
A series of optional minimods for the Enhanced 4X Mod and Interregnum to allow the player to customize their experience. Please read the entire description, and keep the minimods in the same relative mod order as the picture. This update brings compatibility with Interregnum Alpha 3 and some new Minimods specific to Interregnum.

E4X & Interregnum Optional Minimods 1.75
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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

Yey, the minimods are finally here!!
Much love <3

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Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments


Is there going to be a patch soon that fixes a couple of the minor bugs?

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

Probably not. Interregnum has yet to need a hotfix patch, and none of the bugs I've seen reported are anywhere near that level.

If you want access to more frequent updates (as well as unfinished content), you should apply to be a tester on the forums.

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Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

Just curious, thanks!

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wheelmandan - - 1,312 comments

what order do the mods go by in order to make them work right.

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

Look at the picture on this download page. :p

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sithpal - - 733 comments

when asking for bug fixes ive heard its best to tell which ones you mean.

no where near the level of minor? what is below minor?

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

Only some description fixes and two abilities that were not entirely working right, neither of them major. For a hotfix to be considered it would have to be a game crashing bug or an important ability like a hero unit spawn allowing you to get more than one of a hero.

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sithpal - - 733 comments

descriptions that arnt right arnt bugs unless they have another description set and its showing the wrong one or if it is wrote in a way that implies its missing data. hard to describe the last one lol.

out of curious what abilities dont work right? obvoiusly nothing super powerful but just curious which ones.

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sithpal - - 733 comments

i love when i ask comments because i want to know something or what someone meant and then get voted down...

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

I think the ISD Ion barrage for one.

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IIN0V4D3 - - 48 comments

I have a bug where it seems that when random events are turned on, I get mini dumps. Might be the ram limit

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

Any idea what random event might be triggering? I typically have random events on and do not crash, but last version there was actually a bug with random events that could cause crashes that went undetected by anyone. :p

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TyrannaDan - - 78 comments

Yes! Thank you GoaFan!

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mikey1871 - - 1,097 comments

Thanks Greatly as usual GoaFan!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sardinefillet - - 30 comments

Thank you, cheers!

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

Hey GoaFan,
I'm not sure if the minimods are working or not.
I've tried the Larger Fleets, Expended research and Enhanced AI (enabled them from the ingame MODs tab, and placed them above EX4).
However, I don't seem to spot any difference. the capital ships supply is exactly the same, the techs are all the same, and AI well is AI :P
I'm sure I must be doing something wrong :/ any help pls?

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

If you are using Interregnum, they have to go over Interregnum as well. Also make sure the minimods folders are set up correctly, I.e. Minimod-> GameInfo. And extra folder like Minimod->Minimod->GameInfo will cause the game to be unable to read the mod data, so it doesn't find any changes.

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C1vrock - - 6 comments

Not sure if there is an issue with the "No Superweapons" mini mod, or I am doing something wrong. I am still getting the alarm and notification that a superweapon is being built, even though all the other mods are functioning normally.

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

What is your mod order and checksum?

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C1vrock - - 6 comments

From top to Bottom in the list.

E4X Double Fleet Supply and Capital
E4X Expanded Research
E4X Enhanced AI
E4X No Super Weapons
SWI Alpha 3
E4X 1.75

738498444 is the Checksum.

I have tried disabling everything except E4X 1.75, SWI A3 and No super weapons and still have this happening.

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

Do the other minimods seem to be working? Do you have any DLCs? Oh and perhaps most obviously, do you have the superweapon research techs in your research tree? The minimod works by removing the research necessary to build superweapons.

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C1vrock - - 6 comments

I have all the DLC up to Rebellion - Stellar Phenomena. Double fleet supply and Expanded Research are both working. Cannot verify the Enhanced AI, I do not really have much experience with stock AI. And yes, the superweapon research is showing in the tech tree.

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

Well, that's clearly why it is not working. :p What faction were you playing as? Have you tried it with more than one faction, to see if they all have superweapon research available?

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C1vrock - - 6 comments

Yea, the research is there for all factions. Galaxy gun for Empire, Insurrection thing for Rebels, Novalith for TEC, ect. ect. The mini mod does not seem to be doing it's job, is there any INI I can edit or delete to keep the superweapons from being built? I know I edited an INI a long time ago before I even discovered mods for this.

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

Well the minimod works for me, so I'd like to figure out why it is not working for you if possible. Sins does not have INI files, but you can open the entity files in Notepad. You will need to convert the minimod files into a readable format first though.

You can then set the research cost to be 9999999999 of everything. Though the AI doesn't like this method as much.

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C1vrock - - 6 comments

Which particular files can I find this setting?

I will keep trying if you have any other suggestions to try.

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

I was going to suggest just changing the .entity files in the minimod. Changing files in the main Interregnum mod may make you have to redownload the mod if you ever want to play multiplayer with it.

Alternatively, you could have pasted Interregnum's gameplay.constants file into the minimod GameInfo folder and just changed that copy.

But I guess whatever works. :)

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C1vrock - - 6 comments

Okay so I just found a fix that works for me at least.

- I edited the Gameplay.constants file in both the E4X mod and the SWI Alpha 3 mod folders.
- I changed "cannonsPerGravityWellRatio" to 0.
- Disabled the No SuperWeapons mod.

