a homeworld2 mod from china and still in progress.DON'T EXTRACT my mods thanks.("please don't use my ships in your mod") powered by Xsystem.

nosfe666BE says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

Very nice mod , best ship models ever seen in a homeworld 2 mod.
New race game play are well made (aka Pixie and Pes).
But for me the best new race design the Pixie are way under powered you only get 250 RU's every 5 sec (and like only 4 main ships) , so to get the biggest ship it takes like 5 hours...and wen you upgrade your ship you lose your guns/shields ext (and ru's you spend on them).Pes are way too powerful and gain shitload of money really fast.the two other races are kind of well balanced except the big ships who one shots almost everything :p
The a.i in skirmish is insane, like they have 1 collector and makes loads of huge ships....and if you put a pixie as A.I they start with a different ship as yours(a carrier who makes shitloads of drones).
Multilayer does not work if you put an A.I(players who join the game get kicked with out of sync message)
the 2 game mode survival and defense are well done and fun to play but verry hard alone(specialy if you take Pixie)or just take the Pes and kill everything ^^

There is like a trading mode or somthing but its verry confusing(no idea what to do)

So verry nice mod , but need a lot of balancing