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I'm giving a preview of the demo I plan to release next weekend.

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Next weekend I'm releasing a scaled off demo version of the game. Think of it as a sandbox for some of the features that are in the engine so far.

There will be one weapon and one level with a character/target dummy in it. On the weapon you can toggle suppressor and laser point on and off, and you can control the time rate (slow motion) of the level.

New things since my last update are mostly tweaks on graphics and particles. Including random colorization of the character clothes, new graphics for wounds and more.

I'm posting a video showing a preview of the demo. Check back next weekend for the playable demo!

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Cake!:D - - 1,858 comments


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Chosenlama - - 148 comments

YAY! Thanks for that!

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SPY-maps - - 2,912 comments

finally a new update, thank you for that!
just the other week i thought; why don't i hear anything anymore about that game? and here you are, even promising a demo next week!!

i do wonder, what this demo will be all about. is it just like what you show above, that a pistol is in the air, and with that you can shoot a figure with it that dies. or will there be a real level.

Because the video above does show stuff that we could see last year already. although i do believe you when you say you have been working on particles, graphics etc.

hope there will be more by now, but even when you haven't developed much more, i still will download the demo!


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isbeorn Author
isbeorn - - 836 comments

Yeah sorry. I can hear you want more. :)

The demo will be what you see in that video. There is still no gameplay and that's my curse; I get stuck in details and technicalities and I refine them over and over. I haven't been working on it much the past 5 or 6 months so I understand that it seems to still be the same. But now it's rekindled again. If I can just keep my own interest in it there will be gameplay to come.

My reasoning is starting to become maybe I should make some sacrifices to get a bit of gameplay... and save the other bits for later.

So the purpose of the demo is primarily to keep your interest. The demo is a sandbox and I have some more things almost done that will get thrown into it the next few weeks as well.

Thanks for taking the time, I really appreciate it!

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SPY-maps - - 2,912 comments

i am a modder myself, and i can understand what you mean with loosing yourself in details. it is always a bit scary to go on with new things in a project. still, ones you have started with them a whole new world opens up and it will make it much more pleasant to keep continuing with it. at least that is my experience, i always have a bit of trouble ones one level is finished and i have to start with a new one. that always takes a day or 2 or 3 before i know how to start the next segment of the gameplay. and ones you have gone on i am pretty sure that maybe you can trow out stuff that you have added so detailedly, so maybe that is also a reason to go on with new things.

keep up the great work, this work of you is really refreshing and i am quit sure that ones it is finished it will have quit a lot of people who want to play it!!


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