GodFighter is a four player competitive co-op survival sidescroller for the PC. One player plays as the “God”, a non-physical entity with an array of God-like powers. The God uses these powers on the other three players, called “Runners.” Each of these Runners has a unique ability that can counter a subset of the God’s powers. The gameplay centers around the Runners trying to surpass God’s obstacles by working together and making it to the end of the level alive.

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GodFighter on Desura!


Though we initially had a beta release back in May, it was mainly on a club to close friends scale. The feedback was immensely useful the development process, and as such, we are still continuing beta.

However, unfortunately, our server has gone down, and until we get a new one up, people will have to join by IP to access each others games, rather than looking through the server list.

Here is the download link for the Godfighter beta: Bit.ly

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