Post news Report RSS DN3D Savior of Babes Available Now!!

The first release of Savior of Babes is now available for download. This is a pre 1.0 release so there's still room for improvement and plenty more features and additions to be added. I wanted to get it out there and get some feedback from you guys before going further so here's the first release. Enjoy.

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PLAYER **********************************************************************
Added a footstep and landing sound effect system that takes texture type into account.
You now start with infinite Jetpack.
You now start with infinite Scuba Gear.
You now start with infinite Nightvision.
You now start with infinite Protective Boots.
You start with 100 points of armor when starting a new game.
If the player is killed normally without being gibbed Duke will drop a nuke for one last attack on his killers.
You can now use some jetpack thrust for a double jump by tapping the JUMP Button again once you have already jumped.
The player no longer cracks their knuckles when idle for too long.
When the player is damaged HUD Indicators will point in the direction the attacks causing damage are coming from.
Added more sounds to the list of Duke VO lines that play when picking up weapon pickups.
Set all Duke VO lines to the highest priority if they were not already set there.
Improved the third person view mode by adding some zoom to it.

BLOOD AND GORE **************************************************************

New Gore System

Blood splats can be created on floors, walls, and ceilings.
Added new modern blood effects.
Added sound effects to gibs when impacting the floor.
Dead enemy corpses can be shot until they explode.
Added green blood effects for enemies with green blood.
Added green blood effects for empty female pods and eggs.
Added new custom gib sprites for all enemy types.
Blood drips from ceilings if blood touches the ceiling.
Chunks of meat can get stuck to walls and ceilings where it will fall to the floor at random.
Added new wall blood splat decals.
Added squishy sound effects when the player walks over gibs.
Replaced original JIBS actors with new JIBS projectile actors that bounce and fall properly to keep from getting stuck in midair.

ENEMIES *********************************************************************
Enemies no longer drop weapons and instead drop ammo pickups.
When walking on shrunken enemies, you no longer look down to crush them unless they are a boss or a non-generic enemy type.
New Beasts now fires a beam of blue energy projectiles that deal heavy damage.
Lesser enemy types can now be pushed by bullet based projectiles.
Reduced Turrets' health amounts.
Reduced Drone's health amount.
Pressing the USE Button when a Protozoid Slimer is on your face will kill it.
Added new death animations for Liztroopers.
Added a new death animation for Lizmen.
Added a new death animation for Pigcops.
Added a new death animation for Octabrains.
Added a new death animation for Commanders.
Commanders have a small chance of spawning in enemy allies of various types to assist them when taking damage.
Pigcops now have a 50% chance of dropping armor.
Can no longer attack the player when shrunk.
When falling, frozen enemies will explode when they hit the floor.
Increased all boss health values.
Added an expanding sound effect to enemies when their shrunk time is over.
Added spark bullet impact effects for Pig Tanks.
Added spark bullet impact effects for Pig Recons.
Pig Tanks leave behind a smoldering husk when destroyed.
When a Pigcop is not spawned by a destroyed Pig Tank the smoldering husk of the Tank will have blood on it.
Pig Recons leave behind a smoldering husk when destroyed.
Liztroops, Pigcop variants, and Lizmen variants can no longer survive underwater.
Protozoid Slimers can no longer be frozen.
Liztroop Captains now have their own set of sprites, fire a triple firelaser volley when attacking with their gun, and can fire a mortar when on foot.


Liztroops have a chance to be swapped out with Pig Beasts at the start of a map.


Pig Beasts are extremely aggressive fast moving enemies with lots of health and a very deadly bite attack.
When spawned underwater at map start Liztroops will be swapped out with Scuba Liztroops.


Scuba Liztroops have a little more health then standard Liztroops and can move very well and survive underwater.
Pigcops have a chance to be swapped out with Heavy Pigcops at the start of a map.


Heavy Pigcops are a little slower with more health and aggression then the original Pigcop and they wield a minigun.
Pigcops have a chance to be swapped out with Pig Bosses at the start of a map.


