TileSense is a full-featured platform game engine for the universal Flex/Flash platform created by DD Productions. It will enable any developer, experienced or amateur, to create dynamic online games at an agile speed with the included Authoring Tools in every release. At a final stage of development, TileSense will include:

  • 2D and 3D Menu Creation and Management,
  • Automated Intelligent AI,
  • Complete IDE with Full Control of TileSense,
  • Customizable Items,
  • Fully Optimizable Engine,
  • Included Set of Pre-Built Scenery,
  • Multiple Pre-Built Types of Enemies,
  • Over 10 Different Types of Tiles,
  • Parallax and Static Backdrops with Unlimited Amount of Layers,
  • Particle Effects,
  • Static and Dynamic Audio,
  • Tile-Based Level Design,
  • Unlimited Number of Games,
  • And Much More!

Currently, we have a variety of systems, or modules, that define the abilities of the game, and since the engine is still in its development stage, our work on these modules is still not finished. Also, the systems that are provided are flexible in which we can construct, destruct, and change a system at any point depending on the direction of the engine and opinion of the team. A list of the systems so far can be show below with a short definition of their functionality:

  • AudioSystem - Provides support for playing audio, dynamic and static, for all purposes.
  • GlobalSystem - Interconnects the systems together to easily adapt with eachother.
  • IntelligenceSystem - Provides the AI in the engine that can easily be altered.
  • MainSystem - Control all of the modules included and make doing so a simple process.
  • MenuSystem - Creates and manages the menus, 2D and 3D, using scriptable templates.
  • ParticleSystem - Forms and Functions all of the particles using scriptable templates.
  • TileSystem - Creates and manages the tileMap and its specific tiles to form each level.

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TileSense Platform Game Engine
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AEmanuele Feronatofter a short talk with the most famous Emanuele in the world, Emanuele Feronato, whose tutorial is the core of TileSense, he felt obliged to post an early release of the Flex/Flash tile-based game engine by DD Productions, TileSense, along with a demo showing its capabilities on his blog. Take note that this is an extremely early version of TileSense implemented into the Flex framework, but it can still be used as a light reference of the upcoming release of the 0.1 version of the game engine Creative Commonsdue sooner or later (I've failed to decide on a definite date).
Along with that, our team at DD Productions and myself has decided after a while of thinking to avoid the confusion of getting together a system to make TileSense a commercial product with the limited resources we have as an Indie development team by replacing the terms of our Commercial license to a more friendly Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. Besides, we'll promote the movement of open source software and make it easy for our clients to achieve their dreams and lighter on their wallet. This decision will prove to be helpful sooner or later along our road of development for TileSense.
To end this update, I have constructed a good desigTileSense Early Releasen and layout for a good monthly newsletter for DD Productions and all other products affiliated with it. Therefore, you can sign up for this monthly newsletter through this link or you can just send an email to dd-productions@hotmail.com about signing up for the newsletter and we'll get you on the list. Each one of our newsletter will present content rich information from the team and about the going-ons of DD Productions. Plus, every now and then (usually with a new release of the engine or when we find useful techniques that we think you would find handy) we'll add tutorials about using our engine or just using Actionscript 3, Flex, Flash, game design, etc. We think these newsletters will be great ways of keeping you updated and even ourselves on track.
As an ending statement to this update, I believe the progress of DD Productions is going in a good direction and you'll be seeing (and reading) more about us over the next few months.

The DD Productions Dev Team
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