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Here is the list of the new playable clans in The Final Nights. These 7 clans will replace the original Camarilla clans from vanilla Bloodlines. If you have any questions about these new clans, feel free to ask us at The Final Nights Official Forum. Enjoy!

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Based in the Middle East, the Assamites are traditionally seen by Western Kindred as dangerous assassins and diablerists, but in truth they are warriors, guardians, and scholars who seek to distance themselves from the Jyhad. Throughout their history, they have remained self-sufficient and independent. History shows this bloodline as loosely united, until Ur-Shulgi, the eldest clan member and 4th generation Vampire would declare that all would renounce religious freedom, and begin worshipping their Antediluvian, Haqim. This caused the Schism, or break-up within the clan forming three seperate castes. Your caste are known as the Viziers and make up the smallest part of the clan. They are scholars, artisans, and librarians who seek above all else the devotion to their craft, which is also their weakness.

Nickname: Assassins

Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Quietus

Merits: Assamite Viziers will devote their undead lives to a chosen talent, skill, or knowledge - and will greatly excel in that field.

Flaws: The Viziers chosen field will become their obsession, and though they will excel in that field, other fields will fall to the way side.

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Cold, cruel, callous, and utterly evil, the Baali are the "boogie-men" other kindred tell their childer about to scare them. The line originated in Mesopotamia and is generally thought to have been eradicated centuries ago by a coalition of the other clans who couldn't stomach the Baalis' depraved practices. Baali are devil worshippers and only embrace the most intelligent, driven, and callous of kine. They are not senseless killers, rather they are the gentle corrupter who tempts mankind. They nurture friendships with kindred and kine alike, often going out of their way to help others. They commit selfless deeds, shy away from brutality, and advocate peace, but all with the goal of eventual corruption.

Nickname: Demons

Disciplines: Daimoinon, Obfuscate, Presence

Merits: Genius comes natural to the Baali clan granting them the ability to quickly learn and adapt to any situation giving them a bonus to XP whenever 3 or more points are gained.

Flaws: Due to their black hearts, members of the Baali clan cannot raise their Humanity past 6.

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Allegedly a descendant from the dark god Set, the Setites claim to have a divine mandate to revive their antediluvian, in order to create an era of "paradise" for all kindred alike. Originating in ancient Egypt, the Setites avoid the political Jyhad and are set on furthering their goals in any way possible without drawing attention to themselves. Not all Followers of Set are subtle, forked-tongued seducers. A number of them prefer to walk a more martial path, becoming holy warriors for their god. The Warrior Setites eschew the Obfuscate discipline for Potence - no slinking in the dark for these horned vipers. However, Warriors of Set are still very much a Setite, and quite capable of leading others into all sorts of temptation.

Nickname: Horned Vipers

Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Serpentis

Merits: The Followers of Set glide through social interactions like snakes do through tall grass granting them a +1 to Persuasion. They also possess the unique talent to use their Serpentis discipline in dialogue.

Flaws: These creatures of the most ancient darkness have a severe allergy to light for a -1 penalty to all soak feats.

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The Ishtarri are an African based bloodline inside the Laibon legacy however they are not native to Africa. Claimed to be descended from the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, through manipulation and diplomacy they have become an important part of Laibon culture. Most Ishtarri seem to specialize in information; they consider spying an essential pastime, and ususally have many valuable contacts to exploit as needed. Known as lazy gluttons no Laibon group is more infactuated by mortals more so than the Ishtarri. Their need to revel in a specific vice comes before anything else and tend to embrace mortals that fill that need. Many see this bloodline as unmotivated and complacent however those who underestimate the Ishtarri quickly regret it.

Nickname: Gluttons

Disciplines: Celerity, Fortitude, Presence

Merits: The beautiful are a common target for Ishtarri embraces granting them a +1 to Appearance. The Ishtarri are known to lose themselves to fury when denied what they crave, but they can also regain their composer just as fast. Raising Humanity costs half as much for this clan.

Flaws: Self indulgence of a particular addiction comes before all else and if those needs aren't met, the Beast can easily take over.

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The warriors of the Laibon, the Osebo take their name from the famous leopard of West Ashanti legend. Although a proud clan they depend on other Kindred as a focus for their energies. Left to their own devices, the Osebo are known for indulging the Beast and causing massive amounts of mayhem among the mortal population; kidnapping and murder are the usual pastimes of the patronless Osebo. Indeed, the Osebo seem to have a hard time controlling themselves, and they often thrive in domains where a strong authority exists, as it serves to keep them in line. The Osebo tend to be attracted to mortals who are salt-of-the-earth types, although many Osebo were Embraced on a whim or were the victim of the Osebo's cradle-robbing habits.