Pig Bosses are huge overly aggressive variants of the Pigcop with more health, speed, and a close range melee attack and machinegun/mortar cannon for ranged combat.
Lizmen have a chance to be swapped out with Rocket Lizmen at the start of a map.


Rocket Lizmen has more health and more aggression then the original Lizmen and they wield a rocket launcher arm attachment.
Lizmen have a chance to be swapped out with Lizman Bosses at the start of a map.


Lizman Bosses are huge extremely aggressive variants of the Lizman with more health, speed, and dual chainguns and rpg/mortar cannons for ranged combat as well as the ability to lay proximity mines.
Octabrains have a chance to be swapped out with Megabrain Bosses at the start of a map.


Megabrain Bosses are huge overly aggressive variants of the Octabrain with more health, speed, and the ability to shoot several different types of projectiles including a homing plasma ball.
Protozoid Slimer Eggs have a chance to be swapped out with Devourer Bosses at the start of a map.


Devourer Bosses are huge aggressive enemies with lots of health and the ability to fire volleys of deadly spikes and lay Protozoid Slimer Eggs.
Added footstep sound effects for enemies.
Pigcops can now shoot smoke grenades to blind your vision when at a distance.
Added some transparency to frozen enemies.
Liztroops and Liztroop Captains no longer drop ammo when killed.
Battlelord sub bosses now have a chance of being swapped out with Overlord sub bosses.
Suffering Liz Troops and Liz Captains can now be killed with all weapon types and won't die the same way every time like they used to.
Suffering Liz Troops and Liz Captains now spurt blood from their bodies as they wait to die.

MAPS ************************************************************************
All maps have been packed full of huge enemy counts and some nice new secrets thrown in here and there.

Hordes of Alien Scum

Added intro cutscenes to the starting maps of episodes 1-3 and other various maps.
Added a secret weapon to E1L3.
Added a secret weapon to E2L7.
Added a secret weapon to E3L4.
Added a secret weapon to E4L5.

ITEMS ***********************************************************************
Night Vision Goggles now light up dark areas.
Your screen will shift when using a jetpack while moving around.
Your MedKit automatically starts healing you if your health is lower than 100.
When your health is 100 or higher and you have a Portable Medkit in your inventory that is not at 100%, picking up health pickups will replenish some of your Portable Medkit.
When your health is 200 and you have a Portable Medkit in your inventory that is not at 100%, picking up Atomic Health will replenish some of your Portable Medkit.
Picking up an Atomic Health powerup not only gives you 50 health points but it also gives you Atomic Damage for 30 seconds.
Atomic Health can be picked up even if the player's health is at 200, the Medkit is at 100%, or the player does not have a Medkit to enable Atomic Damage.
The original NIGHTVISION Button has been renamed to MANUAL_NIGHTVISION.
Replaced the LOOKLEFT Button with an AUTO_NIGHTVISION Button that enables and disables Auto Nightvision which will force night vision to automatically turn on when in dark sectors and turn off when in lit up sectors.
While on Steroids the player is invulnerable to damage.
Using Steroids while shrunk will make you grow back to your normal size.
When using Steroids, you will have immense strength and will attack only with your Mighty Duke weapon that has its own set of attacks.
When using Steroids kill enemies to gain more Steroid Time.
Jetpack item pickups have been replaced with Overclock Protocol item pickups.
Overclock Protocol item pickups will cause all cooldown meters to refresh twice as fast for 3 minutes.
Protective Boots item pickups have been replaced with Death Drone item pickups.
Death Drone item pickups will add an allied drone to your side that will hover overhead and attack nearby enemies for 30 seconds.
Nightvision item pickups are replaced with the Almighty Lance item pickup when outdoors and Spider Mine pickups when indoors.
Scuba Gear item pickups have been replaced with Spider Mine item pickups.
The Almighty Lance can be stored in your inventory one at a time and when used will bring down a surgical laser strike for 15 seconds from an overhead satellite ion cannon in space that will decimate any targets under your crosshair if the crosshair is pointing to a location that is outside and not too close to your position.
The Almighty Lance will deliver a powerful Final Strike at the end of the beam's lifetime that has a bigger blast radius and damage output.
Replaced the LOOKRIGHT Button with an ALMIGHTY_LANCE Button that engages the Almighty Lance item when outside.
Spider Mines can be stored in your inventory up to 5 at a time and when used will launch a Spider Mine that then seeks out nearby enemies and detonates itself when close to them.
Spider Mines can be recollected by walking up to them and pressing the USE Button.
Replaced the MEDKIT Button with a SPIDER_MINE_LAUNCHER Button that engages the Spider Mine Launcher.
Added HUD icons to signify when a Holoduke or Steroids are in your inventory.
The Holoduke clone now detects and electrocutes nearby enemies but be careful not to be close to it when it attacks an enemy or you may get shocked too.
Added a lot of actors to the list of actors that get highlighted when using Night Vision because of the heat they put off.

