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Article about each faction and their special features.

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This article is quite importat to understand each faction lore-wise and their ingame effects.

Clear Sky

"One of the first factions established in the Zone, Clear Sky was dedicated to researching the Zone
and learning its inner workings, much like the Ecologists faction. However, unlike the Ecologists they are more then willing to resort to violence to get their way, and are as fiercely protective of the Zone as Duty, or even Monolith." - from STALKER wiki

After Lebedev died, or went missing, in the expedition to the Zone's centre, Beanpoleov took control of Clear Sky.

A secret NATO mission that tries to put a western monopoly on the zone, or at least keep the east from getting all the splendor. Researching Zone's anomalies and artifacts could bounce technology by hundreds of years, giving the western countries the ability to tip the balance in world domination.

Clear Sky is the only faction that had some success in putting the results from artifact researching into
practical use, thus giving them the ability to manufacture better suits then other factions.
Since they cannot maintain a formal link to NATO they use whatever weapons they can obtain within the cuntry. Clear Sky's expedition to Chernobyl NPP turned out to be a disaster. The faction lost contact with alomst all of their leaving only a handful of people with low morale.


  • Best suits.
  • Clear Sky's squads have less members then other factions because they lost most of their men in the expedition to the Zone's centre.


(this is NOT the Renegades)

A faction formed by Loners who fear that other factions might turn on them once the balance of power in the Zone is lost. Lead by Father Valarian as he proved himself a capable leader before the "Third Great Emission" uniting the Loners against the Bandits. Defiance members wear yellow armbands to destinguish themselves from neutral stalkers and mark their membership.

Members of Defiance were originally neutral to whoever did not shoot at them but after the "Third Great Emission" they realized what will happen if someone else gets his hands on the whole Zone. It will be either joining him or getting kicked out. With this opinion spreading, a group of Loners decided to take radical steps and attack first.

Since Defiance has no external funding they don't have the facilities needed to produce new suits or conduct any fruitful research as their equipment is mostly made from scavanged parts. However this caused them to adopt a flair for trade and customization. Defiance members can make a tank out of two sticks and a soda can.


  • Weaker suits.
  • Can upgrade any weapon.
  • Can upgrade military suits.
  • Have better prices while dealing with non-faction traders and other Loners.


"Duty is a paramilitary clan of stalkers operating in the Zone, with members living according to a code.
Their mission is victory over Chernobyl through sheer brute force. They achieve this by raiding mutant lairs, killing mutants and collecting artifacts for scientists. They do not trade artifacts with the outside,
passing them to scientists for research. Only Duty representatives refuse to trade unique items from the Zone with the outside world." - from STALKER wiki.

Duty aims at cutting the Zone off from the rest of the world completly. They see it as a threat to humanity
if temepred with. Whoever thinks otherwise is to be shot on sight, even if it is an old friend from the days
back in the military.

Beeing ex-military has its good sides. You get to keep your friends there. Some Duty "soldiers" still have
many contats within the Ukrainian Military who provide the faction with with equipment. Decomissioned rifles and suits always come in handy when in the Zone.


  • Duty trader buys monster parts at higher prices from other Duty members.
  • Can only sell artifacts to their traders or scientists.


"A faction of anarchists and daredevils who declare themselves to be fighting for free access to the Zone,
and consequently find themselves in constant conflict with army units, military stalkers, and Duty. They believe that information about the Zone must not be hidden from humanity, and challenge the state's monopoly over the Zone's secrets and wonders." - from STALKER wiki

Their goal is simple: everything for everyone. If you enjoy a camp fire with a mutant then sign up!

Freedom is beeing more naive then then anyone would think. Or maybe they are just playing it right... NATO sees Freedom as a failsafe in case Clear Sky would fail. It's better if a group of liberal anarchists held the Zone then let fanatics destroy it or even worse, get it locked down by eastern countries. In order to prevent such a situation NATO secretly supplies Freedom with weapons using unofficial contats. Whether Freedom knows where their weapons are coming from is unknown.


  • Their reinforcements arrive slightly faster on levels without a base.


"Bandits are members of the criminal underworld who came to the Zone for different reasons; to make money by selling artifacts, hide from the law or trade in weapons." - from STALKER wiki

Bandits seek to control the whole Zone for profit. Simple as that.

After Borov took the mentale of the leader after Yoga he managed to actually unite some of the smaller gangs into one quite powerful bandit clan. His ambition has made others regard bandits as a formidable foe rather then just a nuisance. They usually trade with the military thus most of their equipment can resemble this used by the army.


  • Weaker weapons.
  • Can extort money and special items from loners.
  • Cannot enter the Artifact Traders base (Depot).
  • Bandit squads have always 4-5 members. A bit better than other factions.


Private soldiers of different sort, ex-military, assassins, unemplyed special agents... All seeking
work that pays much and requires getting hands dirty.

Originally came to the Zone as private protection for the local scientists, but that might change...

Mercenaries are well trained in tactics, but since the Zone is far from a normal battlefield, mercs don't have the knowledge required to adjust their equipment to local conditions. They arrived under Wolfhound's command only with 3 squads and issued standard equipment by their employer. They have no real name or reputation in the Zone nor are they organized as a faction, but Zone's lucrative secrets can make anybody willing to hang around a bit longer...


  • Weaker suits.
  • Don't have a trader until they establish a base of their own.
  • Start with HK machine gun and some ammo instead of money.
  • Better weapons.


