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A short list of Autumn Aurora 2 graphics, sound and gameplay features.

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Graphic/sound improvements:

  • New tree models / textures (Absolute Nature). Each level was edited to add more and new foliage.
  • New weather system (special edition of AtmosFear for Autumn Aurora 2).
  • Lots of new sounds of environment, weapons, items as well as level-specific sounds and actor voice.
  • Environment sounds are dependent on weather type and time of day. Moreover, each weather type boasts totally different and unique sounds.
  • Lots of new edited textures.
  • New music.


  • Some new weapons (with unique NPC's and as rewards for quests) and items (not many, maybe 10).
  • Artifacts detectable only by means of detectors (Echo, Bear and Veles. Each detector has distinct characteristics). Read more about it here:
  • Two modes of repair (traders as well as outfit and weapon repair kits).
  • Sleeping possible in designated areas (like in CoP).
  • New UI/HUD (CoP-based).
  • Hand texture adjusts to the suit you're wearing (like in CoP).
  • HUD and breating sounds are mask-dependent.
  • Random stashes.
  • New screen effects when irradiated, on low health and out of breath (low stamina).
  • Applying medkits, eating or using repair kits takes time.
  • New recoil effects.
  • New nightvision devices.
  • New postprocess effects for anomalies, radiation etc.
  • Some artifact models are CoP-based, and some are new.
  • Stalkers will carry Russian weapons for the most part. U.S. weapons like LR300 or M16 have been assigned to one faction only and they will be almost a rarity. If you happen to own LR300 or M16, you will have a serious advantage over your adversaries. This applies to exoskeletons or SEVA suits as well - they are finally very exotic and expensive items, but will definetely be worth their price.
  • The game itself will be more difficult, but well-balanced to avoid being unfair.
  • Some bugfixes like empty stashes and non-disappearing mission markers.
Post comment Comments
CrimsonBloodGaming - - 169 comments

I only have one minor complaint about the mod, there's a bit to much motion blur for my taste. If you could include some sort of slider for that in an upcoming patch that would be great

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Vandrerer - - 1,620 comments

Check the PM. I wrote how can you make a more delicate Motion Blur by yourself.

Instruction for others:

Please open:


and find following line:

#define MBLUR_SAMPLES int(6) // Quality(Intesity)

Default it's 6 but you can change this value in-game too without exit from her. Just use ALT+TAB and follow the changes. Should help.

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

I have an issue where the day/night cycle only goes in effect upon resting.

For example I rest until 6:00 AM, run about and do STALKER things, then I go to the rest bed again and it says to rest until midnight would be 0hrs. Yet the game still looks like it's day time. Is there even a day night cycle or am I missing something?

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

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Borovos - - 817 comments

I have a stupid question. AA2 include Atmosfear, it's base on vanilla storyline, so what about blowout?

Could we see few random blowout during game, or just the single one at Stancia?

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Lоnerboner - - 8,303 comments

He stated that they did implant blowouts, but it caused a weird crash. I'm sure he'll clear things up :)

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Vandrerer - - 1,620 comments

Don't worry mate, it's not stupid question.
Yep, available blowout had really strange logs and behaviors so we leave it.

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deadplug - - 166 comments

Two words:


...Sometime in the future when they are more stable. But need them, nonetheless.

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VikCleDoom - - 1,301 comments

Hehe cool, you forgot to write added zombies, burers and cats ooh and thanks for this again, now is not too desolated :p

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locualo - - 71 comments

chimeras and fractures too? i'd like to see them here...

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spetsnaz- - - 2 comments

Can you tell me this mod's system requirements? My memory is 2GB.

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Vandrerer - - 1,620 comments

My 4 years old rig is:

Intel Dual Core E5200 2.5Ghz
HD Radeon 4870 1GB DDR5
WIN 7 64bit

And I'm playing on Full Dynamic Lighting, all settings maxed out, with 4x AA in Radeon's drivers and with grass distance set on 100m and I have 30-70 fps so I think that there won't be special problems with performance.

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Opinionator - - 1,099 comments

I like the sound of the graphic/sound improvements, not too keen on gameplay changers. Is their any chance you can upload two versions? I have noticed on Steam SOC forums their are gamers who desperately want just a graphic and sound update only.

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Vandrerer - - 1,620 comments

I'am not able to make something like that. Currently we are working on the patch which makes more stable gameplay.

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Inferuz - - 74 comments

How are the guns balanced? The Ak47 is very powerful at close range, what would a whole mag of FMJ of it do to an exoesqueleton?

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anton969 - - 1 comments

How can you find the GP 37 or G 36 in the simplest way?

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bybyx - - 147 comments

Hello an congrats for this mod. However could you please post a complete list of features and changes that this mod has? I would like to know what this mod has to offer in comparison to others.
Thank in advance!

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

Does this mod include bug fixes that were implemented in zone reclamation project? Would this mod be considered "too hard" for 1st timers?

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MTGunslinger - - 160 comments

I was debatin Complete 2012, OGSE, and this........Soon i shall be entering the realm of this mod. Cannot contain myself! Looks great!

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MTGunslinger - - 160 comments

If there is no motion blur slider...Then i would agree with CrimsonBloodGaming.

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

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Jinx1337 - - 6 comments

The mod is HIGHLY unstable. I get save game corruption every 30 minutes.

That said, the mod is just AMAZING.
I know the creator himself says it is not his, but x-ray engine's fault.
Would it be possible to make the mod work on the open source x-ray binaries then? I mean - that COULD be the fix to all our instabilities in every mod there is; can someone try launching the mod in the open source x-ray, or could the creator of the mod himself kindly port the mod to open source x-ray? This way, we could report eventual engine bugs to alpet forum.

We could have the perfect STALKER experience if modders started paying attention to it.

