Because it was about time these weapons stopped being ugly...
Zoom your screen to better see the difference (Ctrl+scroll up)
________Changing ALL weapon ICONS (NOT THE TEXTURE OF THE REAL WEAPON IN YOUR HANDS...but it is something that I'm considering...) .
______Please, do not care about two things in this alpha:
...........................1st, the huge size of the new dds (128 mo instead of 32): IT IS BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO COMPRESS DDS FILES. I REALLY need help about it, so any photoshop expert is very welcomed to give a hand.
............................2nd, some icons parts will be overlapping others (bits of shadows/rifle tips here and there). No need to report that, as I will clean it in due time.
______70+ icons remade:
...........................Check the Vintorez/Saiga/Val/Vikhr/Vykhlop(?)/M4/Famas/PPs(19-2000-bizon) and so many more: hell, I should charge for all this! XD. From simple cleaning to complete replacement, through contrast adjustments, relightning, beveling(?), re-sharpening, shading, oiling... (like ancient greek athletes for more sexiness ;) ))
...........................I very much need feedback, hence that early release. I had to take painful artistic decisions about making some icons...cooler than the real weapon in your hand. Sorry, that's for your eye's sake! But I'm really open to redo them these days if you let me know of which one you'd like redone.
______Some are too dark? saturated? plasticky? shitty? Feel free to comment!
..........................For once someone asks and cares about your opinion! :D
..........................Please: if you use your enb to make up for the tern/dark aspect of the game with full brightness and vibrance, YOU MAY HAVE FUNKY ICONS. Oversaturation (too colorful), overexposition (too bright)...This is something I'm trying to streamline, BUT everyone is using different parameters with their ENB so...I NEED FEEDBACK TOO HERE.
______Use Debug mod:
...........................Check the box on Anomaly launcher to have it easier for you to check on all the weapons (hit F7 in game, item spawner, weapons, and take some INTO YOUR INVENTORY! They'll look very dark if you judge them only in that debug background).
...........................Vanilla Version (no icons mod installed)
...........................QOL Icons Version (awesome icons made by Digitalifeless that I recommend you go check if you don't know already; I personally use them)
...........................Vanilla Version_More brightness/colors
...........................QOL Icons Version_More brightness/colors
...........................I STRONGLY suggest you try out one of the More brightness/colors versions, as the in-game vanilla icons/inventory are awfully dim/dark with tern colors. If you don't like it, just go...use the normal version ;) AND MAKE SURE you check your ENB before complaining about oversaturation and such.
............................The final release should be made compatible with MOST OTHER ICONS MODS. BUT, as stated above, my problem is about compressing that dds file that contains the icons. Being now 128 Mo, I CANNOT release 8 different versions for this alpha (do the maths: 8 x 128 = about 1 go, and that's too much).
............................So, if you use the "Boomsticks and sharpsticks" mod, you still can install the QOL version, as by defaut B&s icons are present there (but sorry if you don't like the new QOL icons...go complain to Digitalifeless about it XD).
............................Remember this is ALPHA, so if you can't stand QOL icons or Vanilla icons for now, just install for a quick look and desinstall until full version.
.............................I'm no pro at this, take no money for it, and do it for the love of it (and Jesus's); I'm a simple one trying to add some prettiness to a dark world...So don't be a D. I. C. K...hater.
(for noobs only; Veterans/mods addicts need not look here for anything special: install as usual)
______WARNING: Make a backup of your gamedata folder in case you would like to revert to before you used the mod; better still: use JSGME to install mods, as it makes life easier adding/removing any of them).
______Download the .rar/zip file.
______Extract using any unzipping soft.
______Open the folder of your choice (CHOOSE ONE ONLY -- according to the icon mod you use or Vanilla version if none used) and copy the "gamedata" folder to your main Anomaly folder (E.g.: C:/Games/Anomaly/). Overwrite or fusion if prompted to do so.
______Launch game and check the new icons: you can tell which ones are modified by the shadow they now display beneath them. Cool, eh? XD
A few nights ago I had a dream. I dreamt that the Zone was filled with beautiful weapon icons and that the whole world rejoiced about it, that mutants and stalkers alike fell in each other arms crying in front such sight of glory... Then I saw a giraffe driving a supercar in the streets of Monaco...