WEAPONS *********************************************************************
The Expander weapon has been completely removed from the game.

Jetpack Additions -
An automatic defense system called Danger Close has been added to your Jetpack that engages dual shotgun cannons for close range encounters (Recharges after a few seconds and can be fired manually with the DANGER_CLOSE Button).
A Pipe Bomb Launcher has been added to the Jetpack that can be used by pressing the PIPEBOMB_LAUNCHER Button (Recharges after 10 seconds).
An Artillery Strike can be called in when outside using the ARTILLERY_STRIKE Button to lay down a barrage of HE and Napalm explosives in a straight path in front of you (Recharges after 3 minutes).
A Shrink Device has been added to the Jetpack that can be used by pressing the ENGAGE_SHRINK_DEVICE Button which will shrink you at will and restore you back to your normal size at will.
A Bullet Time Device has been added to the Jetpack that can be used by pressing the ENGAGE_BULLET_TIME Button that will slow down time for 10 seconds after you have racked up 30 kills to fill the bullet time counter.

Three buttons have been added to control the different fire modes for each weapon:
FIRE_MODE_1 Button
FIRE_MODE_2 Button
FIRE_MODE_3 Button

Desert Eagle

WEAPON#1 = Desert Eagle / Close Quarters Melee Combat
Press the Weapon_1 Button to toggle between the Desert Eagle and Close Quarters Melee Combat.
The Desert Eagle has infinite ammo.

Desert Eagle
Fire Mode 1 - Fires the Desert Eagle until the magazine is empty and then reloads the gun.
Fire Mode 2 - When the magazine is full, fires a heavy round that imbeds a timed explosive into the enemy that is hit, and uses up all the rounds in the magazine and then reloads the gun.
Fire Mode 3 - Reloads the gun manually.

Close Quarters Melee Combat
Fire Mode 1 - Throws a left punch.
Fire Mode 2 - Throws a right punch.
Fire Mode 3 - Kicks with either the left or right leg.

American Pig

WEAPON#2 = American Pig
A belt fed 7.62mm M60 machine gun with an underslung mounted Grenade Launcher that can fires bouncing 40mm HE or 40mm Poison Gas grenades.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires the M60 machine gun.
Fire Mode 2 - Fires the Grenade Launcher at the cost of 20 rounds.
Fire Mode 3 - Toggles between 40mm HE and 40mm Poison Gas grenades.

Shrapnel Storm

WEAPON#3 = Shrapnel Storm
A semi auto flak cannon that can load up and fire multiple shells at once.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires two rounds at a time from the magazine.
Fire Mode 2 - Fires all the rounds that are in the magazine with a larger spread.
Fire Mode 3 - Loads 20 shells into the magazine if the current ammo count is 20 or more, but if there are less than 20 rounds it loads whatever ammo is left into the magazine.