Other than that, the mod is FANTASTIC, but barely playable in its current state... Damn shame really, as it is better than the vanilla experience by MILES.

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brunojames3367 - - 3 comments

2.1 is pretty good. I'd like to point out a significant glitch, though, especially for people who ally themselves with Freedom.

In the Army Warehouses, if one refuses to take Skinflint's mission he automatically does not perform repairs for them. The dialogue option is not available, though his prices drop if one performs tasks for Lukash (as expected). I operate a lot from the Army Warehouses and find it a pain to run back to the Bar for repairs. Also, if one takes the "Kill the neutral stalker" mission from Lukash, the game will automatically CTD when loading as long as the task is in one's PDA. The first one is pretty major; the second one, not so much. Just wanted to point this out. Great mod!

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brunojames3367 - - 3 comments

I'm adding an actually game-breaking bug, now. Happens in the CNPP map (outside), entering from Pripyat. This bug occurs both in Static and Full Dynamic Lighting settings. The map in general works fine (functionally), but the textures are all off; the map is basically a giant mess of textures and things stretched out against each other. The visuals are messed up but oddly enough I can still walk around and sound effects still work.

The mod was really enjoyable, stable, and pleasant up until this point! Please keep up the good work and fix this! c:

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peych13 - - 52 comments

I have the same problem. Did you solve it somehow? Anyone?

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peych13 - - 52 comments

Anyone? Please help, I can't finish the game with this magnificent mod!!!

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c1940463 - - 1 comments

One way to resolve that is to go into the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\gamedata\levels folder and rename or delete both I12_stancia folders. The front and backside of the CNPP will look like the normal game but at least you don't get that horrible broken geometry. This allows you to get inside the CNPP and finish the game.

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

The Hand Texture Doesnt Change,Ive Tried Different Armors But Its Still The Default.Why Is That??

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peych13 - - 52 comments

They've to remove it, it wasn't stable enough. Next time read the desription of the mod.

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madrafftheincredible - - 17 comments

Hey man i got some questions, sorry if they have been asked already: Do artifacts respawn after blowouts/ a certain time, or is there a limited amount of them in the zone? trying to decide if i want to give the artifacts to sid to get the tourist suit. Also are the additional weapons you added to the game hidden around the map or are they rewards for missions? Will Barkeep or some other trader sell them when one progresses in the game?
I hope that's the right place to ask them, since i didn't find any topics in the forum, or would it be better if i'd create a topic?

Thanks for all your work you put in that project. You made me reinstall the gameafter a long time.

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Owl. - - 2 comments

Arm textures do not adjust to the suit for me.

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Jubelu - - 16 comments

Have you guys played Stalker L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y mod? Now, if you can incorporate the spawn system in THAT mod with the graphic of Autumn Aurora, I don't know man, that game should be the epic of Stalker Shoc experience, a lot of replayability.

Great work of art, thanks team members for their times and dedication.

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Dr.Wax - - 16 comments

I have problems with the CNPP map in Autumn Aurora 2.1 the first part of it and the second portal part for the true ending is ******. The meshes are all over the place. Does that depend on graphical settings? I'm playing on medium with static lighting.

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gigescu - - 14 comments

Any chance u can make a version only with visual changes?I would like to use ZRP ( i know this mod is based on ZRP) , because has a lot more options to choose.If i install this mod after ZRP it rewrites all the changes made with ZRP.

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VanyaSpagetti - - 104 comments

i must say thanks for such a monumental gameplay experience. I will forever look at STALKER with rose tinted spectacles.

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Nalike - - 341 comments

how to increase or decrease weapon recoil ?

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muirden - - 7 comments

How to decrease the distance from which player can be spotted? Its irritating when bandits shoot u in head from 500 metres with Makarov

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

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Kardue - - 225 comments

I just have one question: Did the weapons get a face lift or will I spend my time shooting weapons that look like they do in vanilla? I played a starter pack my first run and for my second run played Complete 2009 and the weapons in Complete (I'm assuming the skins were not changed from vanilla) look really bad compared to the weapons I saw in the starter pack (

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

this have increase damage? or have the same damage of the weapons in stalker SoC...
i dont speak english

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Metaloholic - - 1 comments

why don´t i have shaders folder and so there is no ShaderSettings.txt to edit.
i have 1006 version from GOG and i installed autum aurora 2.1 on top of it

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

I am unable to find Artifacts. I get a hiss sound and end up looking all around, but no artifact. I have used all three detectors.Any advice plz

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acadea27 - - 234 comments

So I don't need other mods for textures,like Absolute Structures?This mod has improved versions of the absolute mods?Thank you.

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Guest - - 700,068 comments

hi, how can i restore the old music?

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soupy_delicious - - 43 comments

So for those unaware, this mod changes a few other things not obviously stated in the description.

The biggest one for me is the gunplay. It seems to have thrown out the vanilla 'first shot fired is more powerful if hitting the head, subsequent is reduced' and guns appear to me a lot more accurate. So what you're going to get is enemies dying a lot quicker, which leads me to suspect that the game is actually going to be easier.

Mind you, it feels really good. The recoil feels hefty and pretty satisfying, so no complaints other than the fact that I'm worried the vanilla challenge might be reduced.

edit: Anyone know how I could remove the repair functions? The repair kits as well as the NPCs repair services?

(also, how could I not have praised everything else in the mod? My god, it's absolutely beautiful! My jaw literally hung open while I explored the cordon. Beautiful...)

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Suly1704 - - 13 comments

Hello and good day. Does this mod eliminate bullet sponge enemies? Is gunplay balanced (I die fast, enemies die fast)? I want to replay ShoC and I'm aiming to this mod

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SweetRamona - - 5,159 comments

Yep it does!

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