This is a custom campaign for freelancer. It tells the story of the Orin Federation's newest conflict.

Son_of_Ares800 says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

At first look, Wings of the Federation was a great surprise to the Freelancer modding community. While Singleplayer campaign changes have been done before, no one had done so much to it like masternerdguy has. Completely new sector, new factions, new storyline (not related at all to the vanilla campaign) even voiceovers, this mod brought a whole new form of modification to Freelancer.

Playability: 7.5
Starting a new game in Wings of the Federation, you are instantly jumped into action, fighting groups of enemies with small breaks in the action, allowing the player to refresh, before jumping them back into the fight. This proved to be one hell of a gamble in a game built for small periods of action with lots of travelling, one which turned out to be a rather great change.

However, this is also the biggest downfall of the mod. Removing the feature of which the game thrives on, freedom. Freedom which allows you to do just about whatever you want. This alone removes any form of replayability, which unfortunatly brings the score down.

Balance: 8
The difficulty scale on this is pretty consistant. All ships will always have the same loadout, your opponents will always have the same ships. The only real difficulty changes is the type of ship you will fight against, which is not often, and the amount of ships that you will fight.

Creativity: 8.5
This mod is full of creativity. No system is based in vanilla systems, factions have nothing to do with vanilla factions. Even the infocards of the ships are different from Vanilla. The only thing that is the same is environment colours and ships designs.

Map Design: 9
As stated before, all systems are different. The only real beef is that almost everywhere you fly is crowded with asteroids or other small space areas.

Story/Instructions: 9
Completely seperate from Vanilla, nothing to do with aliens. Only problem is replayability, which is very small

This is a great mod, different but great! I give it: 8.4 (Rounded to 8)