Meat Grinder

WEAPON#4 = Meat Grinder
A dual three barreled 50 Cal minigun cannon that has a built-in reflective shield defense system.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires the cannon at a high rate of fire using up 8 rounds with a single pull of the trigger.
Fire Mode 2 - Fires the cannon with a highly reduced spread at an even higher rate of fire using up 14 rounds or more with a single pull of the trigger.
Fire Mode 3 - Engages and disengages a reflective shield that can block most enemy projectiles for a total time of 10 seconds before recharging is needed.

Four Horsemen

WEAPON#5 = Four Horsemen
A heavy rocket launcher with the ability to fire heat seeking missiles and a tactical nuclear missile.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires a single missile at a decent rate of fire.
Fire Mode 2 - Fires a single heat seeking missile.
Fire Mode 3 - Charges up and fires a nuclear missile at the cost of 40 rounds that delivers a very heavy payload and requires a 30 second cooldown before reuse is possible.

Long Strike

WEAPON#6 = Long Strike
A railgun with high accuracy that also has a built-in scope and the ability to deal very heavy damage.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires a standard railgun projectile when Aim Assist is deactivated, and an aim assisted railgun projectile when Aim Assist is activated at the cost of 3 rounds of ammo.
Fire Mode 2 - Activates and deactivates aim assist when there are at least 3 rounds of ammo available, keep enemies inside of aim assist reticle for optimal aim assist efficiency.
Fire Mode 3 - Toggles the built in scope on and off.

Zsalinski Culverin

WEAPON#7 = Zsalinski Culverin
A high-tech alien device that can both shrink and expand enemies and release allied Protozoid Slimers to kill your enemies.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires a large shrinker projectile that explodes shrinking anything caught in its blast radius.
Fire Mode 2 - Fires a volley of expander projectiles that cause anything caught in their path to expand and eventually explode.
Fire Mode 3A - Fires a barrage of allied Protozoid Slimers that will seek out and eat smaller enemies or explode when near bigger enemies (If enemies are not around, they will attack the player).
Fire Mode 3B - Detonates any allied Protozoid Slimers that are still alive and clears the chamber to fire another barrage of allied Protozoid Slimers.

Inhuman Devastator

WEAPON#8 = Inhuman Devastator
An exo weapons platform that enhances Duke's jumping abilities and fall damage capabilities that also gives him the use of twin 20mm auto cannons and rocket launchers.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires the dual 20mm auto cannons.
Fire Mode 2 - Fires the dual rocket launchers that are like the original Devastator.
Fire Mode 3 - Fires a Mobile Artillery system at the cost of 10 rounds that rains down explosives in front of you and requires a 15 second cooldown before reuse is possible.

Syphon Chamber

WEAPON#9 = Siphon Chamber
A full auto super-heated plasma cannon that can build up stored energy for an explosive release and can also create a Blackhole that will suck in all nearby enemies.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires bouncing plasma projectiles at a high rate of fire and charges up the Heat Blast Gauge on the side of the gun.
Fire Mode 2 - Releases energy in the Heat Blast Gauge dealing heavy damage to all nearby enemies and deals more damage when the gauge is full.
Fire Mode 3 - Creates a blackhole on any surface you fire at that sucks in nearby enemies until they are completely removed from existence at the cost of 50 rounds and requires a 30 second cooldown period.

Death Chem

WEAPON#10 = Death Chem
A futuristic chemical thrower that doubles as a freeze thrower and a flamethrower.

Fire Mode 1 - Fires a stream of either ice or fire depending on which mode is selected.
Fire Mode 2 - Fires an explosive projectile that deals either radial ice or fire damage depending on which mode is selected.
Fire Mode 3 - Toggles between ice or fire mode.

Mighty Duke
Using Steroids engages this mighty weapon. Keep an eye on the Strength Gauge so you can pull off the Stomp attack for devastating results. Landing from a jump also creates a shockwave for some heavy damage.