Well, anyway, after waking up myself in tears, I quickly went kneeling onto the floor and started praying to Jesus for this dream to come true, and He appeared before me! Oh yes fellow stalkers: doubt me not, for I speak the truth. He shows His Holy face to the worthy ones whom truly believe! And thus He talked:
“Ye shall make an ass-kicking add-on or I shall kick your ass. Do it to bring my words to the Zone so that the lost souls living there fear no more and know of my presence among them forever in the form of nice retextured fireknobs."
Then He showed to me a blazing AK that He produced out of thin air and said to me: "Dat is cool Kalash, heh?" And I was: "Indeed my Lord, indeed" and indeed I felt a tingling in my heart and in my pants.
But my heart full of questions too, like what is the purpose of human beings on earth or is Rihanna single, I didn't ask Google but instead to him I questionned why He didn't make all this madness in the Zone disappear rather than anything else, but He said He had to leave quickly because of His Holy Lamborghini being badly stationed and that He was NOT to pay a fine again...
And with those words still ringing to my ears: "Dat is cool Kalash, heh?" He departed. So here I am fellow stalkers, talking in the name of the Lord and bringing to you a few preview pics of that on-going project of His, the Dat Is Cool Kalash project.
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6.37 votes submitted.
Is this a mod or a god damn meme? Lol
cant it be both ?
"To be able to raise my D. I. C. K. to full extent, I will need a hand or two"
Have you named the add-on just for that joke?
Also for weapon icons I think this one's pretty solid:
Yeah, sure; I use this one currently, but still I find the weapon sector to be wanting, won't you agree?? Don't tell me you can't see the difference between his/her and mine! They retain they dirty look for the most part and don't really seem to be streamlined, while i intend to enhanced the whole lot of them. Look at the previews!!! I even have a lightsaber!! Lol, no seriously, they are beautiful icons but the weapons remain uneven and bad for the most part; I will add some prettiness and goodness to all (bevel, lighting, denoise, recolouring, shadow... A real man's work for manly men whom like to have more than their knife and di*k to go out in the Zone --they want a pretty weapon too).
not sure, some icons are way too dark (HK416, VSS, FAMAS)
But the shadows is a cool feature
And I was about to actually remove the shadow...^^ About the rest, if you read carefully description, you'll see I mentioned those problems: this is just the beginning and some testers; I applied in game and indeed FAMAS and HK are WAY too dark. Vinto is cool, though, less saturation and glowyness only needed I think. But this is all about taste and preferences, which is why I'm gonna soon launch a test campaign to get people's feedback about my D. I. C. K. textures...:)
There is a lot to read and I happened to be an illiterate peasant. Good luck with the progress.
People don't have time for anything anymore nowadays...XD Thx friend ;)
Brother, I tell you, I had to fight myself in order not to make them all at once (talking about the jokes); you can't imagine how many more are coming XD. But I feel Jesus made all this purposefully: there's no random with Him.
The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community needs more people like you.
Really O_o' XD
- Addon does not contain the actual, neccesary files.
- Addon uses stolen icons from from digitallifeless.
- Low quality and effort work.
Since the comment was posted the author insulted others that critiqued his work by calling them idiots, fools and humiliated them different ways. At the same time he didn't point out any valid counter-arguments. I will respond to his words when he starts showing respect.
uh oh
Thxs for feedback my good sir; this will come in handy ;)
For JSRS stuff, just look it up in the Arma 3 workshop. I think its been taken over by someone else now but the original guy gave off a really douchey vibe so I doubt it.
Although, double bad luck, it is licensed as no derivative work, especially non-arma.
Nice! Thx you so much for passing by and letting me know mate :) But now I'm wondering if it won't be the same problem using that JSRS from Arma...I mean, AM I REALLY THE ONLY ONE NOT LIKING THE FACT THAT MOST 5.56 SOUND THE SAME?? I love the new ambiance but, if the Arma version is like this one version here for Anomaly, firing a Famas will sound the same as firing a FN2000...Don't know, thx anyway, I appreciate the info ;)
EDIT: Don't know if making custom sounds MYSELF while keeping the original arrangement of the mod (file structure) would still be considered copyright infrangment...Anyway, guess I'll have to contact JSRS mod maker(s).
Regarding June 5th update.
Almost all same issues.
- This time the author has stolen 3 sets of icons (,,, instead of just one. No credits given, no links in this excessively long description.
