Welcome to the shield-wall. Hold firm your spear and your shield, the time for blood-letting is here. Whether you fight for the Allfather, Óðinn or for the Christ Almighty - now is your time, let forth the ravens of war! Vikingr strives to recreate the dark ages of Northern Europe. Choose to fight for Norðmenn, Engle, Normant, Goídil or the Eastern Rusĭ amongst the cold beauty of new, unforgiving landscapes.

Leofwine says

10/10 - Agree (5) Disagree

Vikingr effectively takes Warbands Native multiplayer and rips it apart, putting it back together in the mod teams vision and adding in a few bits on the way. In short Vikingr is well balanced, beautiful and very well put together. In long...see below;

I came to the mod jaded with Native's MP, getting tired of the spamathon that existed of archers & cavalry, the constant two-handed weapon 'swing-spam' performed by one-and-all. Vikingr was a last ditch attempt to have a go at multiplayer. After just a few matches it refired my lust to play Warband again, so much so that I now lead a Vikingr Clan and eagerly play the mod at least three times a week for as many hours as I can cram in.

The dedication of the mod team, their eagerness for feedback, to explain changes in patches and desire to bring a high-quality mod to people is outstanding. Not to be forgotten by far are the brilliant models & textures made for the mod, from the beauty of the langsaex to the glorious Rus mail armour. The maps, made with Polished Landscapes, are outstanding and with the new fog effect the atmosphere is superb.

On top of this the Community are a friendly group, eager to support the mod in any way they can, whether its historical research, texturing or mapping.

Best way to find out more is to play the mod itself! It's quite different to Native and might take a little while to get used to but it's worth playing.