Nomads, scavangers, outcasts... Loners are opportunists and each one of them probably has a different
reason for beeing in the Zone. They trade whatever they can find with their outside contacts or with other stalkers. Usually friendly and helpful when money comes into play.

Survive and make a living in the harsh Zone.

They travel mostly alone or in very small groups. Loners resort to violence only as a last resort.

All thanks to the TFW team.


Disclaimer: I copy-pasted everything from their original post because I believe that is what TFW team would have wanted.

Post comment Comments
PetrenkaPie - - 1,039 comments

I played this for weeks and it's an awesome mod. Immersion is great no matter who and how you play as.

Keep it up. This doesn't deserve to be forgotten.

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

I read in the GSC forum that they may consider working on it again, but that is a BIG maybe...

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Dzalissimo - - 3 comments

Whats the best faction to join? I joined mercenaries... when do they establish a base?

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

They already have a base. Yantar mobile lab is the merc's base.

I'd say mercs are the worst faction, but fun nonetheless.

Best factions are Duty and Freedom, like in the real game. Defiance has a lot of potential too.

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Fеll - - 360 comments

I went with the Mercs with my first playthrough (not done yet). I have wiped out duty.
I started poaching defiance because they had almost wiped out CS. I brought their numbers down to about 6. Then I left Cordon. Sometime later, a hostile squad attacked the receiving outpost in the Garbage, which happened to be CS.

Freedom wiped out the Bandits shortly after I had wiped out duty. Now freedom is back to army warehouses, but always attacking both Garbage and the Dark valley.

During an early playthrough with the Mercs, it is nice to have a base close to everything around it, as with Yantar. It is small and compact, but can be decimated easily.

Next I will definitely go with Clearsky.
I think that Freedom might be the strongest, with its very short reinforcement times, in addition to the layout of capture points and how the barricades are oriented.

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Guest - - 700,038 comments

The main reason I still play clear sky is because of this awesome more linear gameplay! Excellent work..I only wish there was a player respawn option in singleplayer. I hate the fact that you can easily reload the game where you just saved, it makes the game too easy. It would be better if you died you would respawn at your home base so it would be more difficult

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

Thats a neat idea. Same with me, I only play clear sky because of this awesome mod.

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supertonto2 - - 22 comments

I really love this mod. This is the real reason why I never quit playing Clear Sky, despite the buggy things in the vanilla game. It revived the true meaning of the Faction Wars: securing roads to different paths, capture bases to exponentially increase territory, and unleash an all out war on every location.

But the one question still remains unknown:
Is there any way to enter Limansk? Do we eventually explore the ones that the Zone kept as a secret once more after the Clear Sky eventually opened the way to the secret city?

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

Yep, those are my exact feelings about this mod. Great stuff.

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KoDan1 - - 186 comments

Is this mod compatible with Complete?

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments


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Guest - - 700,038 comments

How i can become a Loner?

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

AFAIK, you can't. Being a Loner is that: you are not a member of a faction. The reason Defiance exist is because they are the "loner guys" faction. They even talk about it: they are tired of being pushed around so they teamed up as a proper faction.

You can perfectly play the mod as a loner anyway I think. After some time factions will start to do stuff, and you can be a jolly loner running errands around. (I'm not sure if factions start to invade each other if you are factionless, though)

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theo123999 - - 17 comments

definetly going to start as BANDIT :D CHEEKI BREEKI IV DAAMKE

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smrtak55 - - 59 comments

how do i join clear sky? i have high relations with them, but once i got to cordon, i couldnt join em, their leader says : speak quickly, and ill i can say is that i should go, i wanna join clear sky :(, also can i join renegades?

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

There's no need to spam every article of the mod asking the same thing. You need to do several jobs for them. I think around 6-9 jobs will do. After that, you must go to the faction leader (be sure you are talking with the correct person. I think its not Lebedev but Kalancha). They are 100% joinable for sure.

Renegades are not a real faction. They are only a placeholder to act as a generic enemy in Clear Sky. They replace bandits so you can join them without killing them in the begining or during Limansk.

If you want to join them, your best bet is to join the Bandits as they are practicaly the same.

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smrtak55 - - 59 comments

thanks, ill try that, entire time i was talking to lebedev
also do you know where i can find him?

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smrtak55 - - 59 comments

ok sorry for your time, i learned that kalancha is was renamed to beanpole but he still doesnt want to accept me, even tho i have high relations and i did like 40 quests for them any idea on what to do? also thanks for your time

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

Uhm, take a screen from your PDA showing your rep with cs.

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smrtak55 - - 59 comments

so i reinstalled the mod and it works now, but thanks for your time you are great

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Guest - - 700,038 comments

How can I join loners?

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

As far as I know, loners aren't directly joined (they are not a faction, either in this game nor lorewise). You just roam around, being a happy loner. Of course, you can't engage in a faction war if you dont have a faction, that's why Defiance was created. It's the go to faction for loners.

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Guest - - 700,038 comments

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GV08GT - - 9 comments

hey buddy
so uhh how do I install everything you put in here
it can be simple

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

Its explained in the download section.

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Guest - - 700,038 comments

Can You Make It Can Join Monolith I don Care If you Don Do is because Is Fun One Of Stalker Clear Sky Mod *Like*

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:Jack Author
:Jack - - 2,083 comments

No, sorry. Limansk and the Red Forest are off limits.

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