Hello! Today, I want to start creating a game based on BattleTech, in a new way. Like MechWarrior Living Legends, it will be combined arms, and like MechWarrior Online, it will be using modern technology. But developed by YOU GUYS. I will only lead parts of it. The project will be open source, and will aim to have as many different mechs from many different time periods, as well as short mini campaigns and missions. If you would like to contribute to the project, please apply. At the moment, what I cannot do by myself is art. But any help is appriciated! The game will be non-profit and free, as the license for BattleTech/MechWarrior is currently owned by Piranha Games.

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Comments  (0 - 10 of 11)
ThorC3050 - - 9 comments

I would really like to help out with this. I can make models, texture, and do animations to a certain extent. Here is some of the work I have done

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BitGlitch - - 16 comments

Oh nice, I'll invite you to the group. Feel free to make content at any time to contribute, although I will have to give you the run down on how to rig the models.

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ThorC3050 - - 9 comments

I have a little experience in rigging models as well. Nice to be a part of this.

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Guest - - 706,897 comments

I can help with ideas and guidance with project as well as some wicked sound work. Its all I can offer really I have no skills but I am working with the MWLL community team and would be more then happy too help with the direction , ideas, sound and other areas.

Kh0rn MWLL community team.

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BitGlitch - - 16 comments

Alright, cool. I can add you soon. Its been pretty slow recently, but I think that when we start getting people together we can make something impressive.

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AncientxFreako - - 4 comments

Yo! I'm with you if you want,I'd love to be a part of this project! contact me at mechwarriorsunited.com forums!

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AncientxFreako - - 4 comments

I'm interested in this project. I'd like to contribute to aesthetic things like weapons details and sound effects, which I have a lot of experience with from the work I've been doing on my mods of MechWarrior 3 and Pirate's Moon. Also experienced with the single-player aspects and am highly intrigued by the idea of a co-op campaign for MechWarrior. Am interested in developing how mechs should move, react to environmental effects, just all of it.

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BitGlitch - - 16 comments

Alright, adding you to members now.

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UNSC_SCOUT - - 384 comments

I can donate buildings and perhaps terrain.

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BitGlitch - - 16 comments

Alright, are they your own creations? And have they already been made, or are you going to create them? Because there is a certain art style I would like to follow.

If so, I will add you.

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UNSC_SCOUT - - 384 comments

They are my own creations. Sorry for going awol.

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