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With so many things to do and a Man Of War been one ship i would love to sail will my dream come true or will i have to look for something else which is equally as atractive. Join us as we continue our adventure in the 10th part of "Captains Log"

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We have closed the gap down well, however it has taken us a long time and during that time my companions have been left behind, some 5000+ yards behind. I need to catch this ship and fast, i think by maybe 3 or 4am i should be in boarding range and at that point the pirate flag will be hoisted up and we will get to see exactly what that ship is carrying.User Posted Image
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Finally, its taken us all night to catch her and now we have boarded her. It felt like day's had paste, the weather didn't help though. Right lets kick some ass now and see what we this ship is carrying. The Heavy Galleon i am sailing has the smallest of cargoholds in all my ships which is why i selected her to be replaced.User Posted Image
Nice, not as big as the other Golden Hind but the cargohold is much bigger than the Heavy Galleon's. Their is nothing i really need off the Golden Hind so i will transfer everything i need off the Heavy Galleon and then try to keep what i can on the Golden Hind to sell at which ever port we stop at next. I don't even have a clue where we are now.User Posted Image
We say a sad goodbye to the Heavy Galleon as we watch her sink. Davy Jones must be running out of space at this rate. Talking about ships though i wounder how many day's it will take my companions to catch up. Only joking on to the next town we go.User Posted Image
Oh boy its a Man Of War, i just got to have her. For this the Consitution will be put in dry dock. I will see if i can off load the goods at this town and if i can then i will leave her in dry dock, but if i can't off load the goods here then i will have to send the Heavy Galleon down to Davy Jones. Their is no way i will be parting with the Constitution, but because their is no place in my sqaudren once the Victory is mine i have no choice but to put her in dry dock, she can be part of my fast naval fleet i will put together at a later date.User Posted Image
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Oh well, i can't sell the goods here because they export Ebany as well and i want to make a profit on the goods. So i have left the Constitution with all the cargo she was carrying in dry dock and will sell that cargo at a later date. Now its off to capture the Victory, wish us luck.User Posted Image
Because we wasted 4 day's waiting for the Man Of War to leave the port we raced off in the hope to find a town that imports Ebany, as of yet we have not been able to do this. The last thing on my mind was storms and because of that we got courght up in one, not much damage was done but it was still something we could have avioded had i been more focused.User Posted Image
Of all the places its Fort-De_France that has it listed as contraband, at least now i can sell it all off. The bad news is we have only just fixed our relations with this nation so we don't want to go and make them angry again. Not just yet at least, i think from now on the following goods will be worth trading. Mahogany, Silver, Gold, Sandalwood, Iron and Copper. I need to be carefull now though because i am in what i call English waters, the reason for that is its where all the English colonies are located and a military fleet isn't something i wish to see coming towards me.User Posted Image
Yay my ships are empoty, the Ebany has finally been sold. Now i just have to hope that their is no patrols and i can be on my way to, well we're ever the wind takes me i guess.User Posted Image
Oh boy, this isn't what i wanted to happen. Looks like we are walking on thin ice here and the French could be looking for the slightest thing to put that bounty back on my head. You know what, i don't care. If they do then i will sack their towns and make sure they are angry like i am, because the bounty on my head wasn't much. So i say put the bounty on my head then watch the fire works go off as i sack each and every French port in the caribbean.User Posted Image
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Ah look at what i found, i can feel my blood rushing around as the adrenalin builds up. I got to have those ships, the Carrack will replace the Heavy Galleon which is what i am sailing now and the Le Superbe will become the flag ship. Well thats the plan, lets see if i can put them into action or not. No bounty on my head, maybe they are scared or can't be bothered. Then again the English didn't do it either when i killed their patrols, guess these nations have so many troops they don't notice if any are missing. Cool, lets go kill some more.User Posted Image
We are right behind the Carrack now, all my ships are close to me as their is very little difference in speed between all of the ships. The Le Superbe is miles behind us, this means after capturing the Carrack i will have to sail into the wind if i am to capture the Le Superbe. This will be fun, just hope the wind is on my side for once, although i very much doubt it.User Posted Image
The Carrack is now our, she had some Timber loaded which we can sell some where. All my ships have been ordered to defend the Carrack while i go after the Le Superbe which is far away. At least the wind isn't completly against me which is good news i guess. However i will hold my breath on that as it will most likely change so that it is against me just to annoy me.User Posted Image
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Their she is, the Le Superbe. I can't wait to board her, don't worry keep firing. Make as many holes as you like, maybe Davy Jones likes holy ships. I'm not bothered though because at the end of the day the Le Superbe will be mine without a single scratch on her and i will watch as the Heavy Galleon sinks and i will have a big smile on my face as i think of all the ships i can scare away. The bad thing is i wouldn't be able to catch them, enough of the day dreaming lets board her.User Posted Image
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Very nice, i will have many happy moments sailing this baby. The ships speed and cargohold could do with upgrading, but then all my ships could do with those upgrades. We also have to say goodbye to all those we lost and the ship they once sailed on, the Heavy Galleon. Ok enough of the sad stuff lets head to Bermuda.

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