16. yüzyılda Yavuz Sultan Selim’in yönettiği Osmanlı Devleti'i ile beraber tüm dünya devletlerini konu alan bir mod. Avrupa, Asya, Arap yarımadası derken tüm dünyayı içinde barındıran ve gerçekçi yapısıyla ortaya konulan dünya haritasında Osmanlıya yardım etmeyi mi seçeceksin, yoksa kendi yolunu mu çizeceksin? Karar senin, heyecanlı bir serüvene hoş geldin.

RSS Reviews

ripleyland says

Agree Disagree

This mod needs a complete overhaul. Frankly it is a hot mess. The idea of a full world mod, or half world in this case, is such an interesting idea but is always executed so poorly. First off, I'd recommend time uniformity with the assets, i.e. getting rid of all of the items(armors, weapons) that would not be in use at the time. You have units with chainmail and surcoats fighting with units in seventeenth century garb. It's incredibly silly to have this sort of mish-mash of assets. It's also an extreme eye-sore. The Spanish is the only one that is even halfway decent when pertaining to the early sixteenth century accuracy. I'd recommend looking to Zedpaolo's Renaissance mod and Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth for inspiration for assets concerning the European theater of your mod.



Agree Disagree

mükemmel bir mod :D


TakoBreAq says


JasperTedVidalTale says


PenetratorGod says