- Low quality and effort of the work. Changed icons look in most cases worse than before. Too plastic, glass or with "broken perspective". Previews looks better.
ps. let's see how I'm going to be insulted and humiliated by the author now by expressing my opinion, which he says he cares about.
Oh man, how I love you.
Not only do you behave like a spoiled kid, but you persist. A shame, really, as I thought u were a more serious and caring kind of guy judging from the senseful comments I saw u posting here and there.
But I guess your ego's hurt now and that made u lose all kind of honesty/courage/clarity of mind (or simple kindness?), not even willing to read sth that would take u 10 min of ur life and spare 10 others coming BACK here engaging yourself in senseless talk, AGAIN.
So for ur sake I won't answer what that "excessively long description" does marvellously :D...
Be advised, though, that, while leaving this comment untouched, I'll delete any other you dare post from now on, as u seem to be here with the sole intent of avenging your self by unfair/biaised/vengeful comments. For ur sake, do not burry yourself in that attitude, recognize you're acting like an...IDIOT (YESSSSSS; A THOUSAND TIMES, YES!!).
If willing to do so, we'll have a civilized conversation, where even the most awful adjective you would put behind my "work" will be estimated and respected (I have the same feeling about some of my icons you know -- plastic feel and so on--, but only if you read the...bah, forget it.)
That was my "right to answer". Enough of it all, though. Le's move on and indeed forget it all already. Have a nice one.
The dude is retard. Why u care? U lose time here, I want more icons :)can u plz make more guns? USP, glock
And the Ash? plz :)
Yeah, but come on! The guy seems an *** here ONLY. He wants his little revenge because he felt hurt in the 1st place, so now he goes as low as to point out ridiculous and false stuff like stolen work, etc,. MAN, go check QOL icons and tell me if he credits his mod COMPATIBILITIES! LOL. Even the guy who uploaded B&s (Mitch) put in it the New icons mod without even notifying anyone, which had me use it then by defaut, without even knowing! Double lol. Worst thing though is that ALL THIS is explained in the LENGHTY, OH LENGHTY! description... That's a feat, then, to come here and write what he writes...A clown, yes.
So I'm not gonna address his "problems" here; just that stolen stuff needs be cleared because it maddens me a bit, yes, but above all is gonna be believed by ppl. These icons are the ones I play with. I got them first through B&s, then through QOL. These are the ones I modify; I'm a simple gal trying to make them look better and sharing the stuff as I progress. This is no "pro"/paying version of an artist work. I only happen to know how to handle photoshop, that's all. THAT ALSO IS IN DESCRIPTION. See, I'm losing time here. If he wants and reads this, I repeat, I have no quarrel with him. Let him be as kind as he is to others, understanding this is amateur's work, and lending me an hand --serious hand--, to help me get this thingy better. Here, he comes and say outright: "this is sh*t". lol. "Icons are worst/better in previews..."These are the same!! XD
BUT...I'm being unfair here. I said I would delete his further comments and that we should stop the fight here, while I continue without giving him a chance to answer. So I'll stop.
Yes, sorry for the novel above; quite a show, eh? XD. Yes for guns, I'll go this way then (u mean pistols right?).
What is ash?
Russian gun
Man...come on, tell me u joking!!
Haha I'll show in the file u gave me
I tried this version and all the icons, even the default ones look off. Don't get me wrong, when I looked at the .dds they all were fantastic but ingame almost all icons even the unmodified non-gun ones have faint white-ish outlines around them, maybe some rendering artifact.
Also many gun-icons have a cut off shadow since the shadow exceeds the little rectangle where the weapon-icon resides in.
Yes, thanks shootyAssBeeter for the feedback; both issues are addressed actually at the very start of the edit/update section and even more below, but this is very long description so I forgive you for missing it ;)
Basically, I still am awaiting for Photoshop experts to let me know on how to edit/export .dds files; this is all compression issue I think, even though this is an uncompressed .dds I packaged for this alpha O_o'. XD Hopefully by the time I complete all icons, I'll have inputs and a solution about the matter -which is something that should still be visible in the .dds itself when you open it for viewing actually; not sure how you missed it :P.
And about pieces and bits of other icons here and there, I am aware of it, and again, I'll have it cleaned for full release.
Thx ;)