Nickname: The Pride

Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Potence

Merits: Due to their strong physical bodies the Osebo gain a +1 to Strength.

Flaws: Self control is always a problem with the Osebo clan so their violent nature nets them a -2 penalty on all frenzy checks. In addition to this flaw they must also keep accidents to a minimum, as killing the innocent or witnessing a murder truly excites the inner Beast within the Osebo.

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The Salubri are little-known to Kindred, ostracized and hunted to near-extinction due to the dedicated slander campaigns against them by the Tremere. This campaign was started to cover that their clan founder, Tremere, actually diablerized the Salubri's clan founder, Saulot, to form the Tremere clan. The Salubri name comes from the word salubrious, meaning "Very Healthy". This is because of the clan's hallmark ability of healing called Obeah. They are physically marked by their possession of a third eye in the center of their foreheads which, when closed, resembles a thin scar. When the Salubri use their healing powers, the eye opens, looking detached and serene.

Nickname: Unicorns

Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Obeah

Merits: Like Saulot, the Salubri are always searching for Golconda, which means to master the beast within, because of this they receive a +2 bonus vs. frenzy. In addition to this, they naturally have a faster regeneration rate than other Kindred and can use their mystical and unique ability of Obeah during dialogue.

Flaws: Because of their nobility and high morals, the Salubri conscience does not allow full benefit from the blood of kine. Any vitae taken from humans will never completely satisfy the Salubri and the third eye makes it harder to blend in with normal society so Appearance will cost more experience to raise.

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The Samedi bloodline have a relatively short but very curious history within Kindred society. Originating most likely in the Caribbean, the bloodline's members all seem to resemble a zombie or corpse. Unlike the Nosferatu, who merely become disfigured, the body of the Samedi appears to be in a constant state of decay. Social interactions often fail miserably, as do attemps to integrate into mortal society. Rotting chunks of flesh fall off of their bodies with increasing frequency as they age, and the smell of death clings to them wherever they roam. The Samedi often serve as assassins, working for both the Camarilla and the Sabbat. The founder of the bloodline is known only as "The Baron" though very little is known about him. Most progeny are picked from mortals obsessed with death and dying. Those who worked in the mortuary field during their mortal lives appear to be very common.

Nickname: Zombies

Disciplines: Fortitude, Obfuscate, Thanatosis

Merits: Samedi appear as corpses in an advanced stage of decomposition and because of this have learned to stay out of sight for a +1 to Obfuscate.

Flaws: Because the Samedi look like walking cadavers, Seduction cannot be raised past 0 and being seen by mortals will summon the wrath of law enforcement or an instant Masquerade violation.

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SoniMax - - 157 comments

i saw them in the forum looks super cool ^^

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shadow_of_mind666 - - 7 comments

omfgs i cant wait till this is out

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latexmatriarch - - 60 comments

Hmm Ishtarri have no new discpline and neither does Osebo so adding them seems a little pointless...
The Osebo seem to be exactly the same as Brujah just have Auspex instead of Presence.
The Ishtarri are the same Toreador except have Fortitude instead of Auspex.
What a waste of programming... could have added Cappadocian, Giovanni, Ravnos, Lasombra and Tzimisce.

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Cozy - - 2 comments

"The Osebo seem to be exactly the same as Brujah just have Auspex instead of Presence. "

I agree.

The Ishtarri and Obeso are pretty lacking. Why use otherwise obscure and dull clans, when so many other clans were there Ravnos, Giovanni, and of course my favorite two clans in order,

#1 Tzmisce
#2 Lasombra
#3 Malkavian, but besides the point.

I was never a big fan of the Baali, Samedi or the Setites, but I have to say they converted incredibly well into this mod! Also it's a HUGE treat to see the Salubri, and Assamites!

Seven years and this game just gets better and better! Gotta love the modders! This mod will certainly keep me busy until that Antitribu mod comes out. Which, will FINALLY have my two favorite clans. Overall while I'll pass up the Ishtarri and Obeso the other 5 clans are good choices.

