of collecting resources that swim by.

system of collecting resources

Who knows, maybe that seed can be planted? Of course, if essence help him! Yes, to the word about essence...

These little energy clots survived in this "Water Armageddon." Moreover, one of them now lives with Noel. Only the spirit was useless ...

Spirits - are astral energy, bound in a bundle of non-material flesh. Usually they helped the farm with wealthy residents capital of the city: they blew dust off the wind, warmed up food and sometimes even sang songs!
But either Noel was unlucky, or this spirit was special ... One way or another - the spirit that caught Noel, only just gives sarcastic phrases and constantly wakes him up. Possibly the spirit wants to cheer him up, but most likely - he's just bored, because Noel is the only survivor he saw ...

Let's return to the gameplay ...

Standing on the deck of the ship, Noel was disturbed by another fact - his sister. He was very worried ... Armageddon seemed to have been specially directed to the city(and it was so ...), and just at that time - the sister was supposed to be in the magical academy.

Noel was also worried about the strange structures that appeared due to the fog. Speaking of fog...

The water was not simple - it is all saturated with a strange energy that Noel had not previously met. Maybe it's because of the mana of the Three Great Magicians, or maybe because of the strange source of Armageddon, one way or another - the water was enveloped in fog. Always.

And only Noel to dive into the water for the next pallet, then his immediately overcomes the feeling of heaviness and as if from it suck out all the vital juices.
So, Noel better not jump into the water.

Still - the gameplay!

While Noel swam unknown where, but knows for what purpose - to find a sister or find a reason of Armageddon, he fell into a storm, downpours, thunderstorms and even magic poisonous couples.

Possessing a good knowledge of magic, Noel was able to protect the engine of the ship, sails and steering wheel. But they had to be repaired from time to time.

Wheel Sails And Ocean

And there were problems with purveyance... Noel did not know what was wrong with water and which of the seeds could be planted. Experiments did not give results - there were no sprouts.

As there were no fish in the magical water ... But something dark, some ominous silhouette clearly pursued Noel ... Or maybe he imagined it? ..

Results ...

So, it will be RPG, Survival, Indie, Adventura with small elements of horror (Thunders and Ghosts! Bu-u-u!).
With the story (and plot)!
With the random generation of the world (please do not confuse it with procedural! Only Hardcore Random!) And complexity of dungeons / enemies / events depending on the skill of the player. (when the faster and more efficient the player develops the game economy - the harder it is :))

Now if you liked the idea and what already exists (there are not many screenshots, for now ...), then write here or on my e-mail and I will understand that you are interested in this project!

And if you are interested in this project, I will continue to write small short articles. (as if a very small diary of the developer ... Or maybe Noel's diary?)


I would like to note that the game is conducted without financial support and will not become a Triple AAA project (alas).
The engine is Unity.

Platfom: PC.

Os: Windows, MacOs, Linux.

Most models and textures will be taken from the Free Open Source sources, and the purchase / sale model will be "One-time buy", where the price range is not fully known yet (but no more than 500 rubles without% of the place of sale)
After a couple of weeks, the first closed pre-alpha test will not be a separate mechanic, but all the mechanics of the game combined.

Thank you all for attention, I hope it was not boring and tediously!

P.S. My e-mail: valsidalv.n@gmail.com. Contact for all question if u want :)

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