GENERAL INFO------------------- This is a Mod / Total conversion project based on the very popular megaman X and rockman series games. It is being developed to play using the Q3 engine, but has been heavily modified to include many new, exciting features. There has been alot of planning and design originality implemented into the gameplay already. Things like: Fully Customized character models and animations, 5 playable characters, Over 40+ weapons and attacks, A functioing Upgrade system with a list of player modifications, Custom Music and sounds, new levels, menu system and more. By the time the project is finished we want to see finished things like: Custom Designed Saber System for melee fighters, New item entities, Special FX's like dynamic lighting and an interactive environment, New music tracks, A working Ride Armour system with a basket full of other awsome game modes to play online. Alot of work has been focused into creating a similar gameplay system based on the original...

Forum Thread
July 2006 - Progress report (Games : Quake III Arena : Mods : X-Buster : Forum : X-B - Game Development : July 2006 - Progress report) Locked
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Jul 8 2006 Anchor

hmm...well, as most of you know, progress is at a semi - standstill, atleast in regards to gameplay structure and source code development. I've been fixing levels and have 3 good dm arena's about completed. I'll release them with the game when I can get that all orgranized. I've got a list a mile long of small changes which will better suit the game, eventually. hmm...This forum is a nice step away from the usual comments page discussions, I guess the next best thing will be to set up a forum on the actual webpage.

Aug 6 2006 Anchor

> Updated Capsule map model skin and shader, looks much better.
> Refined and compiled xbdm6 map, which helped reduce resource lags due to excess and useless details, Runs smoother except now Im recieing a Damn "SV_SetBrushModel: NULL" error and I've been trying to correct it to no avail. Its a good map and needs to work, I just can't seem to figure it out.
> Downloaded Q3gamesoure.exe and am planning on hopefully revising a simple menu deal.
> Started repair work on an old map I had started, should be able to save somthing from it.
> Been working on organizing files and paks for a beta release, still havn't reached a safe stage yet, but soon enough I hope. Thats the plan anywayz, once I can get these simple bugs worked out.

Alright, keep carin people !

Aug 8 2006 Anchor're still at this luke? im surprised..maybe we should talk.

Aug 26 2006 Anchor

Well, This is definately somthing I should have done awhile ago. Been re-vamping my old player skins, this one I call Forte-ctx...Oh and that map is a new one I just about finished now...

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Edited by: DonX

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