Fire Mode 1: Punches rapidly causing heavy damage.
Fire Mode 2: Charges into enemies causing heavy damage.
Fire Mode 3: When the Strength Gauge is ready, performs a stomp attack that creates a line of destruction straight out in front of you.

MISCELLANEOUS ***************************************************************


Added a new variable near the top of the USER.CON file called REMOVEGIBS that will help to smooth out frame rate issues related to gibs and debris.
Added a new variable near the top of the USER.CON file called MAXACTORS that governs when a sprite purge occurs to keep from getting a "too many sprites" crash.
Added a new variable near the top of the USER.CON file called MINFPSPURGE that governs when a random sprite purge occurs to try and keep the frame rate from dropping below the set amount.
Added new smoke effects for bullet impacts.
Added new smoke effects for explosions.
Added sound effects to debris when impacting the floor.
Added screen shaking to explosions when the player is within a certain range.
Added new logos, intro videos, and menu screens.
Added smoke effects to small and large fires created in maps.
Added HD skyboxes.
Added new sprites for various fire and explosion effects.
Updated a lot of particle effect sprites with glow effects and HD variants.
Added lots of HD art for menus and the HUD.
Added a new bullet impact sound effect system that takes texture type into account.
Added a new bullet impact debris system that takes texture type into account.
Added new blast and burn mark decals.
Added new bullet impact spark flash sprites for metal surfaces.
Added spark bullet impact effects for various map objects.
When underwater smoke effects from rockets, bullet impacts, grenades, etc. have been replaced with bubbles.
When underwater explosion effects look different.
Added some spark particle effects to explosions.
Captured babes can now be saved by pressing the USE Button when near them to free them.
Saved babes drop one or more items at random ranging from health/armor pickups to ammo pickups that depend on which weapons you have in your inventory.
Added HQ sound effects for all vanilla sound effects.
Reorganized key bind menu to place new SOB specific buttons at the top of the list and removed unnecessary buttons like the STRAFE Button and the MEDKIT Button.
Added a fire overlay to the main title screen.
Replaced original SCRAP actors with new SCRAP projectile actors that bounce and fall properly to keep from getting stuck in midair.
Added upscaled sprites for every sprite in the game and mod.
Cheat Codes for weapons, items, or everything gives you the new SOB inventory items and can also replenish weapon cooldowns.
Added texture type specific debris when explosions are near floors or ceilings.
Added explosion extension effects for map objects and some enemy deaths.
Added ground dust effects that appear when Duke is using the jetpack and is close to the floor.
Added ground dust effects that appear when you shoot certain heavy fire modes with different weapons.
Certain heavy fire modes with certain weapons will push the player back a bit from the recoil.
Actors highlighted when using Night Vision have a greener tint.
Glass debris now leaves behind glass shards on the floor that have their own bouncing sound effects and make crunching sounds when you walk on them.
Added a CAMERA_PAN_LEFT and a CAMERA_PAN_RIGHT button that allows you to control cameras when looking through them via a camera monitor.

Post comment Comments
SweetRamona - - 5,120 comments

Awesome! Downloading now! 😺

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,973 comments

Have fun.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Muleke_Trairao - - 249 comments

This looks insanely cool! :O

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Colerx - - 199 comments


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Guest - - 693,588 comments

Please, add support for 4:3 screen resolutions, otherwise this just goes completely off the monitor. Which makes it unplayable.

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,973 comments

What goes off the screen?

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Guest - - 693,588 comments

My fault mostly.
At first, when I started the game, it basically showed only the left half of the screen, and I quickly found myself unable to change resolution via the option menu. Then I forced my 4:3 resolution modifying the eduke32.cfg file and from then on it seems to work pretty fine.

As a bug report, when running in 4:3, for some reason the Long Strike weapon sprite is completely off-centered to the left.

Apart from this, I am having a blast!!

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,973 comments

Ok good. I’ll check out 4:3 resolutions for the next release and see if anything can be done. Thanks for the kind words and enjoy.

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Guest - - 693,588 comments

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,121 comments


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