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Zer0morph Author
Zer0morph - - 675 comments

We couldn't add anymore disciplines so Osebo and Ishtarri were the clear choice given the limitations of the engine. The Osebo and Ishtarri clan merits/flaws are very different and play very different in TFN. Play them and see just how different they are from the Brujah and Toreador clans.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

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MCrispin - - 3 comments

Cannot really add Cappadocian as Cappadocian... Giovanni made sure about that, would have loooooved to have Tzimisce <3

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Then why are Baali and Salubri here? Also the Harbingers of Skulls are the remains of the Cappadocians who were sealed in the underground city.

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MajorTomSawyer - - 1 comments


In "Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom" a group of them is shown to have survived under the name Mla Watu. They are not watered down/changed like the Harbingers of Skulls, or the Samedi (there have been rumors and teases they descended from the Cappadocians for years).

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Zer0morph Author
Zer0morph - - 675 comments

To the posters - We really wanted to add the Ravnos and Lasombra to the list of clan choices, but due to the engine limitations for disciplines we could not include Chimerstry or Obtenebration. So, we had to add two more clans that already had the default disciplines and the Osebo and Ishtarri were the best fit.

I apologize to those who wanted these two clans (or other clans for that matter) and as much as we wanted to create more than 5 new disciplines, the old modified Source engine wouldn't allow it.

I do suggest playing all 7 new clans, even the Osebo and Ishtarri, as you'll quickly see just how different even these new clans are from the Brujah and Toreador.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

^^Do you think the engine discipline limits will ever be overcome? Or does it just require too much hard coding?

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Zer0morph Author
Zer0morph - - 675 comments

Unfortunately no, it's hardcoded into the engine. We'd have to create or use a completely different engine to overcome these limitations.

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trueservantx - - 11 comments

i miss Malkavians, i love how they talk.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

I really want to play this for certain changes it makes but don't want to get rid of the vanilla clans since I'm sort of new to playing this game. Is it possible to do a patch or for me to personally mod a file to include the vanilla clans and unique disciplines or have the new ones added without replacing the vanillas?

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Zer0morph Author
Zer0morph - - 675 comments

Unfortunately you can only have 7 clans at a time which is why we had to remove the original 7. I would love to see the original 7 clans using the new TFN systems as I think they are implemented beautifully but that would take a TON of work converting them back to the original 7.

You can however to 2 different installs of the game at once. One for vanilla and one for TFN.

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Zer0morph Author
Zer0morph - - 675 comments

Unfortunately the old clans had to be overwritten for the new ones, it's not as easy as flipping a switch to go back to the old clans. It would take hundreds of hours to put them back.

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GlassDeviant - - 78 comments

How do I fix where you have to go through the entire intro scene with TFN 1.1 despite having vchar_skip_intro "1" in autoexec.cfg?

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Zer0morph Author
Zer0morph - - 675 comments

I'm not sure but you can skip the intro after watching it once. Future new characters don't have to watch the intro.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Iiiiii still don't know, you can do Serpentis and Quietus, but can't do obtenebration? I mean, what you've done here is wonderful. Is a badass work that kicks unholy ammounts of butt. But I guess I'm just expressing frustration over wanting to play Lasombra or, I don't know, Giovanni, and not being able to. These are some reaaally obscure bloodlines we have here.

People will complain about everything, I know. Tl;Dr: I love your work, I'd love new, more common clans.

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Zer0morph Author
Zer0morph - - 675 comments

I understand what you're saying, and the Giovanni and Lasombra clans were two clans I really wanted in The Final Nights, unfortunately We only had 5 targeted disciplines to work with and several passive disciplines. Disciplines like Obtenebration are unique to only the Lasombra clan so we'd have completely eliminate 1 clan to make room.

It was a hard choice, believe me, but this was the most logical setup given what we have to work with.

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Jamess14 - - 1 comments


first of all, great work on the TFN, the new system is rich, polished and beautiful. Love how you made skills viable again, and I find myself, playthrough after playthrough leveling my skills at the expense of my disciplines, as I want the full story experience in this game.

That being said, I'd love to use some original clans with your system. I read how 7 clans are max.

Is there a way to have multiple TFN clan version presets? For instance, you download preset 1 and it's 7 original clans, or you download preset 2 and you have your 7 additional ones. Or preset 3 containing fan favorites from both versions, like Malkavian, Nosferatu but also Samedi, Sethites and Salubri.

Is that possible? That would be spectacular, for instance I want to do another NOS playthru but not at the expense of the new TFN system, no way.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

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