About 2 hours into a game with 6 Unfair AI. Not one of them has built a super weapon. Before I was getting superweapons built before 1 hour.

Now 2 of the AI are kinda not doing anything so I wonder if doing this makes them research it and then they loose their minds because of not being able to build one.

At least it is a temporary fix for now.

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Service_Disconnect - - 299 comments

Yeah, I was just curious if there was a hotfix planned, the only issues I know of have already been mentioned here.
The only thing that really bothers me, although minor, is the ISDII's bugged ion ability, but I think that should be easy enough to patch for my own use until the next version comes out.

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M-Zealot - - 44 comments

Not gonna lie played 4 games since I put new minimods in and had 3 opponents everytime and out of those 12 altogether only 2 times did factions seem enhanced or actually do something (every other time they stayed at home planet doing nothing and not expanding) and everytime I throw the rebels they literally do nothing except when I waited 8 hours they started to move and put the on the highest difficulty.

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TyrannaDan - - 78 comments

One thing that you can try is changing what kind of AI they are, such as Hard Aggressor or Hard Economist, I have not been having this issue, unless the AI gets trapped behind a planet like Kuat or something that has a large standing militia.

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M-Zealot - - 44 comments

They have been unfair aggressive usually

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TyrannaDan - - 78 comments

The AI is always going to be aggressive, they usually go for a decent sized military before they really start colonizing, its all about getting the research and economic advantage on them, at least in my opinion, as long as you can survive the first couple of waves until your economy kicks in you are going to be good.

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M-Zealot - - 44 comments

I don't care about myself really I want the AI to actually make moves, I like a challenge and I'm not gonna do multiplayer, but they just sit there, I had to leave the game running for 8 hours and just go to sleep and they actually started making moves, even the vanilla sins guys have been bugging lately

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TyrannaDan - - 78 comments

Oh i misread what you were meaning for unfair aggressive, that is strange that they aren't moving out at all, are you using custom maps or what? I've found that they just don't colonize as fast as i do but they do catch up pretty quick. Problem is this is still an alpha and not a finished product so there are bound to be a few issues..

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M-Zealot - - 44 comments

Indeed on the custom map, I did a set-up on galaxy forge that has two factions on either side of a star with chokepoints, wanted a nightmare to fight against on my side, and then have trouble punching through the enemy on the other side of the star, after 8 hours the rebels on the other side expanded all the way to my side (when I woke up to check) but holy it took forever.

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TyrannaDan - - 78 comments

Hmm, if you had two AI's next to each other it is possible that they got caught up attacking each other so they didn't expand very fast..I would try changing the map a bit to see if it makes a difference, i have found the AI doesn't like to attack planets that have a small militia surrounding them.. I don't know if that helps

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M-Zealot - - 44 comments

well when i say next to each other there's a cryo/ferrous planet connected to a central oceanic between them, i click surrender to check their planets and they have full ships at their home planets and half the time have wiped out militias at the asteroid at their back end and also the cryo/ferrous but no expansion..until 6 hours later lol, guess I just have to keep fiddling with em, thank you though for your attempts to help (that sounds snarky in my mind not meaning it to be)

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TyrannaDan - - 78 comments

We do what we can sir, good luck!!

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Guest - - 700,078 comments

I hust downloaded the lastet Update and got a terrible freeze lategame. This happends everytime after some laggs. First time 1 Second, second Time like 3 Seconds and so on - till its freeze. Restart the game and reload the Game isnĀ“t the solution.
I played on a 4 Player map and one AI is dead.

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

Could you upload the save somewhere for me to look at? Also what minimods were you using?

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Guest - - 700,078 comments

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ReCore - - 1 comments

I postet this in the wrong Selection ;(
It freeze in your classic version of Enhanced 4X Mod 1.75.
Here is the link for the savegame:

You have to play like ~5min before the laggs starts. Have fun :) and thank you!

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jokash - - 17 comments

can you make a mod where you can hyperspace to any system ,not through star lanes

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TopAce6 - - 5 comments


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TheKussh - - 61 comments

are these compatible with the GoG version 83?

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hardlecure82 - - 2 comments

Hi all. Love the mod. I use it all the time. Im kinda puzzled why I can't get the non-vasari phase gate to work. In game it states I must capture a phase gate. I tried using a colony ship to capture one but obviously it doesn't work. Is there some kind of phase gate that orbits planets. the ziliquilifier phase tunneller doesn't allow me to build them when captured. any help would be greatly appreciated.

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hardlecure82 - - 2 comments

Tried using the corsev battleship to board a phase stabilizer and it just blows up when it runs out of HP. :/

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darrenkoester1 - - 145 comments

I keep getting a minidump upon loading. Do I not have the minimods in correct order?
Version 0
enabledModNameCount 8
enabledModName "INT Star Wars Factions Only"
enabledModName "INT Resetting Titan Levels"
enabledModName "E4X Doubled Fleet Supply and Capitalships"
enabledModName "E4X Enhanced AI"
enabledModName "E4X Expanded Research"
enabledModName "E4X Exploding Mines"
enabledModName "Star Wars Interregnum Alpha 3.1"
enabledModName "Enhanced 4X Mod 1.8"

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GoaFan77 Author
GoaFan77 - - 3,885 comments

I've heard Resetting Titan Levels is causing some people issues lately. Try it without that one?

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