Since 1999 the XWA Upgrade is one of the most ambitious and longest-standing mods throughout the X-Wing Series, our goal: improve the visuals of the original game X-Wing Alliance by recreating the various ingame models with better graphics and, where applicable, more accuracy towards lore material. These are my humble contributions. With the introduction of hooks in the late 2010s the project has seen a renaisance and is more active and ambitious than it ever was, not only upgrding the ingame models but also vastly improving visuals and gameplay mechanics enabling a 20 year old game to stand tall among contemporary titles.

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Teaser: HD UI

Teaser: HD UI

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It's been a while since we last shown something, so we figured it's time to let you peak behind the curtain just a bit.

XWAU 2020 Mega Patch Update 5.5

XWAU 2020 Mega Patch Update 5.5


XWAU 2020 Mega Patch Update 5.5 is out now! Brand new versions of the A-wing, TIE Advanced x1, Escort Transport, X-wing changes, TIE improvements, Effects...